上课课件unit1 Living Well.

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1、Unit 1 Living well Warming up and reading Lead-in How many different types of disabilities do you know? A .physical disability B .mental disability deafness, dumb/mute, blindness, lame/leim/(跛足的), near-sighted, six fingers, color blindness, paralyzation( 瘫 痪) depression, learning difficulty brain in

2、jury, phobias fbz (恐 惧症) 1 .Do you know anyone who is disabled around you? How does he or she deal with the disabilities? 2 .Do you know any famous people who are disabled? What do they do? Discussion and speaking Reference One Professor Steven Hawking In spite of his motor neurone disease 肌肉萎缩, he

3、decides to continue with his research and writing, and his famous book “A brief History of Time” used to be a best seller. Hellen Keller(1880-1968)18821968 United Kingdom blind and dumb Reference Two Franklin Roosevelt罗 斯福 1882- 1945, America . the 32nd, 33rd and 34th president, and was selected the

4、 35th a year before he died. The only one who was selected the president four times in American history. a disease in legs and had to use wheel chair Reference Three Beethoven (1770 - 1827) Germany Deaf famous musician Reference Four Zhang Haidi 1955 China paralyzed Famous writer Reference Six the d

5、isabled people confidence What spirits and characteristics make the disabled successful? belief will determination patienc e optimism independence Discussion What do you learn from these disabled?What do you learn from these disabled? Theyre broken in body but firm in spirit. (身残志坚) Martys Story dif

6、ficulties _ _ _ that makes him very weak. _and cant _ or _ stairs as quickly as other people. A muscle disease disease Clumsyrunclimb motto To live one day _ _ _.at a time What does “live one day at a time” mean? Live a rich and full life every day. Para1: Main idea: An introduction to Marty and his

7、 muscle disease 1. Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Martys leg? A.Because they could cure the disease by cutting it out. B. Because they wanted to use it as a specimen(标本 ). C.Because they would transplant(移植) the new muscle. D.Because they wanted to find out the cause of the disea

8、se. E. 2. What did I suffer? Para 2-3: 2. What did I suffer? Para 2-3: I got out of breath after running a short way and had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs. I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered. Para 4 What are the Martys ambition, achievement and hobby? 1.ambition 2. achi

9、evement 3. hobby To work for a firm that develops computer software when he grows up. invented a computer football game and a big company has decided to buy it from him Going to the movies and football matches and keeping pets . Martys advice : Para 5 1. Dont feel sorry for them. 2. Dont make fun of

10、 them. 3. Dont ignore them. 4. Accept them for who they are. 5. Encourage them to live as rich and full a life as you do. 1. make me annoyed 2. all in all 3. computer programming 4. computer software 5. sit around 6. as well as 7. parrot 8. a tank full of fish and tortoise Words & expressions Para 4

11、5 使我生气 总总而言之 电脑编电脑编 程 电脑软电脑软 件 闲闲坐着 除了之外 鹦鹉鹦鹉 一缸金鱼鱼和乌龟乌龟 在很多方面 心理上 过过正常的生活 对对某人感到羞愧/抱歉 取笑 鼓励 过过着丰富多彩而充实实 美满满的生活 9. in many ways 10. psychologically 11. live a normal life 12. feel sorry for sb. 13. make fun of 14. Encouragement 15. live a rich and full life 1) What is the passage mainly about? A. Ho

12、w Marty lives a rich and full life even though he is disable. B. How Marty achieves a lot. C. How people ignore the disabled. D. How Johns disability helps him grow stronger. 2.Choose the right answer. 2). Marty has _ disease. A. a mental B. a muscle C. a brain D. a hand 3). When Marty says “I am on

13、e in a million”, he really means _. A. he is unique B. he has a rare disease C. he has a muscle disease D. he lives a hard but happy life 4). Which of the following is true according to this passage? A. Marty is special because of his appearance. B. His fellow students often make him angry. C. Marty

14、 is optimistic and positive toward life. D.He spent 2 years on the invention of a computer football game. 5).He developed his muscle disease_. A. when he was a little boy C. when he was swimming D. when he was playing B. when he was ten years old Summary Marty Fielding began to suffer_ a muscle dise

15、ase when he was 10, which made him _and drop things or bump into furniture. But he has to learn to_ his disability. When some people cannot accept him for who he is, he doesnt get _.He just ignores them. All in all, he has a good life. His ambition is to work in a computer software firm _he grows up. He has a very busy life and doesnt have time to sit around _(feel) sorry for himself. In many ways, his disability has helped him grow_(strong) psychologically and become more independent. He has to work hard_(live) a normal life. From him, we know we shouldnt fee


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