超级有用 unit 1建立业务往来关系教材

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《超级有用 unit 1建立业务往来关系教材》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《超级有用 unit 1建立业务往来关系教材(60页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系建立业务关系 BUSINESS LETTERS 商务函电 大连理工大学电子音像出版社 大连理工大学出版社 Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations 建立业务关系 0Introduction 1Lesson 1 Importers Self-Introduction 2Lesson 2 Exporters Self-Introduction 3 Lesson 3 Inquiring About

2、Foreign Trade Policy and Supply 4Sum-up Introduction 写信人通过如广播、电视、报纸、他人介绍、商务 参赞处、交易会等渠道得知潜在交易人的名称、地址, 了解到一点有关对方的经营范围,写信给对方希望建立 业务关系,同时介绍一下自己的购买意图、经营范围, 表达对对方的希望与要求。 写作要点及要求: 这类信函通常包括: 开头:1)说明自己的消息来源; 2) 表达建立业务关系的希望; 正文: 3) 自我介绍; 包括自己公司,经营范围,公司资信情 况等; 4) 表达要求; 结尾: 5) 期望;此部分其实是客套话,一般是表示希望对 方早日回信,听到对方的好

3、消息等。 回信要点: 同意建立业务关系的回信: 开头:1)收到来信并表示愿意建立业务关系; 正文:2)对对方信中提及的要求,问题给予答复,并做自 我介绍; 结尾:3)期望:可以做生意,或收到具体询盘。 不能与之建立业务关系的回信: 开头:1)收到来信; 正文:2)很遗憾不能建立业务关系,并详细说明原因; 结尾:3)期望:以后合作的机会,或再次表示道歉。 每封信件的具体内容会有变化,需要根据实际情况加以 调整。 Lesson 1 Importers Self-Introduction 进口商自我介绍 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skil

4、led TEXTArm yourselfMain pointsMake yourself skilled 3. Main points Specimen 1 a. source of information and intension (where) b. self introduction and detailed requirements (who typical expressions such as: l We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselors Office of Embassy in ; 承蒙驻的大使馆商务参

5、赞处告知你方的名称和地址; l On the recommendation of Mr. XXX, we know that; 由 先生推荐,我们得知; l Through the courtesy of, we come to know that 承蒙告知 We are indebted for your name to, who informed us that; 承蒙告知你方姓名,他告诉我们; l Your name and address have been passed on to us by由 告知你方名称和地址 l We take the liberty of writing t

6、o you 我们写信给你方 2) Intention of establishing business relations, typical expressions such as: l Were writing in the hope of establishing business relations with you; 我们写信希望与你方建立业务关系; l We write to you in the hope that we can establish business relations with you; 我们写信希望与你方建立业务关系; l We hope you can est

7、ablish business relations with us. 我们希望你方能与我方建立业务关系。 3) Self-introduction, typical expressions such as: l Were a state-owned corporation, handling both import and export of ; 我们是国营企业,经营的进出口业务; l Were well experienced in the import of , 在的进口方面我们很有经验; l Our business line is, 我们经营 ; l falls within our

8、business scope. 属我方经营范围; l We wish to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of 我们自我介绍一下,我们是一流的出口商; l Being specialized in the import of, we wish to; 主要经营的进口,我们想 ; 4) Detailed requirements, typical expressions such as: l We will appreciate it ,if you could send us samples of , 如你方能寄的样品给

9、我们的话,我们将不胜感激; l If youre interested in any type of these items, please dont hesitate to tell us; 如你方对这些产品中任何一种感兴趣的话,请立即告诉我们; l Well be glad, if you could give us 如你方能提供 ,我们将非常感激; l We shall be obliged/ grateful if you could 如你方能 ,我们将非常感激。 5) Expectation, which is complimentary, to express the hope f

10、or early reply, good news, etc., typical expressions such as: l Were looking forward to your early reply 期盼你方早日回信; l Were awaiting your favorable news. 等待你方好消息(佳音)。 l We trust that you will reply to us. 我们相信你们会给我方回信的。 l Your early reply will be highly appreciated. 如你方能早日回信,我们将非常感激。 The End of Unit 1The End of Unit 1



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