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1、宾宾 语语 从从 句句 The Object ClauseThe Object Clause 什么是主语? 句子说明的人或事物。主语一般位于_ 。 1. Lucy likes her new bike. 2.We work hard. 3.To learn a foreign language is not easy. 4.Playing football after school is great fun. 句首 什么是谓语? 说明主语做什么或怎么样。通常由 _ 充当 . 常分为实义动词,连系动词,情态动词和助动词. 1. We love China. 2. She seems tired.

2、 3. He can speak English 4. We have finished reading this book. 动词 谓语 (V. ) 实义动词: 及物 v. 不及物 v. 连系动词 情态动词 助动词 什么是宾语? 动作行为的对象,说明主语做什么。一般放 在_或_后面. 1.We study English. 2.Our teacher said that he would go there. 3.He is looking at the dog. 及物动词介词 1. I know him . 2. I know who he is . 主语谓语宾语 (简单句) 主语谓语 宾

3、语 从 句 引导词从句主语 从句谓语 主 句 (复合句 ) 宾宾 语语 从从 句句 The Object ClauseThe Object Clause 宾语从句的概念: 宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语 。 句子结构: 主句 + 引导词 + 宾语从句 引导词 陈述句(主+v/主+adj.): 特殊疑问句: 一般疑问句: 先_后_ (that) 特殊疑问词如 what/ where/ when/ who/how much/ how many. if/whether 主谓 语序 时态 宾 语 从 句 三 要 素 主句为现在时,从句的时态根据_而定。 主句为过去时,从句的时态用_时态。 实际情况 相

4、应的过去 一、从属连词(引导词)一、从属连词(引导词) 1. 1. thatthat: 当宾语从句是陈述句时(包括肯定句和否定句)当宾语从句是陈述句时(包括肯定句和否定句) ,连词由,连词由thatthat引导,因为引导,因为thatthat不作任何成分,无任何不作任何成分,无任何 具体意思,因此具体意思,因此常省略。常省略。 I I think think (that)(that) its very funny its very funny. . She She hopeshopes (that)(that) they they will will have have a a good go

5、od timetime. . FF 形容词宾语从句:形容词宾语从句: FF 结构:结构:bebe + + 形容词形容词 + +(thatthat)从句)从句 FFsorry, sure, afraid, gladsorry, sure, afraid, glad, happy, certain, happy, certain I Imm afraidafraid (that)(that) I cant help you I cant help you . . vv WeWere re glad glad (that)(that) you can join us you can join us

6、. . 2. 2. if / whetherif / whether 当宾语从句是当宾语从句是一般疑问句一般疑问句时,由连词时,由连词whetherwhether 或或 if if 引导(口语中常用引导(口语中常用if if),因为),因为if/whetherif/whether翻译成翻译成 :“ “是否是否” ”,具有一定的意义,具有一定的意义,所以不能省略所以不能省略。 I I wonderwonder if if you you can go with mecan go with me. . I I didnt knowdidnt know whetherwhether I could

7、I could go homego home. . if 与 whether 的区别 1. I dont know _ he will come or not. 2. I dont care of _ he is handsome. 3. He wondered _ to stay here the next week. 4. _ he will come is not decided. whether whether whether Whether 有or not,只用whether 前有介词,只用whether 后接to do 不定式,只用whether 做主语,只用whether Exe

8、rcise _ hell come isnt important. A. Why B. If C. Whether D. What Would you like to know _ they will do it or not. A. if B. that C. whether D. why I dont know _ he still lives here. A. where B. what C. when D. whether 二、特殊疑问词二、特殊疑问词 当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,由连接代词当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,由连接代词(what, who, whom, which, whose)

9、或连接副词(或连接副词(when, where, how, why)引导,所以)引导,所以不可以省略不可以省略 Henry knows what he should do. v I dont remember when we arrived . v I asked him where I could take the bus. v Please tell me who (whom) we have to see . 带带howhow的词组也都可以引导宾语从句的词组也都可以引导宾语从句 vvCould you tell us Could you tell us how oftenhow ofte

10、n you go abroad you go abroad for a holiday ?for a holiday ? vvCould you tell us Could you tell us how longhow long the meeting the meeting will last ?will last ? vvPlease tell us Please tell us how manyhow many students there are students there are in your school ?in your school ? vvCan you tell us

11、 Can you tell us how oldhow old his brother is ? his brother is ? vvCould you tell us Could you tell us how muchhow much the coat isthe coat is ? ? Exercise Can you tell me _ you were born, Betty? A. who B. what C. when D. that He asked me _ told me the accident. A. whom B. which C. who D. whose 宾语从

12、句的引导词 Exercise I think _ you will like him. A. that B. if C. why D. how I didnt know _ he will come or not. A. that B. whether C. weather D. how The weather forecast doesnt say _. A. if it rains tomorrow B. if does it rain tomorrow C. if it will rain tomorrow D. if will it rain tomorrow 引导词 陈述句(主+v/

13、主+adj.): 特殊疑问句: 一般疑问句: _前_后 (that) 特殊疑问词如 what/ where/ when/ who/how much/ how many. if/whether 主 谓 语序 时态 宾 语 从 句 三 要 素 宾语从句用陈述语序 三、语序三、语序 宾语从句的语序用陈述语序: 连接词连接词 + +主语主语 + + 谓语谓语 + + 其他成分其他成分 1. When will he go to the library? 1. When will he go to the library? His brother asks when His brother asks w

14、hen he will go tohe will go to the library . the library . His brother asks when His brother asks when will he go towill he go to the library . the library . 2. What does he want to buy ?2. What does he want to buy ? I dont know what I dont know what he wants tohe wants to buy . buy . I dont know wh

15、at I dont know what does he want todoes he want to buy . buy . 3. Who are we going to meet ?3. Who are we going to meet ? Can you tell me who Can you tell me who we are going towe are going to meet ? meet ? Can you tell me who Can you tell me who are we going toare we going to meet ? meet ? Did Did the the students students have have a a picnic picnic last last Sunday Sunday ? ? Do you know ? Do you know ? Do you know if/whether the students Do you know if/whether the students had a picnic last Sunday ?ha


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