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1、词汇专项练习中考英语词汇训练11. Lets go to_(一家) Chinese restaurant. 2. My elder brother is _ (一个) university student.3. The poor old man is _ (一个) honest person.4. The foreign visitors will be _(能) to come tomorrow. 5. Later a neighborhood told me _ (关于) him.6. Today there are _(大约) 900,000 people in this city.7.

2、 The planes were flying _ (在上) the clouds.8. _ _ (据说) Peter, shes a really good teacher.9. Mr Li is going to swim _ (横渡) the Changjiang River next week.10. _(行动) are more important than words. 11. If you _ 4 to 3 you get 7.12. Do you know his home _(住址).13. I am _(恐怕) you are wrong about that.14. Do

3、nt be _ _ (怕) the dog.15. The students in the school are not allowed to go out _(以后) dark.16. Ill call him _(以后) I get to the school. 17. There will be a meeting _ _ (今天下午).18. The singer sang the song _ _ _(一遍又一遍).19. Please put the ladder _(靠在) the wall.20. I havent seen her for a_ (很长时间). 21. A s

4、hort while _(之前), my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs. 22. The engineer _ _ (同意) the workers idea. 23. The engineer _ _ (同意) the worker. 24. Birds fly in the _ (空中). 25. My parents bought three _ (空调机).26. The road is_(全) covered with snow. 27. Hurry up! Its_(差不多) time

5、 for school. 28. The old lady was _ (独自) in the house.29. We went for a walk _(沿着) the river.30. She had _(已经) gone when I arrived. 31. _(虽然) they are poor the children are happy. 32. The United States of A_ is a big country.33. Can you lend me 2,000 _ _ (美元)?34. They live _(在之中) the mountains. 35.

6、She read for an hour _(然后) went to bed. 36. I came home late and my mother was _(生气).37. The forest is full of wild _(动物).38. I dont like this book, give me _ (另外) one.39. I telephoned this morning, but nobody _(接).40. He is taller than _ (任何) other boys in his class.41. Is there _(人) in the room?41

7、. Is there _ (什么东西) in that box? 在那盒子里有吗?42. You can go_ (任何地方) you like.43. I have come to _ _(道歉) you.44. _ _(苹果) a day keeps the doctor away.45. _ the first is Fools Day.46. There must be something wrong with my left _ (臂).47. They look _ (四周) but Mary is already gone. 48. The plane _ _ (到达) New

8、York at last.49. The girl is an _ (学美术的) student.50. The children are reading an _(文章) about a famous doctor.51. She works in the same building _ my sister. 52. He works _ a driver. 53. Then the secretary _(问) the lady if she was a relative of the manager.54. A red bus is stopping _(在) the bus stop.

9、 55. Give your whole _ _(注意力) what you are doing. 56. The eighth month of the year is _.57. _(姨母) Lena has just left for America. 58. The season of the year between summer and winter is _.59. The city is miles _(以外).60. Some _ (婴儿) cry during the night. 61. She sat at the _(后面) of the hall and could

10、nt hear clearly. 62. Smoking is _(有害) for your health. 63. Where is my school _(包).64. The earth looks like a _ (球) from space.65. Do you like _(香蕉)?66. Some people on the _ (河岸) called out to the man in the boat.67. There is a Peoples _ (银行) of China near my home.68. The young man likes singing in

11、the _ (浴室).69. Dont _ late for school again.70. In the end, I could not _(忍受) it. 71. We are now living in a _ (美丽) new house in the country. 72. _(因为) he is tired, he does not want to go with us. 73. His youngest daughter _ _ (已成为) a doctor.74. You should make your _ (床) before you go to school. 75. They have a large _ (卧室).76. _(在前) they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test.77. After running half a k



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