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1、首都体育学院 硕士学位论文 我国优秀女子跳高运动员起跳阶段摆蹬技术的三维运动学分析 姓名:杨重甫 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:体育教育训练学 指导教师:周建梅 20100501 1 摘 要 跳高曾是我国竞技体育的优势项目, 20 世纪 70 年代和 80 年代是我国跳高项目的发 展高峰阶段,许多优秀运动员在田径史上留下了自己光辉的一页。可随着老一批运动员 的退役,我国跳高运动员在世界跳高舞台上展现飒爽英姿的情景也随之剧减,跳高水平 不断下滑,近二十年来我国跳高运动的发展一直处于低谷中,运动成绩徘徊不前,如何 使我国跳高运动摆脱这种尴尬的窘境已迫在眉睫。 本文通过搜集 1980 年至 2009 年

2、间与本研究相关的文献资料, 深入了解跳高运动的 动作原理及技术要求,深入认识跳高运动的发展历程及国内外对跳高运动的研究现状, 并收集国内外优秀女子跳高运动员的技术指标,采用三维摄像技术,运用两台高速摄像 机对 2008年10月参加石家庄全国田径锦标赛女子跳高前六名运动员比赛决赛进行实地 拍摄,运用美国艾利尔运动录像反馈系统进行解析分析,根据跳高技术原理、运动生物 力学、 运动生理学等相关理论学科理论对跳高过程中摆动腿和两臂的摆动动作和起跳腿 的支撑和蹬伸动作进行研究, 力图找出我国运动员在技术动作上存在的问题以及与国外 优秀运动员之间的差距,做出正确的技术诊断并提出合理化意见和建议。为我国现役

3、跳 高运动员提供技术理论依据,使她们在以后的比赛中能够取得好的成绩,同时为我国女 子跳高运动走出低谷尽一点微薄之力。 本文的研究结果表明: 1 近十余年来,我国和世界女子背越式跳高运动同处于发展的低谷之中,成绩一直徘徊 不前, 我国女子跳高成绩在全运会年成绩有提升迹象, 但与世界水平的差距却在拉大。 2 测试对象在身高方面较国外运动员具有明显优势,但 H1值却小于世界跳高运动员。在 起跳开始前,摆动腿支撑技术较差,身体重心下降幅度过大,身体重心水平速度损失 严重;起跳开始瞬间,身体获得的向下垂直速度大于国外运动员,而水平速度的转化 率低,致使起跳脚离地时身体重心的最大垂直速度较小。 3 助跑倒

4、数第二步摆动腿着地瞬间,摆动腿膝关节弯曲程度较大,而缓冲幅度较小;摆 动腿蹬伸不积极、不充分,体现出我国运动员摆动腿技术有待进一步改进。 4 起跳阶段,我国女子跳高运动员摆动腿表现出摆动较早,但摆动不够充分的特点。摆 动腿的摆动方向应是向前、向上的,摆动腿应有一个较小的摆动角,摆动角的大小与 起跳脚蹬离地面时刻身体重心垂直速度的大小呈负相关(r=-0.466) 。 5 我国运动员两臂的摆动速度较慢,摆臂与起跳腿蹬伸配合节奏不好,其中冠军郑幸娟 出现了二次摆臂的不合理现象,摆臂技术和力量还应加强训练。 6 我国女子跳高运动员在起跳时间上体现出起跳时间短,起跳速度快,这与起跳腿的膝 关节和踝关节蹬

5、伸不够充分有直接关系,蹬伸力量尚显不足。 关键词: 女子跳高;摆动;蹬伸;三维运动学分析 2 Abstract High jump was the strong point of Chinas competitive sports. Chinas high jump developed fast from the year 1970s to 1980s, and many excellent high jumpers performed very well in the history of Athletics. However, with the old high jumpers retir

6、ement, the achievement of Chinese high jumpers is not developed for nearly 20 years. It is urgent to help Chinese high jump get out of this embarrassment. This thesis collects the literature from the year 1980 to 2009, and studies the technology and history of high jump. It also collects specificati

7、ons of many excellent female high jumpers both home and abroad, and using three-dimensional video cameras hooting the competition of National Track and Field Championships which held in Si jiazhuang. It studies awing leg, swing arms and the supporting take-off foot according to the technology of hig

8、h jump, Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology. And try to find the problem in technology of Chinese high jumpers and the difference between them and the high jumpers abroad, in order to raise reasonable suggestion. It also try to provide technology theoretical basis for Chinese high jumpers, so that

9、they could get good achievement in the next competition. This thesis shows the study results as follows: 1. In recent 10 years, the womens Fosbury flop is in its trough development both home and in abroad, and the achievement didnt improve. Although the achievement of womens Fosbury flop in China is

10、 improving, its still far behind the world standard. 2. The female high jumpers in China are obviously superior to those abroad in height, but are inferior to those abroad in H1 value. Before the moment of takeoff, the body center of gravity falls too low, and the Body-mass horizontal velocity is lo

11、st so mush that the supporting technology of swing leg is poor; At the moment of takeoff, the Downward vertical velocity acquired by the body is fast, but the conversion of horizontal velocity is so little that Body-mass fastest horizontal velocity is slow when the off foot off from the ground. 3. C

12、ountdown to the second step of running up when the moment swing leg fall to the ground, the knee of swing leg bends to a large extent, but it buffers little; The swing leg doesnt stretch enough, and it shows that the muscles of Chinese high jumper s swing leg is not enough, either. 4. At the moment

13、of take-off, the swing leg of Chinese female high jumper swings fast but not enough. The direction of swing leg should be front and up, and it is not scientific when swings to the different side-arm. The swing leg should have a small swing angle, and the degree of angle should be negative correlatio

14、n with body-mass vertical velocity when the 3 off foot off from the ground(r=-0.466). As for the degree of swing angle, it needs further study. 5. As for Chinese high jumpers, their arms swing slow, and the arms didnt swing to the take-off leg. The champion Zheng xinjuan didnt swing arms right for t

15、wice, and the technology and strength of Chinese high jumper should have more training. 6. The Chinese female high jumpers take off short in time and fast in velocity, and the knee and ankle didnt stretch enough, and the strength is not enough. Their technology is far behind the outstanding high jum

16、per in the world. Key Words: female high jump;swing;stretch;Three-dimensional kinematic analysis 首都体育学院学位论文原创性声明首都体育学院学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:本论文所用方法、手段及数据、材料真实可靠,研究工作是在导师 的指导下独立完成的, 无任何剽窃他人成果行为。 除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外, 本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。 对本文的研究做出重要 贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由 本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向 国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权首 都体育学院可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索, 可以采用影 印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论


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