analysis of the mode of information dissemination network analysis(分析网络信息传播模式的分析)

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analysis of the mode of information dissemination network analysis(分析网络信息传播模式的分析)_第1页
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analysis of the mode of information dissemination network analysis(分析网络信息传播模式的分析)_第2页
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analysis of the mode of information dissemination network analysis(分析网络信息传播模式的分析)_第3页
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analysis of the mode of information dissemination network analysis(分析网络信息传播模式的分析)_第4页
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analysis of the mode of information dissemination network analysis(分析网络信息传播模式的分析)_第5页
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《analysis of the mode of information dissemination network analysis(分析网络信息传播模式的分析)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《analysis of the mode of information dissemination network analysis(分析网络信息传播模式的分析)(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Analysis of the mode of information dissemination network analysis Abstract With modern information technology use in a networked environment, the emergence of a new network-carrier mode of information dissemination through the current existence of several major academic network information dissemi

2、nation model comparison analysis, then Six Degrees of proposed mode of transmission. Paper Keywords network information model information dissemination network information dissemination As we all know, the current mode of transmission of the information model has a lot of, for example, to disseminat

3、e science-based information dissemination modes are: mode Lasswell, Shannon - Weaver model, Gerbner model, Newcomb model, applied Ram model, Westley - Mike Lai Si model to information science-based information dissemination model are: Mikhail Pavlov model, Lancaster model, Wei Keli model, heat condu

4、ction mode, infectious disease model , etc. However, they have a weakness, that they are for general information dissemination model. With the increasing popularity of computer network technology, especially the rapid development of Internet, we needed a characterization of the Internet information

5、dissemination model. 1 defines the concept of information dissemination network For the definition of information dissemination network, our scholars a useful exploration, such as Renmin University of China Kuang Wenbo that in fact refers to the network communication through computer networks of the

6、 human information (including news, knowledge and other information) dissemination activities in the network communication The information stored in digital form in the optical, magnetic storage media, high-speed communication through computer networks, and read by a computer or similar device to us

7、e. network communication to a computer-based communications network, information transmission, exchange and use, thereby dissemination of information to achieve its social purpose. Pei-Ren Shao that refers to the computer network communication as the main multimedia assisted to provide a variety of

8、ways to deal with network communication, including capture, manipulate, edit, store, exchange, screening, printing and other features of information dissemination activities. Lai Maosheng that Internet-based network communication behavior of various forms of communication and dissemination activitie

9、s in general. Wang Zhongyi, who think network spread use of computer network transfer or exchange of information behavior and process, which brings together the advantages of a variety of means of communication is more personal, more equitable sharing of the new means of communication. Wu Feng said:

10、 The so-called network communication, is the use of the Internet, the media dissemination of information. on the network dissemination of information from different angles, levels to study, but should not because the researchers knowledge, expertise, practice, work on the network from different back

11、grounds and understanding the nature of information dissemination have different, but to explore, and ultimately to network dissemination of information given the nature of science to reveal. Therefore, the network information dissemination is based on the Internet for a variety of human transmissio

12、n of information, exchange and use activities in information dissemination in the network, the computer is data, text, images, music and other information input, processing, storage, combination, copy output and other intelligent platform, is a network tool for information dissemination of the termi

13、nal; the Internet is a network of information and communication platform for the transmission channel, can make people on the network to achieve free, interactive, real-time, multi, virtual dissemination of information, the website is the information dissemination network relay media, dissemination

14、of information for the network it provides a search, paste, download, interactive, hypertext links to other transit stations. has a strong network of information dissemination time, interactive, dynamic, virtual sex, global features, while the network information dissemination also has multimedia ca

15、pabilities and hypertext features, information and communication disorder, the main body of the occult and other personalized features. with 2 Study the significance of the network model of information dissemination Mode is a symbol of human vision is a way of thinking aids. As far as we study the c

16、ommunication process, the model can be used to simplify, and other methods to keep crude refined, high-level overview of the communication process in the complicated phenomenon under elements, the structure due to mode method has advantages and characteristics of their own, for the study of information dissemination network is very appropriate, so the network mode of information dissemination of research information dissemination netwo


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