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1、论文独创性声明本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。论文中除 了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或机构已经发表或撰写过的研究 成果。其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已在论文中做了明确的声明并表 示了谢意。作者签名:确l碉吼础s论文使用授权声明本人完全了解上海师范大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权 保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部 分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其它手段保存论文。保密的论文在解密后遵守此 规定。各妒新样绷吼训KITINI225论文题目:上海市交警部门基层公务员薪酬激励问题研究一从绩效工资的视角出发 学

2、科专业:行政管理 学位申请人:许园园指导教师:李建中中文摘要公务员薪酬激励是公务员激励体系的核心部分。公务员薪酬是否发挥有效的 激励作用关系到政府部门人力资源配置是否科学高效、公务员工作积极性是否得 到提高。交警部门基层公务员承担着维护、指导、检查、监督道路交通秩序的重 要职责,是保证公民交通安全、推动祖国发展建设的重要群体。然而通过问卷调 查发现,上海市交警部门基层公务员薪酬制度存在了很多问题,表现为工作付出 与报酬失衡、地区间收入存在相当差距、薪酬激励效应不足、对年轻交警的薪酬 激励力度不够等。本文正是在对这些问题的思考和研究的基础上,提出从绩效工 资的视角出发增强基层交警激励性的可行性及

3、相应的实施策略,努力实现公务员 队伍收入分配的公正公平。从绩效工资的视角来看,公务员薪酬激励体系的完善会给政府组织带来深远 的变化,包括政府整体管理水平、公务员价值观、组织氛围等方面的改变。在这 个意义上,绩效工资不是通过直接的薪酬激励手段,而是通过实施该制度所必需 的管理变革间接地提高了个人绩效和组织绩效。因此,在未来的研究中,应该从全局和长远视角上评价公务员绩效工资制度在加强公务员薪酬激励性方面的实 施效果。本文通过理论推证,文献参考,与外国公务员绩效工资实施效果进行对比, 再结合国内交警部门的各种实际情况,并通过问卷调查,了解、分析、解决矛盾, 探索上海市交警部门基层公务员实施绩效工资的

4、可行性,并且提出合法性,经济 性,激励性,公平性,差异性,可操作性的实施原则,配合薪酬工资支付方式的 确定,科学职位分类等配套措施的改进,提出了上海市基层交警部门公务员绩效 工资的实施策略。研究发现,目前上海市基层交警部门公务员工资结构落后于公务员的需求,存在平均主义严重,激励不足,考核标准不科学等问题,不利于工作积极性,先 进的绩效管理体系建立非常必要。如能合理在上海市基层交警部门公务员中实施 绩效工资,能更好的稳定交警队伍,提高交警队伍工作积极性,更好的为人民提 供公共服务,用好纳税人的钱,为老百姓办实事。关键词:公务员工资制度绩效考核绩效工资Thesis Tittle:Shanghai

5、traffic police department grassroots civil service pay Incentive problems-from the perspective of performance payProfessional Discipline:Public Administration Degree Applicant:Xu yuanyuan Instructor:Li jianzhongAbstractCivil incentive Pay system is a core part of the civil serviceCivil service pay p

6、lay an effective role in relation to scientific and efficient human resources of government incentive allocationJunior civil servants bear the traffic police department maintenance,supervision,inspection,supervision of important duties of road traffic order is to ensure citizen safety,to promote the

7、 development and construction of the motherland important groupHowever,the survey found that byShanghai police department grassroots civil service pay system exists many problems, the performance of the work effort and reward imbalance,there is a considerable gap between regional income,inadequate r

8、emuneration incentive effects for young trafficpolice and other incentive Pay is not enoughThis article is based on thinking on these issues and research,presented from the perspective of enhancing the feasibility of starting pay for performance incentive grassroots police and the correspondingimple

9、mentation strategy,and strive to achieve a fair and equitable distribution of income civil servantsCurrently,civil service Pay incentive system evaluation,mostly to evaluate the direct incentive effects and economic costs based,in fact,from the perspective of performance pay,the incentive to improve

10、 civil service pay system,but also to bring amore far-reaching governmental organizations changes,including changes in theoverall management of the government,the civil service values,organizational climate and other aspectsIn this sense,Pay for performance is not directly Pay incentives,but through

11、 the implementation and management of the system changesrequired to indirectly improve the individual performance and organizationalperformanceTherefore,future studies should evaluate the effect of the implementation of the civi!service salary system performance in terms of strengthening the civil s

12、ervice incentive from the overall and long-term perspectiveThrough theoretical deduction,literature references,and domestic enterprises to implement performance pay transverse compare and contrast the effect of foreign civil servants to implement Pay for performance,combined with the actual situatio

13、n of the various police departments in the country,and through questionnaires,understand, analyze and solve contradiction to explore the feasibility of implementingperformance pay civil servants in Shanghai grassroots police department,and to the legality,economy,incentives,faimess,diversity,operabi

14、lity for the implementation of the principle,with the payment of wages to determine the salaries,science jobs supporting measures to improve the classification proposed police department in Shanghai grassroots civil merit pay system construction strategyThe study found that the traffic police depart

15、ment is currently in Shanghai grassroots civil service wage structure behind the demand of civil servants,the presence of egalitarianism serious lack of motivation,unscientific assessment criteriaand other issues,is not conducive to motivation,advanced performance management system to create very necessaryAs the implementation of performance pay is reasonable in the traffic police department in Shanghai



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