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1、B2B3 适用于北师大版高三新课标玉卷 高考综合版 第 2 期适用于北师大版高三新课标玉卷 高考综合版 第 2 期 第 2 期 适用于北师大版高三新课标玉卷 高考综合版副主编: 黄妍责编:朱冬梅美编: 杨颖一审: 陈雷生二审:张华程外籍编审:William 英 语 测试 报的宗 旨 : 专 业测 评, 成 功 学习 。 助 教、 助 学 、 助考 ! The other day I was shopping. A man, who was1and spent most of the time talking to nobody2 , walked to the checkout counter

2、. I overheard him say to the man before me, “I don t want to steal(偷).would you buy me some 3 ?” The man before me4not to hear him; it was as if he were not there to be seen. I waited patiently for my turn to be 5 , but it never came. So I asked him, “Can I buy you something to eat?” He gladly 6 . T

3、he man got a bag and began putting samosas(印度三角炸饺) into it. As the7 of my items was being calculated I watched the man put the samosas into the bag; 1, 2, 3. He 8 stopped and had got 10 all together. The cashier (收银员) looked at me quizzically and then added them to my 9 . After I was through, the ma

4、n was still10around the store; he said he wanted something to drink, too. The cashier kept a close eye on him. I did too,11 I didn t want him to steal anything either! I told the cashier that I d just12for it if he got a bottle of water or 13 . In the end, we both 14 the store, but he stood right ou

5、tside holding the samosas and talking to 15 . Or maybe he was talking with someone who he thought was there. This man s16saddened me. How many other homeless people also suffer from a17illness? Maybe that s even what18him to be homeless. I also thought about the19eye the cashier and I kept on him. I

6、 felt sorry. I hope to20him again someday.maybe we can sit down and have lunch together. 1. A. silentB. untidyC. normalD. familiar 2. A. at timesB. of courseC. in particularD. by mistake 3. A. foodB. clothesC. booksD. tools 4. A. failedB. pretendedC. agreedD. feared 5. A. ignoredB. investigatedC. th

7、ankedD. questioned 6. A. repliedB. acceptedC. compromisedD. admitted 7. A. sizeB. numberC. costD. value 8. A. finallyB. neverC. accidentallyD. temporarily 9. A. bagB. menuC. purchaseD. kitchen 10. A. stealingB. hidingC. cleaningD. wandering 11. A. butB. thoughC. ifD. as 12. A. provideB. applyC. payD

8、. look 13. A. glueB. beverageC. shampooD. oil 14. A. leftB. foundC. boughtD. visited 15. A. meB. himselfC. othersD. everyone 16. A. wordsB. choicesC. familyD. circumstances 17. A. mentalB. commonC. deadlyD. physical 18. A. allowedB. motivatedC. ledD. persuaded 19. A. watchfulB. blindC. tearfulD. sle

9、epy 20. A. hear fromB. stand forC. call onD. run into 刘兆通 赵文彬 (供稿) (参考答案及解析见下期) 词 条 1.【词条】 separate 【点拨】separate 意为 “分开” , 指的是将两个独立的人或 物分开, 使其不在一起。它常常构成 separate A from B, 表示 “将 A 同 B 分开” 。如: We separated good ones from the bad ones. 【拓展】 (1)separate adj. 意为 “单独的, 独立的, 分开的” 。 (2)get separated 意为 “分开

10、, 分离” 。 (3) 名词形式 separation 的后面也可接上介词 from。 (4)注意 separate 与 divide 的区别。 divide 指的是将一个 整体分成若干份。 【趁热打铁 1】翻译下面句子。 这两个城镇被一条河隔开。 _ 2.【词条】found 【点拨】found vt.( founded, founding), 意为 “创立” 。常与 on, upon 连用,意为“建立在基础上;以为根 据” 。注意: find vt. (found, finding)找到, 发现。 如: Her family founded the company in 1998. The

11、author wants to write a story founded on facts. 【辨析】found, establish, organize 含有“建立” ,“成立” 或 “组成” 的意思。 (1)found 表示初步地 “建立” 或 “成立” ,但仍有待于进 一步的发展和完善。 (2)establish 包含着奠定基础,但更强调持续地存在下 去。 例如, 几个人 founded a firm, 由于经营管理无方, 几个月便倒闭了,此时“创办”这个公司就不能用 established。 (3)organize 虽然包含 “建立” 的意思, 但更强调建立一 个机构。 3.【词条】

12、struggle 【点拨】struggle n. 表示 “斗争, 挣扎” 等。 如: The struggle for independence was long and hard. 【拓展】struggle v. 表示 “斗争” 、“挣扎” 等, 通常与 for, with, against 连用。 struggle against / with 和斗争 / 抗争; struggle for 为 而斗争 / 打斗; struggle to do sth 奋力做某事。 【趁热打铁 2】 请根据汉语提示完成下列各句。 (1)This young man is _ (努力赚) more money

13、 to afford the whole family s expenses. (2)In her life, Helen Keller _(与疾病抗争). (3)All the communists used to _ (为国家独立 而斗争). 4.【词条】keen 【点拨】keen adj.意为 “热情的, 渴望的” 。 1)其后可接介词 on, about, in, 表示 “热衷于、 喜欢某活动、 某人或某物” 。 2) keen 后也可接动词不定式, 表示 “渴望做某事” 。如: He was not keen on buying a car, but we talked him in

14、to it. No one s keener about beauty than I am. The old woman is very keen to see her birthplace again. 【辨析】keen, anxious 和 eager 这三个词语都有 “渴望” 之 意。keen 指的是由于有强烈的兴趣或欲望而急于做某 事; anxious 则是指由于没有把握, 担心失败或遭受意外 而产生的苦恼; eager 则强调急于成功的迫切心理。 词 组 5.【词组】compete against 【点拨】compete against “和竞赛” 如: You are only f

15、ifteen and you will be competing against fellows two and even three years senior. 【拓展】 (1) compete for 表示 “为争夺, 比赛夺取” 。 如 : The two girls competed with each other for the highest mark. (2) compete with 表示 “同竞争, 竞赛” 。 如: We can not hope to compete with so experienced a team. (3) competition n. 竞争;其后的

16、介词搭配与相应的动词 搭配一致。 如: I won a handwriting competition held in our school. 【典型例句】 We made it a rule to compete in the games fairly, openly and friendly. 6.【词组】give up 【点拨】give up “放弃” ; 如: She gave up her job as a teacher to look after her disabled mother. 【拓展 1】 (1) give up 表示 “不再做 (某事) ” 。 如: Then he remembered that he had given up smoking. (2) give up 表示 “把献给, 把用来 (做某事) ” 。 如: These experts g



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