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1、安徽大学 硕士学位论文 我国反就业性别歧视法律问题研究 姓名:乔安丽 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:民商法学 指导教师:李坤刚 2010-04 I 摘摘 要要 本论文首先对性别歧视的概念进行了界定,并研究了性别歧视的种类。目前 我国的法律和法规还没有关于“歧视”或“性别歧视”等概念的明确界定,在 学术界部分学者对性别歧视的概念的作出了学理定义。在国际公约以及其他国 家的法律体系中,对“歧视”和“性别歧视”均有明确的定义,如就业和职 业歧视公约将“歧视”一词定义为, “基于种族、肤色、性别、政治见解、民 族血统或社会出身等原因,具有取消或损害就业或职业机会均等或待遇平等作 用的任何区别、排斥或优惠”

2、 。歧视包括直接歧视和间接歧视,直接歧视是指, 在相同条件下,一个人或一个群体所受到的待遇明显低于另一个人或群体所受 到的待遇;间接歧视是指,某项规定、标准或做法看似中立,没有区别对待任 何人或群体,但实际上却导致对某人或某一群体不成比例的不利影响。据此, 性别歧视可以定义为:仅仅因为性别而非其他因素,在就业招聘中对某一性别 加以区别、排斥,并剥夺、损害该性别享有与异性相同的就业机会,或令该性 别在不能得到与异性相同的安全保障和职业培训的条件下被录取。在判定歧视 的过程中,对“工作相关资格”的认定是其重要的组成部分,市场经济赋予了 用人单位自由选择权,这一权利又要受到平等权的限制,平衡这一矛盾

3、的重要 方法就是对“工作相关资格”的判定,属于“工作相关资格”的则不视为歧视, 否则会构成性别歧视。 其次,本文阐述了就业性别歧视的表现与危害。就业性别歧视主要表现为 三个方面:就业机会歧视、就业待遇歧视以及职业培训歧视。伴随着性别歧视, 产生了职业的横向隔离和纵向隔离现象。实践中女性职业已开始出现整体的下 沉状况,女性劳动者更多的集中在技术水平低、报酬低的职业中。由于女性晋 升中的“玻璃天花板”效应,使得她们整体的职位水平出现下降,女性只能处 于较低的职位中。性别歧视不仅损害了女性的平等权,而且影响女性个体发展, 浪费了巨大的人力资源,因此需要对我国的性别歧视进行及时有效的规制。 再次,本分

4、析了我国反就业歧视的现状及不足。现有的社会环境状况极大 的影响了女性平等就业。生育保险的体制的不完善,使企业不愿意雇佣女性职 II 工,家庭责任加重了女性个人负担,社会性别平等意识的缺失也影响女性的职 业发展。此外,现存的法律制度中关于反就业性别歧视的规定有许多的不足之 处,如概念界定模糊、救济途径有限、举证责任困难等。这使得我国在反就业 性别歧视立法中出现大量的真空地带,亟待解决的就业性别歧视问题的不到妥 善的处理。 最后,根据上述的分析和论述,作者提出了建立反就业性别歧视体系的具 体建议:一是加强与反就业性别歧视的相关社会制度构建;二是建立相应的反 就业性别歧视法律制度;三是完善反就业性别

5、歧视的执法监督机关。笔者相信, 通过以上制度的完善,我国的性别歧视状况会得到根本的改善。 关键词关键词:就业;性别歧视;平等权 III Abstract In this thesis, the concept of gender discrimination was defined fist, and the types of gender discrimination were also discussed. In China, presently, laws and regulations have not defined the concept of “discrimination“ o

6、r “gender discrimination”, but some scholars in this area have defined “gender discrimination” academically. In the international conventions and legal systems of other countries, “discrimination“ and “gender discrimination“ are clearly defined, for example, In “The Convention of Employment and Occu

7、pation Discrimination“, “discrimination“ was defined as “based on race, color, sex, political opinion, ethnical lineage, social background, and other reasons, abrogating or impairing the equal opportunity or payment of occupation with any distinction, exclusion or preference.” Discrimination include

8、s direct discrimination and indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination indicates that in the same conditions, a person or a group of people was treated significantly inferior than other person or group of people. Indirect discrimination refers to a provision, criterion or practice appears neutra

9、l, not discriminating any person or group, but in fact results in adverse effects on a person or a group of people proportionately. Accordingly, the gender discrimination could be defined as: just because of the gender rather than other factors, employers discriminate, reject, deprive or damage the

10、certain genders employment opportunity, not employing the certain gender with the same occupational training or security condition as the other gender. In the process of judging gender discrimination, “job-related qualifications“ is an important part. Market economy has given employers the right to

11、choose with freedom, which will be also restricted by equal rights. An important way to balance this contradiction is judging the “job-related qualifications“. The judgment belonging to “job-related qualifications“ will not be considered discriminatory; if not, the judgment will lead to gender discr

12、imination. Secondly, in this thesis, the manifestation and harm of gender discrimination IV were also illustrated. Gender discrimination in employment mainly shows in three areas: employment opportunity discrimination, employment treatment discrimination and employment training discrimination. Along

13、 with gender discrimination, the horizontal and vertical occupational segregation come into being. In practice, the situation of female profession has started to go down entirely; female workers are more concentrated in the occupations with lower level of technology and lower payment. Due to the “gl

14、ass ceiling“ effect in female promotion, women can only get inferior job occupation, which make their overall professional positions decline. Gender discrimination not only harm womens equal rights but also affect the development of individual woman, wasting a huge amount of human resources. Therefo

15、re, we need to make timely and effective regulations for gender discrimination in our country. Thirdly, the current situation and the lack of Chinas anti-discrimination in employment were analyzed in this thesis, too. Nowadays, Social environment has greatly affected the womens equal employment. Bec

16、ause of inadequate maternity insurance system, enterprises usually do not want to employ female workers. Furthermore, family responsibilities have increased womens burden individually, and the lack of awareness of gender equality has also affected womens professional development. In addition, there are many shortcomings concerning anti-sex discrimination in employment in the existing legal system, such as hazy concept definition, limited relief ways, difficult proof burden, which makes



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