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1、八年级英语上册-Unit-Our-Hobbies-Topic-Whats-your-hobby-P教案-(新版)仁爱版 作者: 日期:2 Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 1 Whats your hobby?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕业余爱好而展开。主要内容包括:由Helen和 Wen Wei谈论空闲时间做什么引出话题-Whats your hobby ?在孩子们谈论业余爱好的过程中,引出本话题的语法知识used to do sth.和本话题的功能“喜欢和不喜欢”。本话题除了介绍常见的业余爱好。如:集邮、收藏物品、饲养宠物等还介绍了另类有趣的业余爱好。如:制作剪贴薄

2、。还要求学生制作班级薄来培养学生的动手能力。通过学习本话题,学生能够交流有关业余爱好的信息,丰富自己的业余生活。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,1d第二课时:Section B1a,1b,1c,2,3第三课时:Section A2,3a,3b,Section B-4a,4b第四课时:Section C1a,1b,2,3第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions,1,2,Project 第五课时(Section D-Grammar and Functions,1,2,Project)教学设计思路:本课主要是归纳总结used

3、to do 句型和表达喜欢不喜欢的句型。首先在教师的引导下归纳总结句型,然后快速完成Grammar 和Functions 。做完复习后,教师通过图片,导入新词汇,为阅读1做准备。扫除词汇障碍后让学生速读1并完成表格。核对完答案,学生对短文有了大致的了解。接下来就让学生精读短文,小组合作并在教师的帮助下解决难点,完成1。接下来让学生进行小组活动,完成2。最后进行Project,完成本课时。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1) 学习并掌握新词汇 everyday,snake,provide,pig,dirty,owner,comfort,bath,pond,un

4、friendly(2) 归纳总结表示喜欢和不喜欢的句型及used to do句型。2. Skill aims: (1)能够运用多种方式表达喜欢和不喜欢。(2)能够灵活运用used to do 句型及其句式变化。3. Emotional aims: 让学生树立保护动物的意识,实现人与动物和谐共处。 4. Culture awareness: 无论中外,宠物扮演了重要角色,成为人们生活的重要组成部分。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: (1) 掌握used to do 句型及其变化。 (2) 掌握表达喜欢和不喜欢的多种句型。2.

5、Difficult points: (1) used to do句型在不同句式中的变化。如:否定句、疑问句。 (2) 有条理地介绍宠物。. Learning strategies1. 对有关联的知识进行系统地整理。重视教材中的Grammar 和 Functions 部分。 2. 积极参加小组活动,勇于发表自己的见解,在活动中学习运用知识。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/宠物图片/宠物的视频资料/有关宠物的文章V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(5mins):Revision StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigni

6、ng purpose (Class activity)Greet the Ss and summarize the grammar and functions .T: Hi, boys and girls , how are you today ?T: Whats the most important grammar in this topic ?T: Look , here are three sentences on the Bb. Who can translate the first one into English ?T: Is he right ?T: How about the

7、second one ?T: Perfect ! The third one ?T: How do you express your likes ?T : Well done ! Now, please finish Grammar and Functions as quickly as you can .T : Can we check now ?T: No.1 , Xxx, please.T: .Summarize the grammar and functions Ss: Fine , thanks.Ss: Used to do sth.S1: I used to play basket

8、ball on weekends. Ss: Yes .S2: I didnt use to .S3: Did you use to . ?Ss: I used to .Ss: .S1: I like doing sth.S2: I enjoy doing sth.S3: .S4: .Ss: Yes .S8:CollectS9:.归纳总结本话题的语法与功能句,完成Grammar 和Functions 。Remark:为了增加复习的趣味性,教师可以让学生进行“唱反调”游戏来复习used to do句型。如:A 说“I like reading now ” , B则说“I dont like rea

9、ding now , but I used to read last year” 。Stage 2(5mins):Pre-readingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose( Class activity)Show pictures of pets to teach the new words .T: As we know, people have different hobbies . Keeping pets is one of the most popular hobbies all over the world .

10、All the animals can be pets, big or small ,dangerous or safe , friendly or unfriendly .(shows pictures) Look , people keep different animals as pets . T: Believe it or not . Its the hottest pet pig on the Internet . In fact , it was very cute when its owner kept it two years ago . Look at this one !

11、 Its not an everyday pet.T: Do you want to keep a snake as a pet ?T: .T: Why do people like keeping pets ?T: I think maybe pets can provide the owners with comfort .Especially for old people .Pets are their friends and even family members . However , its not easy to keep a pet. You have to take care

12、 of it. For example, You have to bath it, or it will be very dirty. Learn the new words.Ss: Wow !Ss: Oh, my God !Ss: No !Ss: .S1: Because they are lovely.S2: Because they are.通过展示各种各样的宠物图片,来学习新词汇。Remark: 教师在展示宠物的图片要及时的加以点评或与学生互动交流,并自然地引出新词汇。Stage 3(5mins):While-reading StepTeacher activityStudent ac

13、tivityDesigning purpose1 (Individual work )Let the Ss read 1 and complete the table below the passage .T: Boys and girls ,do you want to keep a pig as your pet ?T: Why ?T: Next, lets read a passage. Before reading , take a look at the table on page 62. You have to complete the table while reading. N

14、ow ,get started ! T: Have you completed the table?T: Now, lets check . What are dangerous pets ?T: Provide .with .Read 1 and complete the table below the passage . Ss: No.Ss: Its very dirty . Ss: Yes.Ss: Snakes.Ss: .训练学生快速阅读能力,完成1后的表格。Remark:1的任务型阅读纯粹是简单的寻找信息,教师可以训练学生的跳读能力。 Stage 4(8mins):Post-reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1 (Group work )Deal wi



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