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1、Improvement 2016-2017 学年度总第 735 期 2016 年 12 月 23 日 27 主管、 主办: 东北师范大学社长兼总编: 邓振宇国内统一刊号: CN22-0035/(F)广告许可证号: 220101010014227网址: 高一 指导: 中国教育学会顾问: 顾明远(中国教育学会会长)学术指导: 陈琳(教育部课标专家组组长)主编: 刘道义(人教社英语教材主编)特约主编: 李俊和(北京四中英语特级教师) 适用于北师大版高一新课标玉卷 综合版第 27 期 综合版 适用于北师大版新课标玉卷 编辑部质量反馈热线: 0431- 80866034陈老师 本期定价 1.6 元。印

2、刷: 郑州华宇印务有限责任公司地址: 河南省郑州市 1 Learning a foreign language is not a matter of reading some grammar rules and memorizing some words although those are important activities, not to be ignored. Learning a language is learning a skill, not a body of information. It s as much like learning to swim or ride a

3、 bike as it is like learning about history. That is, you must not only understand the ideas and concepts(概念) , have information at hand, but you must also make your body used to using that information in physical activity: in this casethephysicalactivityincludesspeaking, listening, writing and readi

4、ng. You need, then, not only to memorize and understand, but also to practice! Here are a few suggestions on useful practice / study skills. See your teacher if you have questions, or need help in developing an effective study skill. Make your mouth or hand do what your mind is learning Study out lo

5、ud. Do go to the lab and work on the tapes. Study with a friend, and thus you have a partner to speak with and listen to. Try to write sentences or a short paragraph using the skills you have practiced orally. Study day-by-day You cannot learn a foreign language well by cramming (死记硬背) at the last m

6、inute. You may be able to learn vocabulary items that way, but you cannot teach your mouth to use them in sentences. Often go back and review old topicsand vocabulary Language learning is cumulative(累积的). You learn new skills on the basis of old ones. The more you recycle the familiar information an

7、d skills, the better you will be able to understand new ones. Don t be afraid to make mistakes Being shy can be a big barrier to learning a language. Perhaps part of the reason that small children can easily learn languages is that they are not afraid of making mistakes. 1. Which of the following ca

8、n be the best title for the passage? A. Suggestions on Practicing Spoken Language B. Suggestions on Studying a Foreign Language C. How to Memorize as Many New Words as You Can D. How toAvoidMakingMistakeswhile Learning a Language 2. The underlined wordinthelastparagraph probably means “_” . A. chall

9、engeB. present C. surpriseD. trouble 3. What can we learn from Paragraph 5? A. Spoken Language should be practiced every day. B. Vocabulary learning can be done last before the exam. C. A good memory can make you pass a foreign language exam. D. As long as you get enough words you can speak a foreig

10、n language fluently. 安锦 (供稿) (参考答案见下期) 词数: 325难度: 绎 建议用时: 6忆25义实际用时: _ 例题展示 假如你的家乡新建了一座海洋馆, 请你根据表格内容 提示, 用英语写一篇 100 词左右的短文, 宣传这座海洋馆。 项目设施内容 海底旅行近距离接触海洋生物 海洋剧院观看海洋生物才艺展示 展览馆普及海洋知识 官方网站 _ _ _ _ _ 思路点拨 1. 审题立意 本文的体裁是说明文, 说明的对象是新建的一座海洋 馆, 写作要求中要点给得比较详细, 我们只要根据表格内 容展开说明即可, 切记不要遗漏要点。 本文时态上用一般现在时即可,人称可以用第二

11、人 称, 以达到宣传和招揽游客的目的。 2. 布局谋篇 文章结构文章内容 开篇写明文章主题家乡新建的海洋馆 正文根据要点展开对海洋馆的说明介绍 结尾总结全文 3. 遣词 根据写作要点及构思好的提纲, 我们可以初步确定文 章中可能使用到的词汇有: underwater world, sea animal, performance, Ocean Park, hall, Under- sea Travel, Ocean Theater, Exhibition, get close to, tourist, provide, get, knowledge, ocean, importance, nat

12、ure, visit, information, welcome . 4. 造句 根据列出的词汇, 我们就可以造句了。 但是, 为了避免 犯错误, 我们可以先构造一些简单句: (1) Do you want to see the colorful underwater world? (2) Do you want to enjoy wonderful sea animal performances? (3) Come to our new Ocean Park please. (4) There are three main halls in the park. (5) They are th

13、e Under- sea Travel, the Ocean Theater and the Exhibition. (6) In the Under- sea Travel you can get close to various kinds of sea animals. (7) The Ocean Theater is the favorite of many tourists. (8) It provides you with excellent performances by sea animals. (9) You can get some knowledge about the

14、ocean in the Exhibition. (10) You can also know the importance of protecting nature in the Exhibition. (11)Y formore information. (12) Welcome to our Ocean Park! 在此基础上再通读全文, 将这些简单句润色为复合句或特 殊句式, 使文章更加流畅、 可读性强。如: 第 (4) 、(5) 两句可以用定语从句连接起来, 使语言更 加简洁,表达更加清晰,“There are three main halls in the park, which

15、are the Under- sea Travel, the Ocean Theater and the Exhibition.” 同理, 第 (7) 、(8) 两句也可以用定语从句连 接起来,增加可读性,“The Ocean Theater, which is the favorite of many tourists, provides you with excellent performances by sea animals.” 第 (9) 、(10) 两句重复部分较多, 语言拖沓繁琐, 我们 可以根据要表达的意思,用 not only . but also . 将这两 个句子连接起来, 既可以使语言表达更加简洁, 又可以突 出要表达的情感,“You can not only get some knowledge about the ocean but also know the importance of protecting nature in the Exhibition.” 5. 成篇 最后, 我们要再次阅读全文, 检查文章中是否存在拼 写或语法错误, 并在句与句之间增加一些衔接和过渡性的 词汇, 如 “what s more, and”



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