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1、实训四Part I VocabularyLearn the new words from the table below and choose the best answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.词汇音标词性中文释义例句nail/neIl/n.钉子;指甲,趾甲He hammered the nail into the branch. 他把钉子钉到了树枝上。namely/neIMLi/ad.即;也就是We need to concentrate on our target audience, namely women aged betw

2、een 20 and 30.我们须针对我们的听众对象,即年龄在20到30岁之间的妇女。narrative/nQrEtIv/n.叙述;讲故事His trip around the world made an interesting narrative.他周游世界的旅行是个很有趣的故事。nasty/nA:sti/a.令人厌恶的;肮脏的;下流的I dont like the colour theyve chosen for their new carpetit looks really nasty.我不喜欢他们挑的那块新地毯的颜色看着真让人恶心。native /neItIv/a.本国的;土著的;原产

3、地的She spoke not only her native language, English, but also French and German. 她不仅讲自己的母语英语,还讲法语和德语。nationality/;nQSEnQlEti/n.国籍She lives in France but has British nationality.她住在法国,但拥有英国国籍。naturally/nQtrEli/ad.自然地;当然地;合理地When things go wrong, all of us naturally feel disappointed and frustrated.出问题时

4、,我们大家自然都感到失望和沮丧。navigation/;nQvIgeISn/n.航行;航海Pack ice is a threat to navigation.浮冰对船只航行构成威胁。navy/neIvi/n.海军The navy is introducing a new class of warship this year.海军今年要装备新一级的军舰。nearly/nIEli/ad.几乎;差不多;即将He was nearly hit by a car when he ran across the road.他过马路的时候差点被车撞到。neat /ni:t/a.整洁的;整齐的The stud

5、ents are required to keep their dorms neat. 学生们被要求保持宿舍整洁。necessity/nEsesEti/n.必要性;必需品Food, clothing and shelter are all basic necessities of life.衣、食、住所是生活的基本必需品。negative /neGEtIv/a.消极的;否认的In most cases, divorces will have a negative influence on children. 大多数情况下,离婚会给孩子带来消极的影响。neglect/nIGlekt/v.疏忽;忽

6、略The woman denied that she had neglected her child. 那位女士否认疏于照管自己的孩子。negotiate/nIGEUSieIt/v.商议;谈判;协商Weve decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim.我们决定就工资问题与雇主谈判。neighbourhood/neIbEhUd/n.地区;某地区的人We live in a rather rich neighbourhood.我们住在很富裕的住宅区。network/netwC:k/n. 网络;网状物CBS, ABC, a

7、nd NBC are the three big US television networks.哥伦比亚广播公司、美国广播公司和全国广播公司是美国的三大电视网。neutral/nju:trEl/a.中立的;公平的He holds a neutral position in the debate over gender equality.在关于性别平等的辩论中,他持中立的观点。nevertheless/;nevEDEles/ad.虽然如此;然而There was no news; nevertheless we went on hoping. 尽管毫无消息,我们仍抱着希望。newly/nju:l

8、i/ad.新近地The newly married couple went to Italy for their honeymoon.这对新婚夫妇去意大利度蜜月。1. He was appointed to the _ established Department of Health and Human Services.A. nearlyB. newlyC. normallyD. justly2. Most marriages fail after between five and nine years. _, people continue to get married.A. In add

9、itionB. AlthoughC. NeverthelessD. Therefore 3. Mobile phone now is a household _. A. component B. instrument C. equipment D. necessity4. Journalists are supposed to be politically _. A. neutral B. critical C. negative D. aggressive5. The party in office has to _ with the parties out of office over t

10、his proposal.A. disagreeB. quarrel C. negotiate D. disputePart II ListeningSection AChoose the right answers for the 5 short conversations from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.1. A. Exercise machines wont do the woman good.B. its not necessary for the woman to take a fitness training course. C. w

11、alking up and down the stairs should follow certain beats. D. the woman should walk up and down the stairs all the time.2. A. The man will change his attitude to the women. B. The boss has done his wrong by accident. C. The boss hasnt been hard on the man. D. The woman encouraged the man to revenge.

12、3. A. The womans friend has a better handwriting. B. The mans friend has a better handwriting. C. The woman has a better handwriting. D. The man has a better handwriting.4. A. He doesnt like them. B. He likes them very much. C. He doesnt think over them. D. He doesnt watch them.5. A. A fictional sto

13、ry. B. The quit of a shop assistant. C. The search of a reliable witness. D. An unsolved case of robbery.Section BChoose the right answers for the 2 long dialogues from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.Dialogue 11. A. He is invited to a professors house. B. He wants to quit an informal party. C. H

14、e knows little about customs at a dinner party.D. He is not free next Saturday.2. A. Because they may have enough time for taking a shower and the like.B. Because it is a custom in America C. Because they want to enjoy their privacy till the last minute. D. Because they are nervous.3. A. 45 minutes later than the invitation states. B. 15 minutes later than the invitation states.C. 15 minutes later than the invitation states.D. 15 or 30 minutes later than the invitation states.4. A. Through the phone. B. Through


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