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1、Homer epics themes questions Homer sang songs about_ in his epics Why did the people go for the war? Is there any philosophy behind their behavior? What role do those gods play? What is Homers attitude towards those gods? What is the end of confrontation between humans and destiny? Heroism Individua

2、lism Humanism Sense of religion and tragedy Drama Background Early in their remote past, the Greeks started to perform plays at religious festivals. Out of these origins a powerful drama developed in the 5th century B.C. Performances were given in open- air theatres, with the audience sitting on sto

3、ne benches and looking down at the stage from three sides. Actors wore masks. 古希腊悲剧 取材:神话、英雄传说、史诗 特点:其反映的事件和情调都很严肃,一般具 有深远的历史、宗教和人文背景。崇高悲壮。 亚里士多德“诗学” 形式: 唱段和话语 演员:2-3个 Aeschylus Sophocles Euripides 数量:32部 古希腊悲剧的戏剧效果 人物高大雄伟,气势壮烈磅礴,风格崇 高悲壮。并非悲观或悲哀,而是一种具 有人生哲理意义的对命运的困惑与恐惧 。 佛律尼科斯 “米利都的陷落” 三大悲剧作家 埃斯库罗斯(

4、Aeschylus): one of the greatest tragedy writers. The most remarkable things he did are introducing the second player into drama and writing dramas in the form of trilogy. Works: Oresteia, Prometheus Bound, Persians. 俄瑞斯特斯 阿伽门农 奠酒人 复仇女神 俄瑞斯特斯中人的悲剧 在于企望美好的生活而不得不走向它的 反面,在于不想作恶而又不得不作恶, 在于极端惧怕死亡而又不能不坠入死亡

5、 的深渊。 命运的毁灭性力量,善与恶的冲突,伦 理内部的冲突, 即善与善的冲突。俄瑞斯 特斯要在两种“对”之间选择, 杀母与不 杀母。 The Prometheus Bound The Prometheus Bound stands midway between Prometheus the Fire-giver and Prometheus Unbound. The Myths of Prometheus Prometheus was one of the Titans, the original race of gods sprung from earth and sky. He side

6、d with Zeus and the other major gods of classical Greece when they overthrew the other Titans. Prometheus made the original human beings. Apollodorus and Pausanias confirm that Prometheus molded the human race out of clay. According to some myths, it was Prometheus who opened the head of Zeus to rel

7、ease the newborn goddess Athena. Prometheus bestowed a number of advantages on the human race. Prometheus offered Zeus a choice as to which parts of an animal sacrifice would be for “the gods“, and which parts the humans kept. Prometheus tricked Zeus into choosing the fat and guts, while the humans

8、got to keep the meat for themselves. Then Prometheus stole fire for the human race. For this, Zeus bound and punished him. During his time of punishment, Prometheus let it be known that he foresaw disaster for Zeus, because Zeus wanted a woman whose son was predestined to be greater than the father.

9、 It was Herakles who eventually killed the eagle and released Prometheus from his bonds. Prometheus and Zeus were reconciled. Why would people (in Greece and elsewhere around the world) tell stories of a rebel god as the bringer of fire? Youll need to decide for yourself. Do you think he is a hero?

10、. Did you, by chance, suppose that I should hate life, flee into deserts, just because not all my fancy dreams had come to pass? I sit here, shaping men and women in my image, a race destined, like I, to suffer and to cry, to savor joy, to laugh, and disregard you as I did. 索福克勒斯 Author of plays lik

11、e Oedipus the King, Electra, and Antigone. Contributed greatly to tragic art. He added a third actor and decreased the size of the chorus. Sophocles has had a strong impact on European literature. Some of his plots were taken over and adopted by later writers. The Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud

12、s term “ the Oedipus complex” was also derived from Sophocless play 雅典奴隶主民主制全盛时期,受良好教 育,貌美,擅音律。将军。 剧作120多部,获奖24次,惜只有 7部流传下来。擅长刻画 人物 Oedipus has a perfect plot. It is the story of a man who unknowingly committed terrible sin. An oracle said that the child would grow up to kill his father and marry hi

13、s mother. So the parents asked a shepherd to leave him on a hillside, but he was rescued and brought up as the son of the king of Corinth. Hearing the oracle, Oedipus ran away from Corinth. While traveling, he met and killed Laius, king of Thebes, without recognizing that the man was really his fath

14、er. After rescuing Thebes from the Sphinx, he married the queen of the country, Jocasta, not knowing that she was his own mother. Thus, unwittingly, he fulfilled the oracle. Later, realizing the truth of his birth, he stabbed out his eyes, while Jocasta hanged herself. 弗洛伊德认为它是各种心理症的基本点,由于婴儿时 代和童年早期

15、的环境状况,每个孩子都渴望从与自己 异性的父亲或母亲身上满足性欲,而怨恨与他同性的 父亲或母亲。原始的社会和文明的社会都有反对乱伦 的严厉禁忌,每个人都知道这个禁忌;因此这些渴望 在暗中被感觉到,却一生永远地埋藏在潜意识深处。 俄狄浦斯症结以伪装的形式表现在我们的生活里。它 不仅影响一个人的生活方式,也表现在我们的艺术、 流行歌曲、文学、幽默、亵渎神圣和其他许多方面上 。俄狄浦斯症结像其他精神分析理论的元素一样,暗 示着一般人有极为原始的感觉存在身上。 A rose for Emily 主题思想: 俄狄浦斯其人 弄瞎自己 主题和斯芬克斯的谜 艺术成就:结构精巧 Antigone Antigon

16、e is about what happened to a girl by that name, who was the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. She had defied the kings order by performing funeral rites over her brother, executed by the state for treason, and was condemned to death on that account. It is thus a play with an important theme- about the difficult choice one has to make between public duty and private feeling. 欧里庇得斯 Euripides w


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