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1、 密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号:20100318 法律硕士学位论文 我国法定夫妻财产制实务问题研究 学位申请人: 王爱娟 指 导 教 师 :孙 平 教授 孟利民 教授 学 位 类 别 :法律硕士专业学位 学 科 专 业 :法律硕士(法学) 授 予 单 位 :河北大学 答 辩 日 期 :2012 年 6 月 Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U.D.C.: NO: 20100318 A Dissertation for the Degree of J.M The Practice Problems of Statutory Matrimonial P

2、roperty System in China Candidate: Wang Aijuan Supervisor: Prof. Sun Ping Prof. Meng Limin Academic Degree Applied for: Juris Master Specialty: Juris Master(Law) University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: June,2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 家庭是社会的基本单位,承载着诸多的社会职能,世界上的每个人都与婚姻家庭有 着密切的联系, 因此, 婚姻方面的立法涉及千家万户,

3、 与每个公民的切身利益息息相关。 夫妻财产制是规定夫妻财产关系的法律制度, 其调整的财产关系是一种建立在夫妻身份 关系之上的财产关系,是婚姻法的重要组成部分。根据夫妻财产制发生的根据不同,可 以分为法定夫妻财产制和约定夫妻财产制。根据我国婚姻法的相关规定,我国实行 的是法定夫妻财产制和约定夫妻财产制相结合的法律制度。 法定夫妻财产制相对于约定 夫妻财产制而言,即指在夫妻婚前或婚后均未就夫妻财产关系作出约定,或所作约定无 效的情况下,依法律规定而直接适用的夫妻财产制。 随着婚姻法司法解释(一) (二) (三)的出台,我国夫妻财产制的规定正在逐步完 善。但是随着社会的发展,我国经济、文化发生了极大

4、的变化,现有的法定夫妻财产制 在运用于法律实务中时,对于夫妻财产归属的认定也出现了争议。而夫妻财产归属的认 定争议多发生在离婚案件的纠纷当中。本文第一部分概述法定夫妻财产制的相关理论, 对我国法定夫夫妻财产制的立法现状以及进步性做了简要阐述; 第二部分是结合法律在 实际运用中的状况,提出我国法定夫妻财产制在实务中出现的主要问题;第三部分是介 绍各国的相关立法经验,并对此进行评析,总结出对我国的借鉴意义。第四部分,结合 我国的实际国情民风,提出法定夫妻财产制在实务中出现的问题的解决之道,完善法定 夫妻财产制对于夫妻财产归属认定的标准。 关键词 法定夫妻财产制 实务 经验 完善 Abstract

5、II Abstract The family, the basic unit of the society, carries many social responsibilities. All individuals in the world are closely associated with marriage and family.Therefore, matrimonial legislation involves all families and is closely related to the benefits of all citizens. The matrimonial p

6、roperty system, which defines the property relationship between husband and wife, is an important component of marriage law. It is used to regulate the property relationship based on the spousal relationship. According to the legal reference,the matrimonial property system is classfied into statutor

7、y matrimonial system and matrimonial contractual property system. Based on relevant provisions of Marriage Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the matrimonial property system in China implements the principle of combining the statutory matrimonial system and matrimonial contractual property system

8、. Compared with the matrimonial contractual property system, the statutory matrimonial property system is applicable to the property relationship between husband and wife when both parties does not make a premarital or postmarital contract on the property relationship or the contract is be of no eff

9、ect. With the publication of the first, second, and third judicial interpretation of Marriage Law, the matrimonial property system in China has been improved step by step. Meanwhile, with the development of the society, China witnesses great changes in economy and culture. Disputes over property own

10、ership between husband and wife arise even if the current statutory matrimonial property system is put into practice. And most among them occur in divorce cases. In chapter one, this paper introduces related theories of statutory matrimonial property system, describes the status quo of relevent legi

11、slation in China, and explains the advantages of the statutory matrimonial property system in China. Based on the practice of statutory matrimonial property system in China, main problems are posed in chapter two. In chapter three, the statutory matrimonial property system of other countries in the

12、world and their significance to the statutory matrimonial property system in China are analyzed. In chapter four, solutions to the problems in the practice of the statutory matrimonial property Abstract III system in China are provided based on actual situations. The solutions are aimed at improving

13、 the standards for property ownership confirmation in the statutory matrimonial property system. Keywords: Statutory matrimonial property system Practice Experience Consummate 目 录 IV 目 录 引 言1 第 1 章 法定夫妻财产制概述 2 1.1 法定夫妻财产制概述2 1.2 我国现行法定夫妻财产制 2 1.2.1 婚后所得共同制2 1.2.2 特有财产个人所有制 4 1.3 法定夫妻财产制的进步性 5 1.3.1 与我国生产力发展水平相符合5 1.3.2 与我国目前男女地位状况相符合5 1.3.3 与我国的传统的历史文化观念相符合6 第 2 章 我国法定夫妻财产制在实务中存在的问题



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