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1、Lesson 7 16个辅音音标及3个短音音标 能够区分字母名称音、音素、音标的概念, 简单了解48个音标 能够正确、熟练的认读所学音标,培养拼读 音标词的能力 听懂、会说、会认读(并拼写)本课单词 理解并掌握本课所学句子,并能替换造句 教学目标 Lets sing a song 音素歌 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 字母: 音素: 音标: 音标符号:/ / 书写的最小单位 字母在单词中的读音 音素的书面符号 国际音标 48个 辅音音标28个 元音音标20个 16个辅音音素 b p m f d t n l g k h r

2、 s z v w 16个辅音音标 /b/ /p/ /m/ /f/ /d/ /t/ /n/ /l/ /G/ /k/ /h/ /r/ /s/ /z/ /v/ /w/ a e i /e/I/ / 嘴张大, 嘴角尽量拉向两边, 成扁平形, 舌尖抵下齿 嘴形扁平, 舌尖抵下齿, 舌前部稍抬起 嘴唇微微张开, 舌尖抵下齿, 舌前部抬高, 嘴形扁平 三个元音音标 e i a /e/I/ 直呼音标 / / /bt/ /pl/ /mt/ / / /fn/ /dd/ /tg/ /e/ /e/ /nek/ /let/ /Get/ /e/ /e/ /ken/ /help/ /rest/ / / /st/ /zp/ /

3、md/ happy / / family / / a happy family / have / 有 We have a happy family. / Sing a song I love you, you love me. We are a happy family. Daddy, Mummy, I love you. We are a happy family. (Apple tree曲调) apple /pl/ bag an apple in a bag Apple round, apple red. Apple juicy, apple sweet. Apple, apple, I

4、love you. Apple sweet, I love to eat. Sing a song My apple is in my bag. Game time happy family have apple bag有 / happy family have apple bag a happy family an apple 有 My apple is in my bag. We have a happy family. 拼读音标词 /b/ / /pn/ /mp/ft/ /hv/ /s/ /kt/ /r/ /dd/ /blk/ /lnd/ /fl/ /lZd/ /sd/ Challenge

5、 yourself m-a-t / matl-a-p laps-a-d sadj-a-m jam m da Can you write the words? /pt/ p /md/ ta g sa /ld/ l /s/ da r ta /pl/ p /rt/ la 能听懂、会说、会认读(并拼写)所学单词 。 能理解并掌握所学句子,并能替换造句。 能有感情的熟读短文并理解其大意。 教学目标 Revision /b/ /p/ /m/ /f/ /d/ /t/ /n/ /l/ /G/ /k/ /h/ /r/ /s/ /z/ /v/ /w/ /e/Z/I/ We have a happy family.

6、 happyfamilyhave applebag My apple is in my bag. /e/I/ 直呼音标 /e/ /e/ /nek/ /let/ /Get/ /e/ /e/ /ken/ /help/ /rest/ / / /st/ /zp/ /md/ /?lesn/ 课 seven /?sevn/ Lesson Seven. lesson /e/ Play a game Lesson 7 Lesson 9 Lesson 1 Lesson 5 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 6 Lesson 8 Lesson 4 ? 请学生快速翻到课本的相应课数 red /?pe

7、nsl/ pencil It is .a red pencil six /I/ Its six. taxitake / /I/ take a taxi take a bus 乘坐 Its six. Lets take a taxi. Game time lesson seven red pencil six taxi take 课 乘坐 /e/ / lessonseven red sixtaxi pencil take take a taxi 课 乘坐 Its a red pencil. Its six. Lesson Seven Lets take a taxi. 拼读音标词 /bed/ /

8、e/ /ten/ /pen/ /mes/ /net/ /hed/ /le/ /et/ /red/ /set/ /vest/ /wet/ /desk/ /frend/ 拼读音标词 /b/ /I/ /ft/ /p/ /ms/ /dId/ /hIz/ /Iv/ /kId/ /sIt/ /wIn/ /sIks/ /GIft/ /lIst/ /swIm/ Sounds and spellings /e/ /e/desk/ /I/ /I/dIsk/ /e/ /e/pest/ /I/ /I/lIst/ /e/ /e/fel/ /I/ /I/fIl/ /e/ /e/et/ /I/ /I/It/ /e/ /e/beG/ /I/ /I/bIG/ /e/ /e/mes/ /I/ /I/mIs/ /e/ /e/pen/ /I/ /I/pIn/ /e/ /e/ded/ /I/ /I/dId/ Enjoy yourself Pat . Pat, dont sit on that. That Sit 音节的划分及重读 一个元音一音节 red, have 两个音节重在前 happy 多个音节倒数三 family 两个辅音紧挨着 中间分开各一个 goodbye



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