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1、 密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号:20091444 管理学硕士学位论文管理学硕士学位论文 我国经济型酒店品牌差异化研究 学 位 申 请 人:刘 超 指 导 教 师:王玉成 教授 学 位 类 别:管理学硕士 学 科 专 业:企业管理 授 予 单 位:河北大学 答 辩 日 期:二一二年五月 Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U.D.C.: NO: 20091444 A Dissertation for the Degree of Mangement China Econo Hotel brand differentiation study Candida

2、te: Liu Chao Supervisor: Prof. Wang Yucheng Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Philosophy Specialty: Enterprise Management University: HeBeiUniversity Date of Oral Examination: May, 2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 近两年,我国经济型酒店一夜之间开遍了大街小巷,成为我国酒店行业的新星。我 国最早的经济型酒店是以复制西方国家的经济型酒店的模式发展起来的。 1996 年, 锦江 集团推出国内首家经济型酒店锦江之星,

3、到现在的各大经济型酒店的连锁经营,它 们各具特色,差异化经营,塑造自身的品牌优势。 经济型酒店在中国已发展了 10 多年, 尤其是近几年的成长速度引起了广泛的关注。 本文首先分析了国内经济型酒店存在的现状,发展速度之快,但是存在了很多问题。比 如整体经营体制不完善、管理经验缺乏、人力资源不足等,进而对我国品牌酒店的现状 进行了分析。虽然我国品牌经济型酒店的寡头雏形已初步形成,并且开始了全面向二三 线城市的扩张,但同时也存在很多问题,导致我国经济型酒店的总体品牌影响力不够, 不足与国际品牌并肩。 虽然有问题存在,但不能说明品牌没有影响力,尤其是对我国大量存在的单体酒店 来说。文章接下来对国内比较

4、知名经济型酒店的差异化管理进行分析,比如锦江之星以 产品质量为重,如家以标准化管理为纲,格林豪泰从顾客需求的细节入手,汉庭从服务 上就开始细分,还有不乏布丁的乐活方式,倡导消费者绿色消费等。在研究的过程中找 出了品牌差异化成功背后的共同点,以此提出了对经济型酒店发展现状的建议,希望可 以给经济型酒店的发展带来借鉴的意义。 最后得出结论,经济型酒店要想成功就要走连锁化道路,标准化管理要跟上,酒店 文化要深入人心,还要加强与国外经济型酒店的沟通交流,加强信息技术的支持,并且 建立庞大的销售网络,实现网络化的销售。 关键词 经济型酒店 品牌差异化 连锁经营 Abstract II Abstract

5、In recent years, Chinas Econo Hotel overnight full high streets and back lanes, become Chinas hotel industry star. Chinas first Econo Hotel is to copy the western countries the mode of development of the Econo Hotel. In 1996, Jinjiang launched the first domestic Econo Hotel group - Jinjiang inns, up

6、 to now the Econo Hotel chain business, they have different characteristics, differences in management, to build their own brand advantage. Econo Hotel in China has developed for more than 10 years, especially in last few years the growth rate has aroused wide concern. This paper analyzes the existi

7、ng status of the Econo Hotel, the speed of development, but there are a lot of problems. For example, the whole management system is not perfect, lack of management experience, the lack of human resources, and to our hotel brand are analyzed. Although our country brand Econo Hotel oligarchs prototyp

8、e has been formed, and began to line two or three of the expansion of the city, but there are also many problems, leading to Chinas overall brand Econo Hotel enough influence, and lack of international brand alongside. Although there are problems, but it cannot explain the brand did not influence, e

9、specially in China there are a lot of monomer hotel. The comparison of domestic well-known Econo Hotel next to the difference of management analysis, for example, Jinjiang Inns to the quality of products for weight, such as home to the standardization of management as the key link, GreenTree Inn cus

10、tomers demand from the start with the details, the court from the service began to subdivide, and there is no lack of puddings live music style, consumer advocate green consumption. In the course of the study to find out the brand differentiation behind the success of common point, put forward some

11、development suggestions on Econo Hotel Econo Hotel, hoping to bring the development of good reference. In conclusion, the Econo Hotel to be successful will take the chain of industrialization, standardization management to catch up, hotel culture to win support among the people, but also strengthen

12、and foreign Econo Hotel communication, strengthen the support of information technology, and establish a huge sales network, network sales. Keywords Econo Hotel Brand differentiation Chain management 目 录 III 目 录 第 1 章 绪 论1 1.1 研究的背景1 1.2 研究的目的2 1.3 研究方法2 1.4 研究的内容2 第 2 章 相关理论及概念3 2.1 经济型酒店的概念及特征3 2.2 相关理论概念4 2.2.1 品牌4 2.2.2 差异化4 2.2.3 品牌差异化5 2.2.4 市场细分、市场定位



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