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1、 medicine medsn book bk dress dres cola kl disk dsk cellphone selfn bookstorebkst:(r) 书店 supermarketsju:pm:kit超市 bakerybekr蛋糕店 groceryrsr食品杂货店 drugstoredrgst:(r)药店 department storedip:tmnt st: 百货公司 supermarketsju:pm:kit超 市 bookstorebkst:(r) 书店 supermarketsju:pm:kit 超市 bakerybekr 蛋糕店 groceryrsr 食品杂货店

2、 drugstoredrgst:(r) 药店 department storedip:tmnt st: 百货公司 Guess! ¥92 ¥48 ¥18 ¥119 ¥159 ¥199 ¥55 ¥72 ¥100 ¥32 ¥52 ¥70 Salesperson: Good afternoon. What can I do for you?What can I do for you? Tang Hua: Id like to buy some bananas and oranges.Id like to buy some bananas and oranges. Salesperson: Sorry,

3、 there arent any bananas. But we have oranges. Sara: How much is the orange?How much is the orange? Salesperson: 2 2 yuanyuan a kilo. a kilo. Its on sale now.Its on sale now. Tang Hua: OK. Ill take 5 kilos.Ill take 5 kilos. Salesperson: Here you are. Activity 1 Read and underline. What can I do for

4、you?What can I do for you? 我能为您做点什么吗?我能为您做点什么吗?/ / 您需要点儿什么?您需要点儿什么? 商店售货员主动为顾客服务,一般以这句话为 开始。 What can I do for you? Id like to buy some bananas and oranges.Id like to buy some bananas and oranges. 我想买些香蕉和橘子。我想买些香蕉和橘子。 Id like to . 意为“我想买”“我想要”,后面接物品 名称。 Id like to buy some pencils for my son. Id lik

5、e to dance 我想给我儿子买些我想给我儿子买些 铅笔。铅笔。 How much is the orange?How much is the orange? 橘子怎么卖的橘子怎么卖的? how much 在这里意为“多少钱”,用来询问商品的 价格。 How much are the shoes?How much is this book? 2 2 yuanyuan a kilo.a kilo. 两块钱一公斤两块钱一公斤。 kilo 在这里意为“千克”,“公斤”,等于kilogram。 The apple is 3 yuan a kilo. Its on sale now.Its on s

6、ale now. 它现在打折它现在打折。 on sale 意为“打折”,“降价销售”。 The bread is on sale . Ill take 5 kilos.Ill take 5 kilos. 我们要五公斤我们要五公斤。 take 在这里意为“买”。 This T-shirt is beautiful. Ill take it. 这件这件T T恤很漂亮,恤很漂亮, 就买它了。就买它了。 medicine, book, dress, cola, disk, cellphone, grocery, bookstore, bakery, supermarket, department store, drugstore,kilo, one,two, three, four, five, six, seven . Vocabularies: Sentences:What can I do for you ? Id like to buy How much ? Ill take Homework 1.复习本节课的单词和句子 2.三人一组,以购物为话题用 本节课所学的单词和句子准备 一段对话,下节课表演。


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