英语的口语交际训练题目 第17组

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1、英语的口语交际训练题目 第17组Model Test 17Section A1. A: George, where were you yesterday evening? I expected to see you at the concert.B: _A_A. Oh, I waited for you at the corner of your street. Then I looked for you at your flat, but the housekeeper said you were out.B. But I didnt expect to see you.C. Oh, Im

2、going to a movie theatre.D. Guess what? It slipped my mind.2. A: Have you finished with your report?B: _A_A. Finally. Ive done nothing else this whole week but revise it.B. Fortunately. I will try my best to finish it.C. Finally. I am waiting for some important materials.D. Fortunately. Can you help

3、 me with it?3. A: Youre going to give us a ride to the game tonight, arent you?B:_D_来源:A. Sorry, riding isnt my cup of tea.B. Wow, is the game exciting?C. If the weather is fine.D. If my cars running OK.4. A: This is ridiculous. Ive been waiting for my meal for more than half an hour.B: _B_A. Sorry,

4、 but you have to wait longer.B. Sorry, I know, but you see the restaurant is full and were shorthanded today.C. You can see the manager if you want to complain.D. Sorry, but you can go to another restaurant.5. A: No mail for me today? They must have forgotten about me. I hope everything is all right

5、 at home.B: _B_A. But I think there is something wrong.B. No news is good news. Remember many things are slow these days.C. Two heads are better than one. Youd better be patient.D. No pains, no gains. Why dont you write to them first?Section B6. W: Wow! This is a marvelous room! Whose idea was it to

6、 decorate the room like this?M: It was Janes.来源:W: I never knew she was good at this. She must be very art-conscious.Q. What does the woman think about Jane now?A. Jane has changed a lot.B. Janes idea is not good enough.C. Jane is conscientious.D. Jane is artistic.7. W: Hey, John. Shall we change th

7、e curtains?M: Change the curtains? Didnt you say you liked them?W: In the shop I did like them. But their color obviously clashes with the color of the walls.Q: Why does the woman want to change the curtains?A. She didnt like them from the very beginning.B. She doesnt like their color.C. Their color

8、 doesnt match that of the walls.D. Their color is too close to that of the walls.8. M: Jenny, why do you often watch talk shows?W: They make me laugh and sometimes crack me up, and I have learned a lot from their talks.Q: Why does the woman like watching talk shows?A. They are popular and interestin

9、g.B. They are amusing and instructive.C. They are ridiculous and boring.D. They are uninteresting and outdated.9. W: John says that he is confident that he can win the game.M: Hell succeed when pigs fly.来源:W: How can you be so sure that he cant? M: Hes never won a game like this before. Besides, all

10、 the competitors are first class. Hes no match.Q: Why is the man so sure that John cant win the game?A. Because John is not as competitive as other players.B. Because John has never played a game like this.C. Because John is as clumsy as a pig.D. Because John has no confidence in himself.10.M: I forgot all about the two oclock meeting! Toms going to kill me.W: Oh, God I can see why youre upset. It can really be annoying when something important slips your mind.Q: Whats the womans attitude toward the mans forgetfulness?A.Shes scornful.B. Shes sympathetic.C. Shes angry.来源:D. Shes worried


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