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1、1 Abate: 减弱;减轻;减低abate a tax减税The ship sailed when the storm abated.风暴减弱时船开航了。消除;停止abate the smoke nuisance in big cities消除大城市中讨厌的煤烟冲销;减免废除,撤销(法令等)2. abdicate: 放弃;退(位);辞(职)to abdicate ones responsibilities放弃责任to abdicate the office 辞职3. abduct: vt.绑架;诱拐The police think the boy has been abducted.警察认为

2、那个孩子已被绑架了。4.aberrant adj.(形容词)aberrance 或 aberrancy n.(名词)Deviating from the proper or expected course.越轨的,脱轨的:偏离常规或预定轨道的Deviating from what is normal; untrue to type.偏离正常的;不正常的adj. 越离常规的;离开正路的a rocket on an aberrant course逸出轨道的火箭5. abhor vt. 厌恶,憎恶;痛恨 abhorrence n. abhorrent adj. 可恶的, 格格不入的I abhor t

3、o tell lies. 我憎恶撒谎。6. abrasive adj.(形容词)n.(名词)A substance that abrades. 磨料:磨蚀的物质Causing abrasion.造成磨蚀的Harsh and rough in manner.生硬粗暴的:态度无礼且粗暴的an abrasive voice 沙哑的声音7. absolve vt.赦免;免罪to absolve a person from blame 赦免某人解除(承诺、义务等)They agree to absolve us from our obligation. 他们同意免除我们的责任。8. abstain vi

4、. 戒(烟、酒等) abstention n. abstentious adj. abstinence节制, 节欲, 戒酒to abstain from smoking 戒烟; 节制; 弃权He abstained from speaking at the meeting.会上,他默不作声。She abstained from voting.她弃权了。9. accede 同意;应允 accession n.就职, 就任, 添加, 增加We acceded to his request.我们同意他的请求。就职:The prince acceded to the throne when the k

5、ing died. 国王死后,王子继承了王位。参加,加入Our government acceded to the treaty. 我国政府加入了该条约。10. accrue vi. 增加, 增多The interest accrued over the months.利息逐月自然增加。Ability to think will accrue to you from good habits of study.有了良好的学习习惯,思考能力就自然会有所提高。11. acrimonious adj.(形容词) acrimony n. 言谈举止上的刻毒, 讽刺, 毒辣Bitter and sharp

6、in language or tone; rancorous:刻薄的,激烈的:言词或语调尖刻,刻薄;充满仇恨的:an acrimonious on-air exchange between the candidate and the anchorperson.候选人与节目主持人通过无线电广播进行的言词尖刻的辩论12. adamant adj. 强硬的;坚定不移的;固执的 adamancyI am adamant about it.我坚持这一点。He was adamant in his determination to punish the corrupt officials.他下了决心,坚决

7、惩治那些贪官污吏。Hes so adamant that however hard I tried to persuade him to join us he did not change his mind.不管我怎样劝他跟我们一起干,他毫不动摇,不肯改变主意。13. ad hocadv.(副词)For the specific purpose, case, or situation at hand and for no other:特别地,专门地:为某一即将发生的特定目标、事件或局势而不为其他的:a committee formed ad hoc to address the issue o

8、f salaries.委员会特别形成用以提交有关工资问题的提案adj.(形容词)Formed for or concerned with one specific purpose:专门的:为某一特定目的形成的或与某一特定目的有关的:an ad hoc compensation committee.专门的赔偿委员会Improvised and often impromptu:即兴的,即席的:即席的,通常未事先准备的:“On an ad hoc basis, Congress has . . . placed . . . ceilings on military aid to specific c

9、ountries”(New York Times)“在事先未做准备的情况下,国会已规定了对特定国家军事援助的最高限额”(纽约时报)14. adjudicate v.tr.(及物动词)adjudication n. Law To hear and settle (a case) by judicial procedure.【法律】 判决:通过司法程序听取及解决(案件)To study and settle (a dispute or controversy):裁夺:研究并解决(争议或争论):They had to ask the school principal to adjudicate th

10、e quarrel.不得不请校长裁夺争吵15. adorn: To lend beauty to; decorate:使美观:为增添美;装饰:“the pale mimosas that adorned the favorite promenade”(Ronald Firbank)“浅色的含羞草装饰了最受欢迎的散步场所”(罗纳德弗班克)To fit out with or as if with ornaments:装备:以装饰物或似以装饰物装备:“The sugar plantations were adorned with windmills”(Alec Waugh)“甘蔗种植园装备有风车”

11、(亚历克沃)To enhance the distinction, beauty, splendor, or glory of; add luster to:使增色:增添的差别,美丽、光彩或光荣;为增加光泽:“Virtue adorned his mind”(John Ford)“为他思想增添光彩的美德”(约翰福特) 16. adulterate v.tr.(及物动词)adulteration n. adultery n. 通奸, 通奸行为Adulterous. 通奸的To make impure by adding extraneous, improper, or inferior ingr

12、edients.掺杂:加入外来的,不当的或低等的成分使变得不纯adj.(形容词)Spurious; adulterated. 伪造的;掺杂的adulterated goods 假货milk adulterated with water 搀了水的牛奶17. aerosol n.(名词)A gaseous suspension of fine solid or liquid particles.浮质:细小的固体或液体微粒的气态悬浮物A substance, such as paint, a detergent, or an insecticide, packaged under pressure

13、with a gaseous propellant for release as a spray of fine particles.气雾剂:在压力下与气态压缩气体同装一处,以雾状细小微粒形式喷洒的物质,例如颜料、洗涤剂或杀虫剂An aerosol bomb. 喷雾剂的小容器18. affront n. v. An open or intentional offense, slight, or insult:公开侮辱:公开或有意地冒犯、轻视或侮辱:Such behavior is an affront to society.这种行为是对社会的蔑视19. aggravate vt. 加剧;使恶化

14、Grief aggravated her illness.痛苦加重了她的病情。激怒If he aggravates me any more I shall punish him.如果他再惹我生气,我就要惩罚他。20. allayTo reduce the intensity of; relieve:减轻:减弱的强度;消除:allay back pains. 减轻背痛 To calm or pacify; set to rest:使冷静:使冷静或镇静;使平静下来:allayed the fears of the worried citizens.使焦虑不安的市民从恐惧中平静下来21. allev

15、iate :To make (pain, for example) more bearable:减轻:使(痛苦等)更易于忍受:a drug that alleviates cold symptoms.一种减轻感冒症状的药品b22. almanac n.(名词)An annual publication including calendars with weather forecasts, astronomical information, tide tables, and other related tabular information.年历;历书:一种年度出版物,包括含天气预报、天文信息、潮汐图表和其它相关表格信息的日历An annual publication composed of various lists, charts, and tables of in


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