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1、沈阳师范大学 硕士学位论文 网络校本研修的实践模式与推进策略研究 姓名:田丹丹 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:教育技术学 指导教师:叶金霞 20100401 I 网络校本研修的实践模式与推进策略研究 中文摘要 伴随着新一轮基础教育改革的推行和开展,新课程的教学对教师的教育教学能力提出 了全新的要求。在这种情况下,教师的专业化发展越来越受到大家的关注和重视,教师的 信息素养和专业修养的培养已经成为广大教育研究者所共同瞩目的焦点。因此,校本研修 作为能够提高教师专业发展水平的一个有效方式逐渐被大家所接受和认可。与此同时,伴 随着网络技术的不断发展和进步,网络校本研修作为一种新型的研修形式逐渐成为教师进

2、 行研修的一个新手段,它在研修时间、研修范围以及研修手段等方面都更优于传统校本研 修。那么这种新形式是否可行,网络校本研修应该通过什么方式来展开,以及如何才能使 得网络校本研修得到有效的开展,以上这些问题就是本论文所要论证的关键所在。 笔者通过对发表论文以及出版著作的情况进行调查统计发现:目前对于网络校本研修 的研究还不是很多,而且也没有一个很好的研究框架能够提供给其它研究者所借鉴。因此 本论文就试图对网络校本研修的实践模式及其推进策略做一个总体的论证,希望能够抛砖 引玉。 本论文在建构主义学习理论、协作学习理论、成人学习理论以及群体动力学理论这四 种基础理论的指导下,采用文献研究法、比较研究

3、法和个案研究法作为主要研究方法,通 过对国内外研究现状的梳理,以及对传统校本研修与网络校本研修进行比较分析的基础 上,首先阐述了运用网络校本研修提高教师教育教学能力的可行性,其次提出了基于视频 案例的网络校本研修模式和基于 B l o g的网络校本研修模式这两种实践模式,最后为网络 校本研修能够有效地开展提出了相应的推进策略。 本论文的第四章和第五章是所要论证的核心部分。在第四章中通过对每种模式进行理 论阐述的基础上,重点分析了利用每种模式进行网络校本研修的实际意义以及研修过程, 同时为每种模式提供了一个典型个案以供大家参考。在第五章中从制度保障,软、硬件设 施的配备,研修资源的开发,“学习型

4、组织”的建设以及研修角色的定位方面提出了有效 开展网络校本研修的五个推进策略。 关键字:网络校本研修,教师专业发展,教师教育技术能力 II The Research about the Practice Models and Strategies for Promoting of Web- based School- based Training Abstract With the implementation and conduct of a new round of basic education reform, the new curriculum made a new request

5、for education and teaching ability of teachers. In this case, there is an increasing concern and attention for professional development of teachers, information literacy and professional accomplishment of teachers has become a focus shared by researchers. So, school- based training gradually are wid

6、ely accepted and recognized. as an effective way to improve the level of teacher professional development. At the same time, along with the improvement of network technology, web- based school- based training as a new type of training form has become a new means of teacher training, which is more su

7、perior to the traditional school- based training in training time, training range and training means. Then, how much is the feasibility of the new form? What forms should be utilized in web- based school- based training? How to carry out web- based school- based training? The above problem will be d

8、emonstrated in this paper. Through the survey and statistics about published papers and publications, the author found that: currently few studies about web- based school- based training are carried out, and there is not a very good research framework to make available to other researchers to learn

9、from. So, in this paper, I try to make a general argument about the practice models and strategies for promoting of web- based school- based training. I hope it can attract valuable comments from. In this paper, under the guidance of the four basic theory including the constructivist learning theory

10、, collaborative learning theory, adult learning theory and group dynamics theory, applying literature study, comparative study and case study as the main study methods, through the study about the status at home and abroad, as well as on the basis of comparative analysis between the traditional scho

11、ol- based training and web- based school- based training, firstly I describe the feasibility of web- based school- based training to improve teacher education and teaching ability, secondly, I put forward two kinds of practice models including a practice model of web- based school- based training ba

12、sed on video case and a practice model of web- based school- based training based on Blog, finally I put forward the strategies for promoting which can make web- based school- based training effectively carry out. In the paper, part four and part five are the core of the argument. In the 4th part, t

13、hrough the theoretical explanations for each model, I focus on analyzing the practical significance and the training process of applying each mode to carry out web- based school- based training, as well III as providing a typical case for each model to reference. In the 5th part, I put forward five

14、strategies for promoting of web- based school- based training including system security, the supply of software and hardware facilities, the exploit of training resources, the construction of “ learning organization” , as well as the location of training role. Key words:web- based school- based trai

15、ning, professional development of teachers, education and teaching ability of teachers 学位论文独创性声明 本人所呈交的学位论文是在导师的指导下取得的研究成果。据我所知, 除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的 研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确 说明并表示了谢意。 作者签名: 日期: 学位论文使用授权声明 本人授权沈阳师范大学研究生处,将本人硕士学位论文的全部或部分内 容编入有关数据库进行检索;有权保留学位论文并向国家主管部门或其指定 机构送交论文

16、的电子版和纸质版,允许论文被查阅和借阅;有权可以采用影 印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。保密的学位论文在解密后 适用本规定。 作者签名: 日期: 网络校本研修的实践模式与推进策略研究 1 第一章 引言 一、 论文研究背景 ( 一) 校本研修有助于教师专业发展 根据国际劳工组织和联合国教科文组织 1 9 6 6 年发表的关于教师地位之建议书的 说法,教师的专业是被这样阐述的:教学应该被视为一种专业职业。在某种意义上讲,教 学应该被看作一种公共业务,它要求教师需要经过严格的和持续的学习从而获得并保持专 门的知识和特别的技术。这种通过严格持续学习而获得的知识和特别的技术,不仅需要专 业人士养成良好的职业道德,同时还要求专业人员在实践中具有充分的自主权1。而这种 自主权可以理解为:教师职业所面临的问题不同于其它职业所面临的问题,同时每位教师 所面临的具体问题也是不同于其它教师的。因此,每位教师都必须依据个人的不同情况来 解决自身所遇到的实际教学问题,这就需要教师不断地学习、不断地提升自己,以满足自 身专


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