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1、人教版七年级英语下-Unit测试题 作者: 日期:2 人教版七年级英语下Unit6一、单项选择 (20分)( )1. Look! Mary is _ a magazine.A. seeing B. looking at C. reading D. watching( )2. They are talking _the movie over there.A. aboutB. to C. withD. on( )3. - Whats Rose doing? -_.AShe likes reading BShe is a doctorCShe does housework after school

2、DShe is eating dinner ( )4. Jimmy likes _ soccer. Look! He _ soccer.Aplays;plays Bplay;playCplaying;is playing Dplaying;plays( )5. Listen! They _ about Harry Potter. Lets join them. A. talking B. talk C. talks D. are talking ( )6. -Do you want to have supper with me? -That sounds _. Im hungry now.A.

3、 bad B. well C. good D. like good ( )7. Is David playing computer games? .A. Yes,he isB. No,he is C. Yes,he does D. No,he doesnt( )8. Its 7 oclock in the evening. I think Tina _ dinner at home. A. has B. is having C. have D. having ( )9. Thanks _ your letter and the photos.A. to B. at C. on D. for(

4、)10. _ you helping your mother _ housework?A. Are; toB. Are; withC. Is; withD. Do; to( )11. Tom is good football. He is the football team.A. in;on B. in;in C. for;inD. at;in( )12. Mary is from United States. She is singing American song.A. a; the B. an; the C. the; a D. the; an( )13. Mum doesnt like

5、 making lunch. We always .A. do the dishes B. wash the clothes C. eat out D. go shopping( )14. -Do you want to on weekends? - Sure. I love movies.A. go to school. B. go to the movie C. go for a walk D. go shopping ( )15. Its Sunday today. Jacks are all at home.A.home B. house C. family D. People( )1

6、6. Tom has two sons. One is a doctor, and _is a teacher. A.other B. others C. the other D. two( )17. We wish _ a big house in Beijing. A. buy B. to buy C. buys D. buying( )18. - Hello, this is Tom. Can I speak to Alice? _ . A.Alice is me B. My name is Alice C. I am Alice D. This is Alice speaking (

7、)19. - Can I have _beef, please? - Sorry, I dont have _.A.some; any B. any; any C. some; some D. any; some( )20. - Does your mother _ housework every day?- Yes. And she is _dinner now.A.do; cooks B. do; cooking C. does; cooks D. does; cooking二、完形填空 (10分)Mr. Lee comes from Beijing, China. He goes to

8、21 in 2009. He likes the life there, so he moves (搬家) there in 2012. Now they all get used to (习惯) the life there. Today is December 24th. And 22 is Christmas Day. The whole family is 23 with Christmas. Mrs. Lee cant make the dinner very well, but Mr. Lee is good 24 making American food. Look! He is

9、 cooking (做饭) in the kitchen. What is Mrs. Lee doing? She is 25 a helper of Mr. Lee. Can you see the girl in a brown coat? She is their daughter. She is 18 years 26 and her name is Molly. She 27 in America. Now she is 28 clothes at home. And the old man on the sofa is Mollys grandfather. He is 75 ye

10、ars old, but he is 29 in good health. What is he doing? Well, Mollys grandmother is teaching him 30 to use the Internet. They are really a happy family.( )21. A. AmericaB. Australia C. China D. England ( )22. A. todayB. tomorrow C. weekend D. weekday ( )23. A. friendlyB. smart C. noisy D. busy( )24.

11、 A. atB. withC. toD. for ( )25. A. then B. only C. justD. also ( )26. A. youngB. oldC. bigD. happy ( )27. A. leavesB. usesC. studiesD. wishes( )28. A. doingB. washing C. shopping D. drinking ( )29. A. overB. still C. wellD. too ( )30. A. whatB. whereC. howD. when三、阅读理解 (20分)ADear Fiona,How are you t

12、hese days? I am in Beijing for six months. And everything is going well with me. But I am a little busy. My husband (丈夫), Ben, is busy with his work. Every day he gets up at half past six and then goes to work by bus. Usually it takes him about two hours to get to his office (办公室). Its far from our home. And my child is only two years old. She is too young, so I cantgo to work and have to look after (照顾) her at home. Its ten o



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