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1、高级职业英语(写作) 李向奇 Mobile: 13829734838 Email: flslxq Sept 26, 2010 高级职业英语(写作)高级职业英语课 程教学大纲(李向奇).doc Outline Part I Fundamentals of business writing Part II Criteria for effective business Writing Part III Contents and formations of the book Part IV Problems to be tackled in this course Part V An Overvie

2、w of Business Writing Part VIStructure and Style of Business Letters Part VIIEstablishing Business Relationships Part 1. Fundamentals nTheories related to communications qHuman needs qStroking and Johari Window qMarketing Mixes 1.1 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Chapter 1-MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS.doc

3、Human needs nLower level needs q physiological qSafety qSocial Higher level needs -Esteem -Self-actualization 1.2 Stroking and Johari window nStroking Transactional (相互作用的)term for identifying the way others give recognition to a person Positive stroke, E.g. receiving congratulatory phone calls or l

4、etters Negative stroke, E.g. receiving hurtful comments 1.2 Trust Leads to Reciprocal Sharing Depicted in Expanded Open Area in Johari Window Chapter 1-Johari Window.doc Chapter 1 1.2 The Johari Window 1. Free or open area -what we know about ourselves and others about us. 2. Blind area - others kno

5、w about us , but we dont know about ourselves 3. Hidden area - Things we know about ourselves ,other dont know 4. Unknown area - things we dont know and others dont know about us The Johari Window nThe purpose of communication is to expand the open area , decrease the blind and hidden area , therefo

6、re leading to higher level of interpersonal sharing. nTrust is something that must be earned. nTrust and openness lead to better communication between two people. nIn business, we aim at both taskoriented communication and emotional communication. 1.3. Marketing Mixes: 4Ps and 4Cs Product - design o

7、r production Price and Place - distribution Promotion - marketing communication The 4ps determine how a good or service is made and provided, how much it costs, where it is distributed and how it is presented in all company communication 4Cs nCustomer- focuses on customers wants and needs versus pro

8、duct nCost- what it costs a customer to own a product instead of how to price a product ( e. g. car/ considering the repair cost) nConvenience- focuses on how easy it is for customers to acquire the product, rather than how easy it is for the company to distribute it ( e.g. Coca Cola convinces resta

9、urants to offer its products, as well as making them widely available in every type of stores) nCommunication-Traditionally, promotion has meant sending brand message and offers to customers, using one-way communication. The new way of thinking focuses on opening up opportunities for dialogue, from

10、telling and selling to listening and learning. Part II. Organization of the book 2.1. Contents Principles of business writing ( 1-2) Letters concerning transactions (3-7) General letters ( 8-9) Office communications ( 10-11) Employment ( 12-14) Proposal and report ( 15-16) Business documents and que

11、stionnaires( 17-18) 高级职业英语(写作)高级职业英语课程教学大 纲(李向奇).doc 2.2. Purpose To inform: Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 16 To persuade: Chapters 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 To Entertain: Chapter 8 2.3. Organization of each unit nWriting principle nStandard letters (questions) nSamples for analysis nLanguage for writing

12、 - notes - useful sentence patterns nExercises Part III. Criteria for Effective Business Writing 3.1. Courtesy - treating people with respect and concern, employing - You-view points - Conversational language - Words of positive effect - Do more than expected 3.2. Correctness - grammar, punctuation,

13、 spelling, using accurate information show respect to the receiver of the messages 3.3. Conciseness write in the fewest possible words without sacrificing completeness and you-view point time is money to the customers - Part III. Criteria for Effective Business Writing Part III. Criteria for Effecti

14、ve Business Writing 3.4. Clarity - tell the readers exactly what they want and need - show concern for the readers - Short sentence, familiar words 3.5. Concreteness - be vivid, specific, - use action verbs Part III. Criteria for Effective Business Writing 3.6. Completeness Include all the necessary

15、 information and data in the message Following the 6-C standard, you can: (1) accomplish your task get thing done, and (2) maintain goodwill with customers. Part IV. Problems to be tackled Teaching materials -No text book is perfect in itself or for a particular teaching learning context -Need to ad

16、apt and supplement in some way for particular students and specific topics and contexts -Authentic materials -Case studies -Classroom presentations Part IV. Problems to be tackled nParticular nature of business writing nIs a branch of English for Special purpose nIs more than specialized vocabulary ninvolves with theories of applied linguistics, socio-linguistics, pragmatics, HR management, psychology, cross-c



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