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1、安徽大学 硕士学位论文 我国对外贸易中的环境问题研究 姓名:郑长梅 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:国际贸易学 指导教师:夏英祝 2010-05 I 摘摘 要要 国际贸易是国家间、区域组织间的商品、服务和技术的交换,是区域可持续 发展和全球可持续发展的纽带。近20年来,环境问题成为贸易体系中的一个热点 问题,一方面是因为,一些国家以保护环境为名恶意设置贸易壁垒,试图来影响 别国的环境政策从而达到维护本国经济利益的目的。 另一方面就是环境问题已经 从单个国家的个案, 发展成全球性的问题。 随着国际贸易自由化程度的不断加强, 环境问题必然在国际事务中扮演着越来越重要的角色。 我国几十年 “出口导向型”

2、经济发展政策为我国GDP的增长贡献了巨大力量。在改革开放的30年中,我国外 贸年平均增长17%,2001年以后增速更是超过20%。2007年我国贸易总额达21738 亿美元, 比1978年的206亿美元增长了104倍。 即使是受国际金融危机的影响, 2008 年我国对外贸易进出口总值达25616.3亿美元,比上年增长17.8%( “入世”以来 增长速度首次低于20%) 。毫无疑问,对外贸易已成为促进国内经济增长三驾马车 中动力最足的一驾。但这种经济增长是用沉重的环境成本换来的。西方舆论甚至 开始制造“中国资源威胁论”和“中国环境威胁论”指责我国输出污染,并将其 和经济、政治、军事利益联合在一起

3、,作为制约我国国际谈判的重要砝码。不管 是哥本哈根的气候大会,还是2010年召开的,都表明我国政府已经意识到环 境问题的重要性,但是国内由对外贸易引发的环境问题仍不容乐观。因而很有必 要分析下对外贸易的发展究竟给我国的环境造成了那些影响, 又带来了那些生态 利益,及如何采取有效措施,使国际贸易和生态环境协调发展。本文针对上述问 题,在分析当前国内贸易与环境问题的基础上,选取环境问题的重要来源中 国工业产品的对外贸易作为角度,从“污染足迹”的概念出发,利用中国统计 年鉴中工业部门产出和污染排放数据以及投入产出分析方法,分析了各工业部 门的污染状况,并对我国构建可持续的贸易体系提出自己的看法,旨在

4、考虑国际 贸易的环境影响,为我国的环境和贸易政策提供参考。 本文主要包括以下五方面的研究内容: 第一部分,绪论,介绍文章的研究意义、研究背景,本文的研究方法和研究 目的以及创新点和不足。 第二部分,论述环境和贸易之间的关系。首先分析环境问题的来源,指出产 II 品和服务的价格不能体现出环境成本而产生的外部性和市场失灵是环境恶化的 根本原因。接着分析了贸易和环境之间的双向互动关系。 第三部分,研究我国改革开放以后的外贸发展情况与环境问题。指出目前我 国对外贸易引发的环境问题, 尤其是工业产品贸易的迅速发展对我国环境状况恶 化具有重要的影响。 第四部分,进行实证分析,从“污染足迹”的概念出发,利用

5、中国统计年 鉴中工业部门产出和污染排放数据以及投入产出分析方法,分析了各工业部门 的污染状况。 第五部分,在论文研究的基础上提出相应的政策建议。 关键词:贸易与环境;环境内部化;污染足迹;政策建议;行业 关键词:贸易与环境;环境内部化;污染足迹;政策建议;行业 III Abstract International trade is regional organizations of goods, services and technology exchange between countries, is the bonds of regional sustainable development

6、 and global sustainable development. The past 20 years, environmental issues has become a hot issue of trading system, One reason is that some countries set up trade barriers in the name of to protect the environment, the aim is to influence environmental policy in other countries and to protect the

7、 economic interests of its own. The other reason is that environmental problems have been from a single country case, to a global problem. With the liberalization of international trade continued to strengthen, the environment must play an increasingly important role in international affairs. Chinas

8、 decades of “export-oriented“ economic development result in Chinas high GDP growth. In the 30 years of reform and opening up, Chinas foreign trade average annual increase of 17%, and more than 20% in 2001. Chinas total trade in 2007 reached 2.1738 trillion U.S. dollars, compared with 20.6 billion d

9、ollars in 1978 increased by 104 times. Even by the international financial crisis in 2008, Chinas foreign trade import and export value reached 2.56163 trillion U.S. dollars, up 17.8% than last year. There is no doubt that foreign trade has been a stimulus to domestic economic power troika of the mo

10、st full of a drive. But this economic growth is with a heavy environmental cost in return. Western public opinion and even started making the “China threat theory of resources“ and the “China threat of environment,“ accused the output of pollution in China and its economic, political, military inter

11、ests together in the international negotiations on Chinas major weight constraints. Whether Copenhagen climate conference, or “lianghui” held in 2010, all indicate that the Chinese Government has realized the importance of environmental issues, however, the environmental problems caused by the forei

12、gn trade is still not optimistic. Therefore it is necessary to analyze whether the development of foreign trade affect Chinas environment, is there have any ecological interests, and how to take effective measures to make balance between international trade and eco-environmental IV development. This

13、 paper analyzes these issues based on important source of environmental issues - the perspective of industrial products, from the “pollution footprint“ concept, and by using “China Statistical Yearbook“ in the industrial sector output and emissions data, and input-output analysis, analysis the pollu

14、tion in various industrial sectors, and put forward views on how to build sustainable trading system of China, and to consider the environmental impacts of international trade for Chinas environmental and trade policies for reference. This article includes the following five aspects of content: The

15、first part, Introduction, introduces articles of significance, background, domestic and international literature review, as well as the research methods and research purposes. The second discusses the relationship between environment and trade, analyzes the source of environmental problems, pointing

16、 that the prices of products and services that can not reflect the environmental costs resulting from externalities and market failure in the underlying causes of environmental degradation. Then analyze the two-way between trade and environment interaction. Thirdly, researches on the foreign trade development and the environment problems. Point out that the environmental problems caused by Chinas foreign trade, particularly trade in industrial products. Fourthly, the empirical



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