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1、湘潭大学 硕士学位论文 我国农产品物流发展及其支撑体系研究 姓名:彭永胜 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:政治经济学 指导教师:李勇辉 20071101 摘 要 目前由于我国农产品物流发展落后、市场化水平低、物流成本高,我国的农产 品在流通环节的损耗率远远高于发达国家,农民没有从流通领域享受到应得的比较 利益。传统的流通组织和服务组织也由于功能异化远远不能适应农村经济由封闭到 开放的需要。尤其是加入WTO后,外国优质低价的农产品依托其规模庞大的跨国企业 和完善的现代农产品物流网络体系大举进入国内市场,对我国农产品生产和流通构 成了更加严峻的挑战。 现代物流已成为降低物质消耗与劳动生产率以外的“第三利

2、润源泉” 。农产品物 流是全社会物流的重要组成部分,它的发展与经济的持续发展密不可分。现代农产 品流通体系的建立,必须依赖农产品现代物流。所以必须大力发展农产品物流。 要发展现代农产品物流必须构建强有力的现代农产品物流发展的支撑体系,只 有在这个强有力的支撑体系下,才可能使我国的现代农产品物流得到快速、健康发 展。从而大大提高我国农产品的国际竞争力,实现农民增收,支撑现代农业的快速 健康持续发展和推进社会主义新农村建设。 本文分析了我国农业发展的状况,认为目前大力发展农产品物流是实现农民增 收、支撑现代农业的快速健康持续发展和推进社会主义新农村建设重要保证,而农 产品物流发展的支撑体系是农产品

3、物流发展的重要基础,从而提出构建我国农产品 物流发展的支撑体系。在对当前国内外物流和农产品物流研究进行阐述与分析的基 础上做出评价;对农产品物流配送组织交易费用、农产品物流配送领域交易费用的 构成、农产品物流配送领域交易费用的影响因素、农产品物流配送组织形成的二维 空间理论模型等方面对农产品物流配送组织模式形成机理进行分析;对美国、日本、 荷兰等主要国家的农产品物流进行分析和与我国农产品物流现状进行比较分析的基 础上,得出相应的启示;结合现代物流产业发展的趋势,剖析了我国农产品物流发 展中物流主体的局限和制约农产品物流发展的主要基础性条件;最后在上述分析基 础上,提出了从农产品物流发展的基础设

4、施、农产品物流发展的管理水平、农产品 物流发展的技术水平、农产品物流发展的物流主体、农产品物流发展的宏观环境五 个方面构建适合我国农产品物流发展支撑体系的思路。 关键词:农产品;物流;支撑体系;交易费用 ABSTRACT At present, owing to the backward development of Chinas agricultural logistics, the low level of the Market-oriented, the high cost of logistics, the loss rate of agricultural products in t

5、he circulation is far higher than that of developed countries, farmers did not enjoy a comparative interests from the circulation area. The traditional circulation organizations and service organizations are far from to meet the needs of the rural economy from closed to open as their function aliena

6、tion. Especially after China joins the WTO, high quality and low-cost foreign agricultural products entry the domestic market massively rely on their large-scale multinational enterprises and improve the system of modern agricultural logistics network, poses a more serious challenge to the productio

7、n and circulation of agricultural products in China. Beside material consumption reduced and labor productivity, modern logistics has become the “third profit source.“ Agricultural Products Logistics is an important component of the whole society logistics, its development are inseparable to economi

8、c development sustained. It must be relied on the modern agricultural products logistics to establish modern circulation system of agricultural products. Therefore, we must vigorously develop the agricultural products logistics. It must be built a powerful support system of modern logistics developm

9、ent of agricultural products to develop the modern logistics of agricultural products, only rely on this strong support system, Chinas modern logistics of agricultural products may develop rapidly and healthy. This may enhance the international competitiveness greatly of countrys agricultural produc

10、ts, and farmers income, to support modern agriculture develop rapidly, healthy and sustained, and to promote the process of building the new socialist countryside. This paper analyzes the situation of Chinas agricultural development, that to develop logistics of agricultural products vigorously is t

11、he important guarantee for increasing farmers income, and supporting the modern agriculture develop rapidly, healthy sustained, and promoting the process of building the new socialist countryside. But the support system of agricultural products logistics is the most important basis of the developmen

12、t of agricultural products logistics, thereby to construct support system of Chinas agricultural products logistics. Based on the research of current domestic and foreign logistics and agricultural products logistics give an evaluation; on the agricultural products logistics and distribution organiz

13、ations transaction costs, transaction costs in and exogenous transaction costs, the component of transaction cost in the field of agricultural products logistics and distribution, the determining factors of transaction costs of agricultural products logistics and distribution, the theoretical model

14、of two-dimensional space of agricultural products logistics and distribution organizations formed, such as agricultural products logistics and distribution aspects of the formation mechanism of organizational model. That Inspiration drawn accordingly based on the comparative analysis of agricultural

15、 products logistics of the United States, Japan, and the Netherlands. Finally, analysis the development trends, principles and organizational innovative ideas of modern logistics based on the above statement, put forward the infrastructure, management level, skills, logistics mainstay and macro envi

16、ronment five aspects to construct the suitable support system of the development of Chinas agricultural products logistics. Key words: Agricultural Products; Logistics; Support System; Transaction Costs 湘潭大学 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明: 所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得 的研究成果。 除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外, 本论文不包含任何其他个 人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。 对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集 体, 均已在文中以明确方式标明。 本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承 担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校 保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版, 允许论文被查阅和 借阅。 本人授权湘潭大学可以将本学位论文的全部或



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