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1、电汇 信汇 票汇 汇付 托收 佣金;手续费 一切险 T/T M/T D/D remittance collection commission all risks 商品;货物 标题的 利润 公吨 销售确认书 修订的价格 commodity captioned profit metric ton Sales confirmation revised price FOB 离岸价 CFR 成本加运费价 CIF 到岸价 底价 Base (bottom) price 估价 computed price 参考价 Reference price 协议价 agreement price 垄断价 Monopoly

2、 price 倾销价 dumpling price 现货价 Spot price 期货价 forward price 开盘价 Opening price 收盘价 closing price 转卖价 Resale price 合同价 contract price 含运费价 delivered price 批发价 wholesale price 不亏不盈价 Break-even price 给折扣 allow sb. a discount 畅销 the goods sell well (fast) the goods enjoy wide popularity the goods command

3、a good market 试订单 续订单 立即交货 发货 形式发票 银行划拨 与一致 与不一致 trial order repeat order immediate delivery Dispatch pro-forma invoice bankers transfer in the line with out of line with 存货;现货 脱销 鉴于 现货供应 供你方参考 让一半 开拓业务 完全可行 stock out of stock in view of supplyfrom stock for your reference meet you half way open up

4、business go all right (completely workable) 一式两份 一式三份 一式五份 急需 以为目的 开列;填写 返签;会签 in duplicate in triplicate in five copies be in urgent need with the view of make out countersign 以为受益人/为抬头 in ones favor 购货确认书 purchase confirmation 与相一致 in conformity with 对表示感谢 be appreciative of 付款交单 document against

5、payment 承兑交单 document against acceptance 交货付现 Cash on delivery 随订单 付现 Cash with order 货到付款 Pay on delivery 结算逾期 Delay in settlement 分运 partial shipment 转运 Transshipment 延迟交货 Delay in delivery 降低运费 a reduction in the freight 即期装运 prompt shipment 具体情况如此 as might be the case 保兑行 confirming bank 破例 as a

6、n exception 装运 effect shipment 供我备档 for our file 每况愈下 from bad to worse 规定 修改 洽谈 日后的 有效性;有效 期 stipulation amendment negotiate subsequent validity 谈到 with reference to 开始生效 take effect 进出口合同 the import and export contract 装运港及目的港 port of shipment & destination 补偿 仲裁 副产品 保险 索赔 撤销 compensation arbitrat

7、ion by-products insurance claim withdraw 唛头 shipping mark 付款条件 terms of payment 装运期 time of shipment 有关各方 parties concerned 信用证 L/C (letter of credit) 履行义务 fulfill ones obligations 由选定 at ones option 银行票据 bank instrument 起草合同 draw up a contract 履行合同 execute a contract 取消合同 cancel a contract 违反合同 vio

8、late a contract 向开汇票 draw a draft 在下面签名的 undersigned 向提出索赔 raise a claim against 情况良好(不好) in good (bad) condition 以为抬头,凭指示 to ones order 散装,大批量 in bulk 总值 total value 凭单据付款 payable against documents 险别 coverage 发票金额 invoice value 挂号空邮 Registered airmail 检验报告 survey report 公证机构 public surveyor 不可抗力 Force Majeure 不可撤销的信用证 irrevocable L/C



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