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1、安徽大学 硕士学位论文 我国海外直接投资管理法律制度的完善 姓名:申慧君 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:法学;国际法学 指导教师:汪金兰 2010-04 I 摘 要摘 要 海外直接投资是经济全球化发展的必然要求。一个国家要真正参与到世界 经济的大循环中,就必须深刻认识到不仅要重视吸引外国投资,也要重视向外 输出资本。进行海外投资和跨国经营,是当代生产社会化发展的必然趋势。发 展海外投资是我国向发达国家迈进的必经阶段,也是我国参与国际分工的重要 环节。当前的世界性经济金融危机不仅强化了发展对外直接投资的必要性,而 且降低了海外投资的成本。但是我国企业的海外投资之路并不平坦,中国企业 面临着众多的问题

2、和风险。这一方面要靠企业自身增强实力,另一方面则要靠 政府的适当管理与支持。毕竟,当今海外直接投资的竞争,已不仅是企业间的 竞争,也是国家间的竞争,更是政府和企业联合力量间的竞争。 从 20 世纪 80 年代允许海外投资以来,我国也陆续制定了一些管理制度。 特别是加入 WTO 后,随着海外投资的迅猛发展,我国也加快了管理海外投资的 立法进程。但总体上说,这些立法是滞后于海外投资的发展速度的,而且是政 策性规定居多,缺乏法律制度应有的透明度和前瞻性。 “走出去”的战略制定后, 各海外投资的主管部门为配合这一战略的实施,都纷纷出台了新的规定。这些 规定对之前较为严格的审批体制进行了较大幅度的改革,

3、扩大了海外投资主体 的范围,但仍然存在着立法位阶较低、多头管理、重复审批以及重审批轻监管 等问题,使海外投资的管理效用受到了限制。鉴此,我国目前的海外投资管理 法律制度仍有完善的空间。 海外投资管理制度一般包括审批制度、外汇管制制度、国有资产监管制度 和防止海外企业逃避税制度。但在具体制度安排上,发达国家和发展中国家存 在着差异。一般来说,发达国家奉行投资自由化政策,取消外汇管制,对本国 的海外投资审批较为宽松。而发展中国家则往往制定完备的海外投资管理立法, 对投资主体、审批条件和审批程序进行较为严格的控制。但近些年来,发展中 国家也在逐步的放松对海外投资的管制。目前,我国的海外直接投资发展迅

4、速, 在覆盖地域和涉及行业上都扩展很快,投资主体也日趋多元化。但在海外投资 存量中,绝大多数的投资都是由国有企业完成的,并集中在亚洲、拉美地区。 II 在投资类型上,新建投资、并购投资、研究开放型投资和战略联盟型投资都有 涉及,但主要还是前两种类型的投资,特别是海外并购被越来越多的企业采用。 与海外投资发展的进程相适应,我国海外投资的管理法律制度的形成也经历了 较长的过程。在海外投资的早期,我国主要通过政策对其进行管理,没有标准 的管理流程。随着投资规模的逐渐扩大,对外经济贸易部于 1992 年发布了关 于在境外举办非贸易性企业的审批和管理规定(试行) 。这一规范性文件和此 后的境外国有资产产

5、权登记管理办法 、 中华人民共和国外汇管理条例等 规范的通过,确立了海外投资的审批流程和部门分工,我国对海外直接投资管 理的基本法律制度得以建立。加入 WTO 后,海外投资各主管部门为配合 “走出 去”战略的实施,出台了一系列的规范,对我国的海外投资管理制度进行了较 大的改革。在事前管理上,改审批制为核准制,下放核准权限;先后取消了境 外投资外汇风险审查和境外投资利润保证金汇回制度;外汇资金来源的审核方 式由事前审查改为事后登记。在事后管理上,在加强对国有资产监管的同时, 开始对海外投资实行统计和年检制度,以更好的掌握境外投资的运营状况。但 改革后的我国海外投资管理制度仍然存在着海外投资管理立

6、法层级低,内容不 完备,海外并购的相关内容缺失;缺乏统一的海外投资管理部门,多头管理导 致效率低下;后期监管不力,国有资产家底不清,民营投资监管缺位等问题。 为进一步促进海外投资的健康发展,对海外投资管理法律制度进行完善非常必 要。当务之急是制定海外投资管理条例 ,以立法的方式确立海外投资管理的 原则、管理部门和管理体制。其他有关管理部门在条例的范围内,明确职责、 加强协调,减少审批事项、简化审批程序,加强后续监管。 关键词关键词:海外直接投资;管理;法律制度 III Abstract Today, it is a necessary requirement of globalization

7、to carry out foreign direct investment. A country, who really wants to participate in the great cycle of the world economy, must deeply understand the importance of exploiting foreign capital as well as exporting capital. Overseas investment and transnational business are inevitable trends of the so

8、cialization of production. Developing foreign direct investment ,is the necessary stage of China on its way to developed countries and the important part of participating in international labor division .The current global financial crisis not only reinforces the need of developing foreign direct in

9、vestment, but also reduces the cost. However, it is not a smooth road for Chinese enterprises to invest overseas. They are facing many problems and risks. To resolve these problems,on one hand,rely on these corporates self-reinforcement. On the other hand, rely on the governments proper regulation a

10、nd support. After all, the competition of todays foreign direct investment is not only the competition between enterprises but the competition between countries,especially between the joined forces of government and enterprises. From the 80s of last century, China began to allow overseas investment.

11、Since then,our government gradually formulated regulations in this area. Especially after the accession to WTO, with the rapid development of overseas investment, Chinas legislative process of overseas investment has been also accelerated. But, generally speaking, the legislation of our country lags

12、 behind the pace of overseas investment, and the majority is policy provisions, lack of transparency and Forward-looking. After the strategy of “Going out“ was introduced, departments who are responsible for overseas investment formulated mang new regulations. These regulations carried out a great r

13、eformation of former approval system, expanded the scope of overseas investors.Still, the regulation presences some problems,such as, the low rank of legislation, bull management, duplication and re-approval and other issues. The IV management effectiveness of overseas investment has been limited.In

14、 view of this, the current legal management system of overseas investment shoud be improved. The administration law of foreign direct investment typically consists of examination and approval system, foreign exchange control system, state-owned assets supervision system and the system to prevent for

15、eign companies to evade taxes. But there are differences between developed and developing countries about the specific institutional arrangements. In general, the developed countries pursue investment liberalization policies, they cancle foreign exchange controls and loose foreign investment approva

16、l. The developing countries often formulate a comprehensive legislation to control investor, investment entities and procedures. But in recent years, developing countries are gradually relaxing controls on foreign investment. At present, Chinas foreign direct investment are growing rapidly in coverage area and industry,and investors are becoming increasingly diversified,too. But the vast majority of thses investments are done by the state-owned enterprises and concentrated in Asi



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