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1、广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 情感与英语学习焦虑度、态度、动机与成绩的相关性 姓名:刘英 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:课程与教学论英语 指导教师:关永平 20080401 iv 情感与英语学习 情感与英语学习 焦虑度、态度、动机与成绩的相关性 焦虑度、态度、动机与成绩的相关性 研究生: 刘 英 年级:2005 级 学科专业: 课程与教学论 指导老师: 关永平 研究方向: 英语教学论 中 文 摘 要 中 文 摘 要 20 世纪 60 年代, 随着人文主义心理学和二语习得理论的研究深入, 语言教学中的情 感问题越来越受到重视。情感因素的研究逐渐成为语言习得研究热点之一。情感因素方 面的研究主要表现在以

2、下四个方面: 第一,情感理论的研究;第二,情感因素与外语学 习的相关性研究,该类研究探讨了情感对成绩的影响;第三,情感教学与心理学在语言 教学中的相互作用;第四,情感策略方面的研究,即具体在听、说、读、写过程中学生 使用情感策略的情况。 有鉴于此,本论文以心理学和二语习得理论为基础,以广西师范大学非英语专业的 学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查和访谈的方式,探讨了情感与英语学习的关系,对焦虑 度、态度、动机三个情感因素和成绩的关系进行了相关性研究。分析结果如下: 1)焦虑度与成绩有较显著负相关:学习者的焦虑程度越高,其成绩就越差。交流焦 虑、负面评价焦虑和一般焦虑与成绩都呈负相关,其中负面评价焦虑与

3、成绩呈较显著负 相关,负面评价焦虑度更能影响学习者的成绩。 2)态度与成绩有较显著正相关:学习者对英语学习的态度越积极,其成绩就越好。 认知、情感和意动态度与成绩都呈正相关,其中意动态度与成绩呈较显著正相关,意动 态度的强弱更能影响学习者的成绩。 3)动机与成绩不呈显著正相关。融合型动机比工具型动机更能影响学习者的成绩。 本次调查对于大学英语教与学的现实意义有三点:一、对学习者情感方面的注意可 以帮助学习者平衡对认知和情感的认识,进而提高学习效率;二、对学习者情感方面的 认识有利于教师改进课堂教学,和协教学气氛,提高教学质量;三、在素质教育的影响 下,学习者情感因素的调查在一定程度上反映了大学

4、生英语学习焦虑、态度、动机的状 况。 关键词:关键词:情感;成绩;焦虑度;态度;动机 v Affectivity and English Learning: A Correlation of Anxiety, Attitude, Motivation and Performance Postgraduate: Liuying Grade: 2005 Major Field of Study: Curriculum second, from the relationship between affectivity and language learning, the study of the e

5、ffects of affectivity on language learning is emphasized; third, from psychological perspective, the interaction of psychology and affective teaching is concerned; fourth, from affective strategy perspective, how to apply affective strategies to language learning is discussed. Based on the theories

6、of psychology and second language acquisition, this thesis aims to investigate the relationship between affectivity and language learning in terms of anxiety, attitude and motivation. The non-English majors at Guangxi Normal University were selected as subjects, and questionnaires and interview were

7、 used to collect data. Results bring out the findings as follows: 1) Anxiety has significant and negative effects on performance. Learners at high anxiety level are less likely to succeed in learning English. Three kinds of anxiety negatively related to performance, and the fear of negative evaluati

8、on has a moderate relation with language learning. 2) Attitude has significant and positive effects on performance. Learners with high attitude level perform better. Three kinds of attitude positively related to learning, and the strength of conative attitude has a moderate relation with language pe

9、rformance. 3) There is no significant relation between motivation and performance. Integrative motivation is more likely to affect performance than instrumental motivation. This research suggests that since affectivity has a close relation with performance, learners understanding of cognitive and af

10、fective aspects of language learning can lead to more effective learning, and harmonized classroom can improve teaching. Key words: Affectivity; Performance; Anxiety; Attitude; Motivation 45 论文独创性声明论文独创性声明 本人郑重声明:所提交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下进行的研究工 作及取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含其他个人或其 他机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究作出重要贡

11、献的个人和 集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人承担本声明的法律责任。 研究生签名: 日期: 论文使用授权声明论文使用授权声明 本人完全了解广西师范大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。广西师范 大学、中国科学技术信息研究所、清华大学论文合作部,有权保留本人所送 交学位论文的复印件和电子文档,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存 论文。本人电子文档的内容和纸质论文的内容相一致。除在保密期内的保密 论文外,允许论文被查阅和借阅,可以公布(包括刊登)论文的全部或部分 内容。论文的公布(包括刊登)授权广西师范大学学位办办理。 研究生签名: 日期: 导 师签名: 日期: iii Acknowledgeme

12、nts First and foremost, I feel deeply indebted to my venerable supervisor Guan Yongping, who from the beginning to end, has shown great enthusiasm and attention to the present thesis and went through at great length every part of it with thought-provoking comments. Only with his insightful guidance,

13、 resourceful advice, unfailing attention and unforgettable encouragement, can I have this pleasure and possibility to complete this thesis. During the past three years, Pro. Guan guided me untiringly and patiently. What he taught me is precious wealth which I will benefit from in my whole life. Spec

14、ial thanks also go to Pro. Bai Jinze, Pro. Li Xiao, Associate Pro. Zhou Xiaolin, Associate Pro. Jiang Yemei, Associate Pro. Shen Bin, Associate Pro. Lu Qiaoling, Professor Zhang Shaolin and Mr. Yang Ronghua for their lectures on linguistics and principles of English learning and teaching that have l

15、ed me to a wider world of knowledge. Thanks are also extended to my fellow graduates and friends including Liang Jun, Zhang Fusheng, Li Dan, Wen Ying, Lu Xing, Fang Bao and Huang Bin. Their persistent help and encouragement support me greatly. Last but not least, my heart-felt gratefulness goes to m

16、y parents, who have given me constant support and encouragement, owing to them, I am happy and confident to walk into the future. This thesis is dedicated to all whom I love from the depth of my heart. 1 Chapter 1 Introduction As a global language, English obtains the critical position in language teaching. However, low efficiency in language learning can hardly meet learners demands. The tradition



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