汇报材料结语(精选多 篇).docx

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1、第一篇:四、结语写法范文 四、结语写法范文 结语的写法 结语部分与引言同等重要,因为给读者留下最后印象的是它。结语应总结全文,而不应当提出或转移到别的论题上去,也不能草草收场。结语部分要让读者对论文的主要精神和内容加深印象。 结语部分的作用是重申论文的论点,最基本的一点是总结你的论点。总结不是简单地重复,而是归纳正文的内容,具有较强的理论性。切记:结语部分所占的篇幅不宜过长,力求干脆利落。以下是几种常见的结语写法。 1)说明论题的意义(statement of the subjects significance) 讨论主体部分所论述的论题的广泛意义,给读者提供更多的理由,从而让他们更明白你的论

2、文的价值。运用这一方法,是从一个具体、特定的范围扩展到一个更广泛的范围。必须从各种意义中挑选,不宜太泛,应注意突出重点。 下列是总结一篇写谷物近亲繁殖(inbreeding)和杂交繁殖(cross-breeding)的先驱george hshull的论文的结语: . thus, the hybrids developed and described by shull 75 years ago have finally dominated u.s. corn production. the adoption of hybrid corn was steady and dramatic in th

3、e corn bmt. from 1930 through 1979 the average yields of corn in the u.s. increased from 21.9 to 95.1 bushels per acre, and the additional value to the farmer is now several billion dollars per acre. the success of hybrid corn has also stimulated the breeding of other crops, such as sorghum hybrids,

4、 a major feed grain crop in arid parts of the world. sorghum yields have increased 300 percent since 1930. approximately 20 percent of the land devoted to rice production in china is planted with hybrid seed, which1 is reported to yield 20 percent more than the best varieties. and many superior vari

5、eties of tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, and other vegetables are hybrids. today virtually all corn produced in the developed countries is from hybrid seed. from those blue bloods of the plant kingdom has come a model for feeding the world. 2)解答与建议(solution / recommendation) 这种方式适合评论与阐述有争议问题的论文。这种方法的要

6、点是:总结你的论述之后,根据你的研究提供一个解决办法。为使你的方法更有说服力,必须经正文部分充分论证后提出。 .the major problem in colleg(请收藏好 范 文,请便下次访问:WwW.HaOWORD.CoM)e sports today is not commercialism- it is the explanation of athletes and the proliferation of illicit practices, whichdilute educational standards. many universities are currently de

7、riving substantial benefits from sports programs that depend on the labor of athletes drawn from the poorest sections of americas population. it is the responsibility of educators, civil rights leaders, and concerned citizens to see that these young people get a fair return for their labor both in t

8、erms of direct ,remuneration, and in terms of career preparation for a life outside sports. minimally, scholarships in revenue-producing sports should be designed to extend until graduation, rather than covering only four years of athletic eligibility, and should include guarantees of tutoring, coun

9、seling, and proper medical care. at instructions where the profits are particularly large scholarships should also provide salaries that extend beyond room, board, and tuition. the important thing is that the athlete be remunerated fairly and have the opportunity to gain skills from a university env

10、ironment without undue competition from a physically and psychologically demanding full-time job. this may well require that scholarships be extended over five or six years, including summers. such a proposal, i suspect, will not be easy to implement. the current amateur system, despite its moral an

11、d educational flaws, enables universities to hire their athletic labor at minimal cost. but solving the fiscal crisis of the universities on the backs of americas poor and minorities is not, in the long run, a tenable solution. with the support o concerned educators, parents, and civil rights leader

12、s, and with the help from organized labor, the college athlete, truly a sleeping giant,-will someday speak out and demand what is rightly his - and hers - a fair share of the revenue created by their hard work. 作者用一个句子总结全文内容:“the major problem in college sports today is not commercialism it is the e

13、xplanation of athletes and the proliferation of illicit practices, which dilute educational standards.”第二段继续分析已经提出的问题,随后提出一般性建议:“educators, civil rights leaders, and concerned citizens”负责学生田径运动员的福利。作者在第三段提出一个具体的建议,又在最后一段推测这个建议可能遭到反对,并通过淡化可能的反对意见而回到中心要点:学生田径运动员应当受到公平的待遇。 3)引用别人的话(quotation) 根据文章的论题,引

14、用该领域的一位名人或权威的话来结束论文,是许多人偏爱的方式。引用名人或权威的话可以增加文章的说服力。但如何引用颇有讲究,最重要的是所引用的话必须切合你的论点。 there is no doubt that machines will get smarter and smarter, even designing their own software and making new and better chips for new generations of computers ("incest is best," one industry slogan has it). m

15、ore and more of their power will be :devoted to making them easier to use - "friendly", in industryparlance - even for those not trained in computer science. andcomputer scientists expect that public ingenuity will come upwith applications the most visionary researchers have not evenconsidered. one day, a global network of smart machines willbe exchanging rapid-fire bursts of information at unimaginable speeds. if they are used wisely, they could help mankind to educate it


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