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1、 密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号:20100261 法律硕士学位论文法律硕士学位论文 我国老年人合法权益法律保障问题研究 学 位 申 请 人:李 辉 指 导 教 师:刘晓蜜 赵增国 学 位 类 别:法律硕士专业学位 学 科 专 业:法律硕士(法学) 授 予 单 位:河北大学 答 辩 日 期:2012 年 6 月 3 日 Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U.D.C.: NO: 20100261 A Dissertation for the Degree of J.M Legitimate rights and interests of legal p

2、rotection of elderly in China Candidate:Li Hui Supervisor:Liu Xiaomi Zhao Zenguo Academic Degree Applied for: Juris Master of Laws Degree Specialty:Juris Master(Law) University:Hebei University Date of Oral Examination:June 3rd 2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 进入新世纪,全世界范围内的人口老龄化问题正在变得越来越严重。具体到我国, 人口老龄化问题严重影响着我国劳动人口结构

3、、拖累我国经济发展进程,并给我国造成 极大的社会负担。因此老年人合法权益的法律保障是值得我们引起高度重视的话题。 本文主要对老年人合法权益法律保障的基本内涵、 老年人合法权益法律保障的理论 基础、我国加强老年人合法权益法律保障的必要性作出了阐述。认为无论是为了应对人 口老龄化进程的加快对我国及至整个世界的挑战, 还是基于我国建设社会主义和谐社会 和社会主义法治社会的必然要求, 对老年人合法取得和依法享有的基本权利利益进行有 效的保护都是我国需要面对的问题。 从整体上看, 经过我国法制进程的不断推进, 无论是在立法、 执法还是在司法方面, 我国对于老年人权益的保障都较以前有了很大进展,特别是中华

4、人民共和国老年人权 益保障法的颁布实施,使得我国老年人合法权益的法律保障取得了很大进展。但是, 由于我国法律体系尚不完备及法律实施过程中存在的种种问题, 我国对老年人合法权益 的法律保障又未能做到尽善尽美,在立法、执法、司法各个方面均存在着相应的问题。 比如,在立法层面上,我国关于老年人合法权益保障的立法不够完善和具体,并缺乏足 够的可行性和可操作性, 区域间、 城乡间的相关立法难以达到谐调统一; 在执法层面上, 执法缺乏必要的法律依据和有效的监督机制, 执法机关和执法工作人员的执法水平也有 待提高;在司法层面上,对老年人特殊司法保护制度的缺失以及老年人维权案件执行效 率较低的弊端需要我们重视

5、和解决。 因此我国老年人合法权益法律保障方面存在的问题需要从立法层面、执法层面、司 法层面作出相应调整,以求我国老年人的合法权益能得到切实、有效、全面的保障,最 终实现老有所养,老有所医,老有所教,老有所学,老有所为,老有所乐的老龄工作目 标。 关键词 老年人 老龄化 合法权益 法律保障 Abstract II Abstract The problem of the aging of population becomes more and more serious all over the world in this new century. As to china, this problem

6、 had already affected its population structure of workforce severely, caused great burden on its society, and slowed the process of economy development down. So we must pay our great attention to the legal protection of senior citizen legitimate rights nowadays. In the first part of the artical, it

7、mainly introduces the basic connotation of the legal protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the old people.And it analyses the theoretical basis of the legal protection of their lawful rights and interests. Whats more, it described the need to strengthen the legal protection of their l

8、awful rights and interests in China. It not only is in response to the acceleration of the process of population aging challenged China even the whole world, but also is the inevitable requirement of building a socialist harmonious society and socialist society under the rule of law. Effective prote

9、ction of our country needs to face the problems of elderly lawfully obtained legally entitled to basic rights interests. The second part of the passage mainly analize Chinas present stage of the legal protection of the legitimate rights and interests of older persons as well as problems. Overall, th

10、e process of Chinas legal system continues to advance, whether in legislation, law enforcement or in the administration of justice, China for the protection of the rights of the elderly than in the past has made great progress, especially the Law on the Protection of the rights of the elderly of the

11、 Peoples Republic of China “promulgation and implementation of the legal protection of the legitimate rights and interests of older people in China have made great progress. However, due to Chinas legal system is not yet complete, and law enforcement problems that exist in the process, the legal pro

12、tection of the legitimate rights and interests of older people not to be perfect, there are corresponding problems in legislation, law enforcement, judicial. Analysis of the existing legal protection for the legitimate rights and interests of Chinas Abstract III elderly, based on the second part of

13、the article, the article in the third section presents the relevant recommendations of the Perfection of the legislation, law enforcement, judicial, legal protection of the legitimate rights and interests of older persons, and for the elderlyeasily overlooked, special rights and interests have been

14、infringed to give appropriate recommendations, in order to legitimate rights and interests of the elderly in China can be a practical, effective, comprehensive protection, and ultimately a sense of security, the old medical care, old age to teach the oldscience, worthiness of aging objectives of the music. Key words The old people Aging Legitimate rights and interests Legal protection 目 录 IV 目 录 引 言1 第 1 章 我国老年人合法权益法律保障的内涵及必要性3 1.1 老年人合法权益法律保障的内涵3 1.1.1 老年人的界定3 1.1.2 老年人合法权益法律保障的含义3 1.2 老年人合法权益法律保障的必要性


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