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1、第 1 期 适用于北师大版高三新课标玉卷 高考综合版副主编: 黄妍责编:朱冬梅美编: 杨颖一审: 陈雷生二审:张华程外籍编审:William 1 适用于北师大版高三新课标玉卷 高考综合版 第 1 期 适用于北师大版高三新课标玉卷 高考综合版 第 1 期 25. Cimbro is spoken in some bars at Folgaria because _. A. Cimbro is the most popular at Folgaria B. it can show Folgaria s food culture C. some bars are run by foreigners

2、who speak Cimbro D. Cimbro was the language of some ancient settlers at Folgaria 26. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Folgaria is only for experienced skiers. B. All kinds of food are available at Folgaria. C. Visitors can also experience mountain bikes at Folgaria. D. It is convenient to go skiin

3、g by bus at the Luna Bianca hotel. 27. If a couple and their 7- year- old son go to ski at Folgaria at Christmas, they should pay at least _. A. 326B. 418 C. 489D. 627 C难度: Life can sometimes go haywire rather like the feeling you get when you ve lost control of your moving car. It s a feeling of co

4、mplete helplessness and panic that makes us feel overwhelmed (被压垮 的). In most cases, there is a difference between our expectations and reality. The greater the difference, the greater the feeling is of being overwhelmed. This difference is often created when our expectations are too demanding or wh

5、en reality changes in a way we did not expect. Think of the weather ruining your carefully made travel plans to get across the state. Think of that illness that made you stay in bed. Whilewemaybefeelingoverwhelmedwith everything going on in our lives right now, there are some steps we can take to re

6、gain a sense of control of our lives. We all know we should control our emotion properly and we can be affected greatly when we are overwhelmed, but feeling overwhelmed is part of life. When we re feeling overwhelmed, it only means we are living, breathing human beings. For life is like a roller coa

7、ster ride with its ups, downs and turns.It s also likethe season with its alternating periods of relative calm and periods of varying degrees of stress and anxiety. Sometimes we forget this. No matter how much we try, we may not be able to control reality. But we can adjust our expectations to match

8、 reality. This may mean revising our goals and tasks or quitting projects. It may feel like failure in the moment, like giving up, but this ability is an opportunity to create success in the long term. Working with reality rather than against it can give us hope. When we re feeling overwhelmed, we c

9、an easily fall into an all- or- nothing(孤注一掷). We may overlook the things we manage to accomplish when we feel overwhelmed. But celebrating our small wins creates space for gratitude (感激) to take hold in our hearts. Trade our expectations for appreciation and our whole world changes in an instant. C

10、elebrating wins (whatever size!) allows us toclearlyseetheprogresswearemaking. Acknowledging our small bites and celebrating our wins however small makes us have a more accepting attitude toward the opportunities, the gifts and the joys in our lives. 28. The underlined phrase “go haywire”can be repl

11、aced by _. A. be in a messB. become dull C. bring surprisesD. change quickly 29. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3? A. We fail to control our emotion sometimes. B. We must learn to control our emotion well. C. It is natural for everyone to feel overwhelmed. D. Feeling overwhelmed is a big barrier

12、 to our life. 30. What should we do when we can t control reality? A. Accept our failure and quit. B. Change our goal based on reality. C. Try our best to change reality. D. Find a better way to realize our goal. 31. What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. Small bites are better than big wins.

13、 B. We should show gratitude to others. C. Celebratingsmallwinshelpsusmake progress. D. Weshouldappreciateevensmall achievements of ours. D难度: Sweden is good at recycling. For several years, it has imported rubbish from other countries to keep its recycling factories going. We can only dream of such

14、 an effective system in the UK. That is why they pay transport costs to send rubbish to be recycled overseas rather than paying fines to send it to landfill(垃圾填埋地) under The Landfill Tax of 1996. The Swedish s system is so far ahead because they have a culture of looking after the environment. Swede

15、n was one of the first countries to collect a heavy tax on fossil fuels in 1991. Now almost half its electricity is from renewables. The Swedish love nature and they are aware of what they need to do on nature and environmental issues. The Swedish government worked for a long time to make people awa

16、re not to throw things outdoors so that they can recycle. By burning the waste, they can make use of the heating from the waste plants. The energy goes into a national heating network to heat homes through the freezing Swedish winter. In the southern part of Europe, they don t make use of the heating from the waste. Some paper factory managers argue that the country avoids real recycling. They say that wood fibre can be used up to six times before it becomes dust.


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