江苏省沭阳县潼阳中学高中英语 Unit 2 What is happiness to you教案1 牛津译林版选修6

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江苏省沭阳县潼阳中学高中英语 Unit 2 What is happiness to you教案1 牛津译林版选修6_第1页
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江苏省沭阳县潼阳中学高中英语 Unit 2 What is happiness to you教案1 牛津译林版选修6_第2页
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江苏省沭阳县潼阳中学高中英语 Unit 2 What is happiness to you教案1 牛津译林版选修6_第3页
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《江苏省沭阳县潼阳中学高中英语 Unit 2 What is happiness to you教案1 牛津译林版选修6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省沭阳县潼阳中学高中英语 Unit 2 What is happiness to you教案1 牛津译林版选修6(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 2 What is happiness to you 科目: 英语 主备人: 备课日期: 课 题M6 Unit 2 Welcome to the unit第 1 课时计划上课日期:教学目标1. Discuss pictures with their partners and then present their results to the whole class.2. Enable the Students to state their opinions about happiness.3. Train students speaking ability.教学重难点To enco

2、urage students to give their opinions on happiness and give their reasons.教学流程内容板书关键点拨加工润色Step1: Greetings.Step2: Look at six pictures on page17 and answer the following questions:1. Are you fond of drawing?2. Do you think reading makes you happy? Why?3. Do you like taking part in sporting activitie

3、s? Which sports do you like most4. How often do you have a big family get-together? Do you enjoy spending time with you relatives? Do you talk to them about your problems and achievements?Step 3 Lead-inT: Are you happy today?S: I got an A in this exam, so I feel very happy.T: You did a good job.S: I

4、 feel unhappy, because I always feel under pressure in my study. Although I study very hard, I still can not catch up with others.T: Do not lose heart. Just as the saying goes: where there is a will, there is a way. I believe if you continue to study like this, you will make progress.S: I feel happy

5、 today. We will have a family get-together tonight. I look forward to it!T: In your class, some feel happy, while others do not. So what happiness is on the earth, and how to become happy? Have you ever thought about that before?Ss: Yes! /No!T: Well. It does not matter. You will find much about that

6、 after learning this unit.Step4: PresentationsOpen your books to Page 17. Lets share information about each picture on this page with each other.1. Study the six pictures Picture 1 Being creativeDo you like drawing? When and how did you begin to develop this interest?What does this hobby bring to yo

7、u? (Whenever I feel upset and want to escape from everything, I like to go into my bedroom and take up my paints and brushes. Its so wonderful-all my thoughts and ideas can be expressed in my pictures.)What other things mean being creative to you? (Thinking of different solutions to solve problems,

8、expressing myself in my own ways and making new things.)Picture 2 Doing exciting thingsWhat are exciting things to you? (like white-water surfing or bungee jumping.) Why do people like exciting things? They bring lots of fun and help people forget all the troubles and worries.Picture 3 ReadingDo you

9、 like reading? Does reading make one happy? Why? It is really enjoyable when reading especially in a peaceful and quiet environment. Sometimes we are so absorbed by the characters in the book and their stories that we forget all about the outside world. Through reading, we gain knowledge and our hor

10、izons are broadened.Picture 4 Playing sportWhich are your favorable sports? Its a really good way to make friends, keep fit and relax.Picture 5 Spending time with familyDo you enjoy spending time with your family? When you feel happy or unhappy, do you talk to them about your problems and achievemen

11、ts? Family is important to everyone. Its a perfect time to talk to your family about your problems. They can give you good advice and make you confident. They are also happy for the achievements you made.Picture 6 Learning new thingsHave you ever been to a natural history museum? Why do people like

12、museum? In a museum, we can find out more information than we can just through reading books. Visiting these kinds of places can give us a real insight into history.What other ways do you think may help you learn more new things? (Surfing the Internet and talking to different people.)2. Talk about e

13、ach picture and exchange opinions with your partner.Which things do you often do and like to do? Why do you feel happy when doing these?Step 5 DiscussionWork in groups of 4 to discuss the three questions and then report the answers to the whole class. 1. What are things that make everyone happy?2. W

14、hat are the things which make you happy?3. If you had a friend who was unhappy, how would you try to help him or her?Step 6: SummaryT: Today, we have discussed about happiness, and all of you have done a good job. I feel so happy with you. At the end of this class, I hope every one of you will be happy every day. I also hope you can make everyone around you happy. So much for today. 教学心得 淀粉酶可通过微生物发酵生产获得,生产菌株在含有淀粉的固体培养基上可释放淀粉酶分解淀粉,在菌落周围形成透明圈。为了提高酶的产量,研究人员欲利用诱变育种的方法获得能产生较多淀粉酶的菌株3


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