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1、斯特林发动机斯特林发动机是一种闭循环活塞式热机,闭循环的意思是工作燃气一直保存在气缸内,而开循环则如内燃机和一些蒸气机需要与大气交换气体。斯特林发动机一般被归为外燃机。切图以外的菱形驱动器测试配置斯特林发动机的设计: * 粉红-热筒壁 * 深灰色-冷筒壁(与冷却进排气管在黄色) * 暗绿色-热绝缘分开的两个汽缸结束 * 浅绿色-置换活塞 * 深蓝色-功率活塞 * 淡蓝色-曲柄连杆和飞轮 没有表明:热源和热汇。 在此设计了置换活塞构造没有专门建造的再生 。 介绍斯特林发动机在热机中的效率目前是最高的,有时可以达到80%。In the conversion of heat into mechani

2、cal work, the Stirling engine has the potential to achieve the highest efficiency of any heat engine. It can theoretically perform up to the full Carnot efficiency, although not yet in practice. The practical limitations include the non-ideal properties of the working gas, and material properties su

3、ch as friction, thermal conductivity, tensile strength, creep, rupture strength, and melting point. The Stirling engine can run on any heat source, including chemical, solar, geothermal and nuclear. There are many possible implementations of the Stirling engine. Most fall into the category of recipr

4、ocating piston engine.In contrast to internal combustion engines, Stirling engines have the potential to use renewable heat sources more easily, to be quieter, and to be more reliable with lower maintenance. They are preferred for applications that value these unique advantages, particularly if the

5、the cost per unit energy generated ($/kWh) is more important than the capital cost per unit power ($/kW). On this basis, Stirling engines are cost competitive up to about 100 kW.3Compared to an internal combustion engine of the same power rating, Stirling engines currently have a higher capital cost

6、 and are usually larger and heavier. Their lower maintenance requirements make the overall energy cost comparable. The thermal efficiency is also comparable (for small engines), ranging from 15%-30%.3For applications such as micro-CHP, a Stirling engine is often preferable to an internal combustion

7、engine. Other applications include water pumping, space-based astronautics, and electrical generation from plentiful energy sources that are incompatible with the internal combustion engine, such as solar energy, and biomass such as agricultural waste and other waste such as domestic refuse. Stirlin

8、gs have also been used as a marine engine in Swedish Gotland class submarines. 4However Stirlings are generally not price-competitive as an automobile engine, due to high cost per unit power, low power density and high material costs.In recent years, the advantages of Stirling engines have become in

9、creasingly significant, given the rise in liquid fuel prices and concerns such as peak oil and climate change. Stirling engines address these issues by being very compatible with all renewable energy and fuel sources. These growing interests in Stirling technology have fostered the ongoing research

10、and development of Stirling devices, and R&D breakthroughs have in turn increased interest in the technology.If supplied with mechanical power, Stirlings can function in reverse as a heat pump for heating or cooling. Experiments have been performed using wind power driving a Stirling cycle heat pump

11、 for domestic heating and air conditioning. In the late 1930s, the Philips Corporation of the Netherlands successfully utilized the Stirling cycle in cryogenic applications.5Basic analysis is based on the closed-form Schmidt analysisgoogle翻译:斯特林发动机是一个封闭的循环蓄热式发动机,气体工质。 “封闭循环”是指工作流体内永久的发动机。工作流体是气体推动活塞

12、上。这种外部热发动机可以驱动任何热源。 “再生”是指利用一个内部换热器称为再生这增加了发动机的热效率相比,类似的,但简单的热空气引擎。 斯特林循环的值得注意的是,其完善的理论效率;然而这还没有实现的理想仍然是一项巨大的工程挑战。然而,目前的设计,指出其效率高,操作安静和方便,他们可以利用什么否则将废热。斯特林发动机在目前激动人心的利益为核心的组成部分,国内热电联产(热电联产)单位,这可能产生重大影响全世界的能源消耗。 1 2 空军是一个许多可能的气体,可用于在一个斯特林发动机。所谓“热空气引擎”一般用来包含任何热空气引擎的工作液。热空气引擎可以使用任何一个几个不同的热力循环,包括布雷顿循环,爱

13、立信斯特林循环或周期。 在斯特林发动机已用于小型低功耗应用了近两个世纪。斯特林发动机继续使用他们的能力提供机械或电力,加热或冷却的应用,热源和散热片可用。斯特林发动机背景NameThough it had been suggested as early as 1884 that all closed cycle air engines should be generically called Stirling engines after the inventor of the first practical example, the idea found little favour and t

14、he various types on the market continued to be known by the name of their individual designer or manufacturer. Then, in the 1940s, the Philips company was searching for a suitable name for its version of the air engine which by that time had already been tested with other gases. Rejecting many sugge

15、stions, including hot gas engine (gas engine was already in general use for internal combustion engines running on gaseous fuels) and external combustion engine (did not differentiate between open and closed cycles), Philips eventually settled on Stirling engine in April 1945. General acceptance of

16、the term followed a few years later.8Early yearsIllustration to Robert Stirlings 1816 patent application of the air engine design which later came to be known as the Stirling Engine.The Stirling engine (or Stirlings air engine as it is was known at the time) was invented and patented by Reverend Dr. Robert Stirling in 1816.9 It fo


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