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1、安徽大学 硕士学位论文 民国时期安徽灾荒与社会流动(1912-1937) 姓名:黄升永 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:中国近现代史 指导教师:孙语圣 2010-05 I 摘 要 摘 要 民国时期,安徽自然灾害既频且重,就灾种而言,种类较多,且以水旱灾害 为最多。引发灾害的原因也是多方面的,既有自然方面的原因,也有人为方面的 因素,同时也有自然与人为交织的因素。灾害的发生,如果频率较高、灾害度深 重、救治力度有限,一般很容易导致灾荒。这种情况,在民国时期较为明显。灾 害对社会经济的破坏是极其巨大的,不仅可造成灾民物质生活的极端贫困、精神 家园的荒芜,而且也导致社会生活的诸多变动,其中,引发的一系列社

2、会流动现 象即是其显著的表征。所谓社会流动,是指社会成员在社会关系的空间中从一个 社会位置向另一个社会位置的移动,它是揭示人们社会地位、社会关系和地域位 置不断变化的一种社会现象。 民国时期的安徽社会, 就处于这种不断的变动之中。 由灾害、灾荒而致的此种社会流动,正是体现民国时期安徽这种时代变动的社会 现象之一。这种因灾而致社会流动的研究还有待于进一步的深化。有鉴于此,本 文从安徽这一区域,拟对其作一系统考察,以期从灾荒与社会流动这个新的视角 来加深对民国时期社会演进状况的进一步认识。 本文共分为五个部分: 绪论部分:概述选题的价值和意义、选题的依据、国内外研究动态、研究的 方法和思路以及创新

3、与不足等。 第一章:主要从社会流动的推力和拉力机制两个方面进行述论。推力机制方 面,从流动的自然原因着手,论述民国安徽的灾情,然后从人为因素方面论述灾 荒导致的人祸。流动的拉力机制因素,主要从两个方面论述:一是由于近代资本 主义工商业的发展,二是从交通通讯变化讲述社会流动的客观条件。 第二章:探讨灾荒与受灾客体的流动情况。主要从两个方面进行考察:一是 考察灾荒状况下的受灾客体,重点考察灾民状况,包括灾民的社会状况及其精神 状态;二是考察灾民流动的路径。后者着重从水平流动和垂直流动两个方面进行 探讨,进而论述流动的社会效应。 第三章:从三个方面论述灾荒与社会救灾资源的流动。一是救灾人力资源流 动

4、,包括政府救灾机构及救灾人员的流动;民间义赈组织及人员的流动;实施救 灾的政策和措施。二是救灾物力资源流动,包括政府的赈灾款物的流动、民间社 II 会的捐献渠道、 国外慈善组织及海外华侨的解囊相助。 三是救灾信息资源的流动。 包括卫生信息的流动和农业救灾信息的流动两个方面。 第四章:探析影响社会流动的异常问题。推力与拉力的严重不均衡,是影响 和制约灾荒时期社会流动的首要因素, 这主要归因于民国社会经济发展的滞后和 经济布局的不均衡。此外,在灾民的地域合理流动中,一些人为的因素,如政府 官员的贪腐、 救灾资金的匮乏与战乱交织在一起, 囿于畛域区隔或自我利益考量, 也造成灾民不能实行“常态”的弃荒

5、逐熟。 结语部分:对本文论述的主要内容进行了一个简单的小结,指出研究民国安 徽灾荒与社会流动的得失, 及其对当代社会灾荒救治与社会流动所具有重要的借 鉴和启迪意义。即我们在面对重大自然灾害和突发事件,应如何形成合理的社会 流动机制,顺畅快速的资源流动渠道,加强公共应对危机的能力,以推动社会的 和谐发展与进步,这都是值得我们认真思考的问题。 关键词关键词:民国 安徽 灾荒 社会流动 社会问题 III Abstract Disaster in Anhui during the Republic of China(1912-1949) , of which more than flood and d

6、rought disasters. Induced disasters are many reasons, both natural reasons, have been for the considerations. Meanwhile, the destructive effects of disasters on the economy is enormous, not only resulted in victims of lifes extreme poverty, and famine has led to a series of changes in social life, c

7、ausing a series of social mobility. The so-called social mobility refers to members of the community space in social relations from a social position to another position in the mobile society, it is to reveal peoples social status and changing social relations in one of the most common social phenom

8、enon. Anhui province in the Republic of China in a constant state of flux, by the famine caused the most social mobility is reflected in Anhui during the social phenomenon of this era of change. The regional issues to be further deepened. In view of this, the study is intended to make a systematic s

9、tudy of its order from the famine and social This paper is divided into five parts: Introduction Part I: an overview of topics of value and meaning, the basis of topics, domestic and international research trends, research methods and ideas, and innovation and inadequate. Chapter I: Interpretation o

10、f the social mobility major push and pull the two aspects discussed. Pushing force to proceed from the flow of natural causes, discusses the Republic of China Anhui disaster, man-made factors discussed from the result of man-made famine. The flow of the main pull factors discussed from two aspects:

11、First, because the development of modern capitalist industry and commerce, and second, to explore the area from the traffic flow of the objective conditions to be examined. Chapter II: To investigate the famine and the movement of the affected object. Investigated from two aspects: First visit famin

12、e-stricken state of the object, focusing on state visit victims, including victims of the social situation and mental IV state; second is to examine the flow path of the victims. Focus from the horizontal and vertical movement of the two aspects of mobility. Then discuss the social effects of the fl

13、ow. Chapter III: From the three aspects of the flow of famine and social resources. The first relief of human resource flows, including government relief agencies and staff mobility; Relief organizations and civil society movement; the implementation of disaster relief policies and measures. Second,

14、 the flow of relief material resources, including the governments relief funds and materials; active contribution of civil society; foreign charitable organizations and overseas Chinese pleaded for money. Third, the flow of disaster information resources. Including health information flows and infor

15、mation flows of agricultural disaster relief both. Chapter IV: Analysis of the normal flow of the social impact of several factors. First, government officials of corruption, which is an important factor affecting flow; Second, the lack of disaster relief funds, the Republic of famine and war are in

16、tertwined, so that the limited relief funds appears to drop in the bucket;three victims of extreme poverty, unable to help themselves . Epilogue: The main contents of this paper, a simple summary. Famine and that of the Republic of China in Anhui on contemporary society where social mobility and social mobility is an important reference and inspiration, that is, how we should form a reasonable social mobility, to promote social development and progress. Keywords: Republic of China Anhui Fa



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