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1、Taoist culture essence 道家文化的精髓 Name: Mike Zhang Student number: 201211010103 The representative personage and classics of Taoists vLao Tzu and the book of The Tao Te Ching 老子和道德经 vChuang Tzu and the book of zhuang-zi 庄子和庄子 The representative personage and classics of Taoists The representative perso

2、nage and classics of Taoists The representative personage and classics of Taoists LuShiChunQiu Lie TzuHuai Nan Tzu The essence of Taoism vMan follows the earth, the earth follows heaven, heaven follows Dao, and Dao follows nature. 人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然 vFrom ancient China, people have advocated the conce

3、pt of “the nature and man unites as one( 天人合一)”, insisting that Man must observe the law of nature, treat the nature well, and live in harmony. The five principles of Taoism vThe first principle: Tao follows nature. People should treat nature, treat others, treat yourself with a relaxed altitude. 人要

4、以自然的态度对待自然,对待他人 ,对待自己。 The five principles of Taoism vThe second principle: Indisputable. The way of heaven is to benefit others and not to injure . For the word of the saints, and indisputable. 天之道,利而不害;圣人之道,为而不争 。 The five principles of Taoism vThe third principle: for the world is quiet. Is matte

5、r of by the sage place inactivity, the line does not say teaching . 处无为之事,行无言之道。“治大国若烹 小鲜,不可烦,不可挠;烹小鲜者不可挠, 治大国者不可烦,烦则人劳,挠则鱼烂”。严 子陵:“宠辱不惊,去留无意”。 The five principles of Taoism vThe fourth principle: with an open mind. Only open mind can we experience the joy of life, learn more new knowledge, and tran

6、scending oneself . 虚其心。让心虚着,没有心事,才能体 验生命的乐趣,才可以学习新知识,可以更 加包容一切。才能有容人之量,才可以超越 自己,不断提升自己。 The five principles of Taoism vThe fifth principle: straight words seem crooked . The unique Taoist way of thinking consist of reverse negative way of thinking, “straight words seem crooked” way of expression and the equal communication. 从相反的角度考虑同一个问题;考虑正反 的转化。 Conclusions vThe essence of Taoism include: Tao follows nature; Indisputable; for the world is quiet; with an open mind; straight words seem crooked 道法自然;为而不争;清静为天下正;虚 其心;正言若反 Thank you!


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