新目标英语7B Unit8 SectinoB 1a 2c课件 (共54张PPT).

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1、Section B Period 1 (1a-2c) Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Direction South (down) West (left) East (right) North (up) go straight turn leftturn right on the left on the right The green spot(点)is on the left. crossing n. 十字路口 traffic lights n. 交通灯、红绿灯 简单介绍when引导的状语从句 When you see the library

2、, you 当你看到图书馆的时候,你 此时when引导了一个条件状语从句,表示当某个动作发 生的时候,主句的动作或状态怎么怎么样。 例如:When you arrive at school, please call your mom. 当你到达学校的时候,请打给你妈妈。 I will call you when I get home. 当我到家后我将会打给你 。 Match the words in the box with the signs. 1a 1. _a a. go along b. turn right c. turn left 2. _3. _cb Listen and writ

3、e the correct place for each letter in the picture. 1b A _ B _ restaurant hotel 1cListen again. Fill in the blanks. A: Excuse me. Is there a _ near here? B: Yes, there is. Just go _ Bridge Street and turn _ when you see the library. Go along Long Street and its on the _. Its _ _ the supermarket and

4、across from the _. A: Thanks! And is there a restaurant near the _? B: Yes. _ along New Street. _ right at the first crossing and restaurant is on your left, _ _ the pay phone. A: Thank you very much. B: Youre welcome. hotel along left right next to bank hotel GoTurn across from 联系之前所学的知识,试着描述如何到达某地

5、联系之前所学的知识,试着描述如何到达某地 How can I get to the Beijing Normal University? 1. How can I get to the theatre from the market? 2. How can I get to the library from the zoo? 3. What is the way from the cafe to the hotel? 4. Can you tell me the way from the college to the video shop? 2a Check () the places nea

6、r your home. Tell your partner where they are. clothes store post office bookstore school supermarket bank 2b Read the passages. Match each passage with a map. 1. Lisa 2. Anna 3. John 2c Read the passages again and answer the questions. 1. What does Anna like doing in the zoo? 2. Does Anna think mon

7、keys are like people? Why? 3. What does John like to do at the park? 4. John thinks the best things do not need money. Do you think so? 5. How does Lisa get to the library from her home? 1. What does Anna like doing in the zoo? 2. Does Anna think monkeys are like(像) people? Why? 3. What does John li

8、ke to do at the park? Anna likes watching the monkeys climbing around. Yes. Anna thinks that when the monkeys are fighting, they look like her friends fighting. John likes to exercise at the park. 4. John thinks the best things do not need money. Do you think so? 5. How does Lisa get to the library

9、from her home? Answers will vary. Lisa walks to the library. She goes down North Road and then turns left. The library is across from the park. 翻译译句子: 1.There is a zoo near my neighborhood. 在我的街区(社区)有一个动动物园。 2.I like to spend time there on weekends. 我喜欢欢周末在那花费时费时 光。 3.They look like my friends and m

10、e when we fight. 它们们看上去好像当我和我的朋友们们打架的时时 (的样样子) 翻译译句子: 4.To get there, I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge street. 为为了去那,我通常出去(出门门)并且在“大桥桥路” 右转转。 5.I live near a supermarket. 我住在超市附近。 6.My parents usually shop there。 我父母经经常在那购购物。 翻译译句子: 7.The best things in life are free. 生活中最好的东东西就是自由了。 8.To

11、 get there, you just have to cross the Center Street. 为为了到达那里,你只需要穿过过中央街。 9.I live in a noisy neighborhood. 我居住在一个嘈杂杂吵闹闹的社区里。 翻译译句子: 10. Its very quiet and I enjoy reading there. 这这非常安静,我很享受在那阅读阅读 。 11.When I read the books, time goes quickly. 当我读书读书 的时时候,时间过时间过 的(流逝的)非常快 。 12.You can get to the lib

12、rary easily. 你可以轻轻松的到达图书馆图书馆 。 13.Do you think so,too? 你也这这么认为认为 (想)吗吗? 1. I like to spend time there on weekends.我喜欢欢周末在那花费时费时 光。 spend V. 耗费费,花费费,度过过。 常见见用法如下: 1) sb spend some time/some money on sth.某人在上花费费了多少 时间时间 、金钱钱(on后接名词词或代词词)。 Kitty spends two hours on her homework every day. Kitty每天花 两个小时

13、时做家庭作业业。 2) sb spend some money / some time (in) doing sth.,某人花费费(时间时间 、金钱钱等)做某事。(介词词in可以省略) They spent 4450 yuan buying the big color TV set. 他们买们买 那台大 彩电电花了4450元。 3) spend表示“度过过”。They want to spend their summer holiday in the country.他们们想去乡乡下过过暑假 I really want to spend the winter holiday in Beijin

14、g. 类类似表述:It takes sb some time/ some money to do sth. 1. I like to spend time there on weekends.我喜欢欢周末在那花费时费时 光。 spend 与pay的区别别 pay adj.付费费的 pay phone公共电话电话 ,付费电话费电话 pay vt. 做及物动词动词 ,含义为义为 :支付 基本用法如下: pay sb 付款给给某人 I will pay you tomorrow.我明天就会付款(给给 钱钱)给给你的。 pay money付钱钱 I can pay 2000 yuan for this

15、 TV .为这为这 台电电 视视我可以付2000元。 pay vi.做不及物动词动词 含义义也为为支付 基本用法如下: pay for sb 替某人付钱钱 Dont worry, I will pay for you.别别担心,我会为为你付款的。 pay for sth 为为某物付钱钱 I want to buy this new shorts, I can pay for it now.我想要买这买这 件新 短裙,我可以现现在就付款。 pay back. 还钱还钱 I still need to pay back the money.我依然需要还还 钱钱呢。 pay off ones mon

16、ey还还清某人的钱钱 I dont want to pay off your money.我不想还还你钱钱。 2. I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.我喜欢欢看猴子们们上 蹿蹿下跳(到处处乱爬)。 watch和see 两者都可做及物动词动词 ,表示“看”。 watch 观观看,注视视。强调调看的过过程。如:看电视电视 watch TV,看 比赛赛watch a match see 看见见 强调调看的结结果。 如:what can you see in the picture? 在画上你能看见见什么? watch the football game常用它表示“在观观看那场场足球比赛赛”在观观看 它的进进程。 see the football game只是“看



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