神经外科专业硕士研究生求 职信.docx

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1、第一篇:硕士研究生英文求职信 dear leaders: hello! first of all, thank you for your busy schedule to visit my job search materials. i am well aware that innovation is the driving force for the development of interdisciplinary sources, so i chose a masters thesis of modern design theory related to the content, alth

2、ough very few people doing research in this area, but very challenging. in my teaching practice, i found that i am suitable for teaching profession, i am willing to dedicate their whole life in this career. stage at the university and graduate students in the learning process, in addition to my gard

3、en and consolidation of master planning and design expertise, but also a broad range of knowledge of the relevant disciplines, such as: the principle of urban planning, architectural theory, architectural history and theory of a number of cutting-edge knowledge. at the same time also pay attention t

4、o develop their own comprehensive quality, with a solid foundation of knowledge and professional skills, knowledge and rational structure, advanced way of thinking and a strong research capability. after graduation, i think i can do with my professional-related teaching and research work. as a gradu

5、ate student of contemporary cross-(请你继续关注好范文网wWw.haowOrD.CoM)century, in order to adapt to changes in society and the increasing competition, i continue to expand the knowledge capacity, improve the knowledge structure, broaden the horizons of knowledge to improve the ideological and theoretical lev

6、el and the ability to actively participate in social practice and a variety of management, so that their own to a compound with high-quality human resources trend. i firmly believe that "the world is difficult, as long as肯登climb." i chose your organization, not only because your organizati

7、on has created a brilliant performance, enjoy a good social reputation, but also because i truly believe that your organization can give full play to my ability, to do some study, and the growth in your organization to achieve their aspirations and life values. if fortunate enough to become a member

8、 of your organization, i will be filled with new enthusiasm into the work, and your organization go hand in hand, create brilliant! sincere hope that good news! sincerely, salute 第二篇:2014年神经内科硕士研究生复试试题 2014年硕士研究生复试试题(神经内科专业) 1 试述脑出血和脑血栓形成性脑梗死的鉴别诊断要点。 脑梗死脑出血 发病年龄多>60岁多<60岁 起病状态多安静下活动中 起病速度数小时、天

9、达高峰数10分钟、小时达高峰 tia史多见少见 发病时血压不高高 头痛呕吐症状轻或无明显 意识障碍轻或无较重 脑膜刺激征无有 视乳头水肿出血无有 脑脊液无色透明血性 腰穿压力多正常增高 ct脑实质内低密度灶脑实质内高密度灶 dsa可见阻塞血管可见破裂血管 2 试述短暂性脑缺血发作的定义及其病因和机制。 定义:由于脑动脉狭窄、闭塞和血流动力学异常等原因出现脑血液供血不足而出现一过性神经功能障碍,每次发作持续数分钟至数小时,不超过24小时即完全恢复。 病因和机制:微栓子学说,颈部动脉受压(椎动脉),血流动力学改变,血液成分改变,脑血管痉挛。 3 上下运动神经元瘫痪的鉴别。 上运动神经瘫痪下运动神经

10、元瘫痪 肌张力增高降低 腱反射亢进减弱或消失 肌萎缩不明显明显 肌束颤动无可有 受累范围单瘫、偏瘫、截瘫、四肢瘫肌群、单瘫、四肢瘫 病理反射阳性阴性 肌电图神经传导正常,无失神经电位神经传导正常,有失神经电位 4 试述帕金森病的病理和临床特征。 病理:中脑黑质多巴胺神经元减少,胞浆内出现路易小体。 临床特征:静止性震颤46hz,活动时减轻 肌强直,呈铅管样或齿轮样肌张力增高 运动迟缓,随意动作减少,面具脸,小字征 姿势步态异常,启步困难,小步态,慌张步态 第三篇:2014年神经外科 2014年神经外科 重 (症颅 症监 肿护 瘤围新 手术进 期展护 理学 要习 点)班 湖 北黄 陂 (论文汇编

11、) 第四篇:神经外科 第六节神经外科疾病护理常规 一、神经外科疾病一般护理常规 观专篙观察意识、删、血压、脉搏、呼吸、体温变化及肢体 1严密观察意识、瞳孔、血压、脉搏、叶啵、1卒璇义1屯仪jj文降 活动情况。 2严密观察颅内压增高等临床表现,并注意观察低血钾现象。 3观察有无褥疮及肺部并发症。 二、脑疝的观察与抢救护理常规 观专毒基有无居ij烈头痛:头痛是进行j性力口重,且憾区口土,可 1观察有无剧烈头痛:头痛是进仃性加重,且仟卷。l、呕u工uj 考虑为脑疝。 2观察瞳孔变化:观察两侧瞳孔足台等人等叫,埘光反j妙的疋敏 度。 3观察意识情况:通过谈话、疼痛刺激及肢体活动情况来判断意识 障碍程度

12、。 4观察生命体征:血压升高、脉搏变慢有时达4050次分,呼 吸深慢,是颅内压增高的早期症状。 护理措施 1同神经外科疾病一般护理常规。 2发现脑疝先兆的症状,立即告知医师,同时予脱水药物(20甘露 醇)快速滴入,以降低颅内压力。 3迅速做好术前准备,以便进行手术治疗。 4呼吸停止应迅速进行气管插管,以呼吸机进行人工吸氧。 5对慢性硬膜下血肿或脓肿部位已确定的病人,情况紧急时配合医 师先做穿刺临时降低颅内压。 6对颅内压增高病人一般禁忌腰穿和高压灌肠。 健康教育 1对患者经常询问大便情况,保持大便通畅,必要时给予腹泻药或 人工排便,以免排便用力造成再出血。 2饮食以高蛋白、高维生素、低脂肪易消

13、化的食物(如鱼、瘦肉、 鸡蛋、蔬菜、水果等)为宜。如有恶心、呕吐应暂停进食。保持充足睡眠, 可适当的进行户外活动(颅骨缺损者要戴好帽子外出,并有家属陪护,防 止发生意外)。 3告之患者颅骨缺损的修补,一般需在脑外伤术后的半年后。 4按医嘱服药,不得擅自停药,出院后一个月门诊随访。 5加强功能锻炼,必要时可行一些辅助治疗,如高压氧等。如有 外伤性癫痫者按癫痫护理常规。 三、颅脑外伤护理常规 观察要点 1严密观察意识、瞳孔、血压、脉搏、呼吸的变化及肢体活动, 注意有无偏瘫、失语、癫痫等。 2严密观察有无颅内压增高的临床表现,并注意观察低血钾征象。 3合并颅底骨折者注意耳、鼻腔有无液体流出。 4、开放性颅脑外伤病人密切观察,及时处理,并注意保持局部清 洁。 护理措施 1神经外科护理常规。 2


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