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1、Unit 3 Translation of Trademarks & Business Names 商标/商号的翻译,Translation of Trademarks & Business Names . Review . Weekly new Phrases .New Lesson,. Review: Sentences Translation,1.The nations tax authorities have no authority to tax foreign corporations whose core business is not conducted in this cou

2、ntry. 这个国家的税务局没有权利对其核心业务不在本国的外国企业征收课税。 2.We also realize the growing need and necessity to industrialize certain sectors of the economy. 我们也认识到越来越需要使某些经济部门实行工业化。,3.Supermarkets, convenience stores and other retailers throughout the country were busy removing from their shelves food products containi

3、ng the banned chemicals. 遍布全国的各家超市/便利店和其他零售商店都在积极将含有违禁化学成分的食品从货架上撤下。 4. Fast food providers and other restaurants are strongly opposed to the governments plan to raise the import tariff on beef. 快餐食品供应商和其他餐馆都强烈反对政府提高牛肉进口关税的计划。,5.We are very hesitant about signing a new contract with you as you have

4、regulated your price. 鉴于你方已经调整价格,我方无法确定是否要同你方签订新的合同。 6.Preferential tax treatment that the U.S .government extends to corporations runs counter to a WTO agreement that bans export subsidies. 美国政府扩大对各企业实行优惠税制的做法,违反了WTO 关于禁止对出口产品进行补贴的协议。 ,prefren()l,7. Abolishing the housing loan tax break would reduc

5、e the number of the housing starts by 100 000, which translated into an economic loss of 600 million dollars. 废除住宅贷款减免税额,就意味着减少住宅开工户数10万户,换算成经济损失即为6亿美元。 8.A corporate group saddled with money-losing companies would take advantage of the consolidated tax payment system to reduce its tax burden. 肩负起拯救

6、亏损公司责任的企业集团,可以利用合并的纳税制度来减免其税务负担。,9. Under a new system scheduled to be introduced in April 2011, all new doctors will be required to undergo on-the-job training at designated hospitals for two years after graduation. 根据预定在2011年4月出台的新制度,要求所有新上岗的医生在毕业之后要在指定医院接受两年的在职培训。 10. Since the initiation of econ

7、omic reform in the late 1970s, China has achieved impressive economic growth coupled with significant structural transformation. 自20世纪70年代末着手经济改革以来,中国已经取得了令人瞩目的经济增长态势,发生了重大的结构转变。,. Weekly new Phrases,1.人文交流 cultural and people-to-people exchange 2. 教育公平 equal access to education 3.新生代农民工 new generat

8、ion of migrant workers marnt 4.忧患意识 adversity consciousness /dvst 5.诚信缺失 lack of credibility,2014政府工作报告8个“新词”(中英翻译),1. 全民阅读 nationwide reading 语境:发展文化艺术、新闻出版、广播电影电视、档案等事业,繁荣发展哲学社会科学,倡导全民阅读。 We will develop culture and arts, the press and publishing, and radio, television and film, and run archives w

9、ell. We will promote the flourishing of philosophy and social sciences. We will encourage the people to read. /kav/,2.阳光财政 transparency of public finance 语境:所有财政拨款的“三公”经费都要公开,打造阳光财政,让群众看明白、能监督。 /trnsprns/ All public spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles and public receptions should

10、 be made public. We will ensure transparency of public finance and make it easy for people to understand and oversee it.,3.精准扶贫 to take targeted measures in poverty alleviation 语境:地方要优化整合扶贫资源,实行精准扶贫,确保扶贫到村到户。 t:itid ,li:viein Local governments need to merge poverty alleviation resources to make bett

11、er use of them and take targeted measures to ensure that assistance reaches poverty-stricken villages and households.,4. 权力清单 power list 语境:确需设置的行政审批事项,要建立权力清单制度,一律向社会公开。 We will introduce a system to list all items over which government review and approval are required and release the list to the p

12、ublic. Review:(上级的) 审查,5.互联网金融 Internet banking 语境:促进互联网金融健康发展。 We will promote the healthy development of Internet banking.,6.黑名单制度 blacklisting system 语境:对违背市场竞争原则和侵害消费者权益的企业建立黑名单制度,让失信者寸步难行。 We will implement a blacklisting system for enterprises that violate market competition principles and inf

13、ringe on the rights and interests of consumers, and make those who lose credibility pay the price. vaileit infrind,7.中国式办法 Chinese solution 语境:我们一定要坚定不移推进医改,用中国式办法解决好这个世界性难题。 rezlu:tli We must resolutely press ahead with medical reform and work out a Chinese solution to this global problem.,8. 舌尖上的安

14、全 safety of every bite of food 语境:用最严格监管、最严厉处罚、最严肃问责,坚决治理餐桌上的污染,切实保障“舌尖上的安全”。 We will strictly follow laws and regulations and comply with standards, and apply the strictest possible oversight, punishment and accountability to prevent and control food contamination and ensure that every bite of food

15、 we eat is safe. kn,tminein ,kauntbilti bait,.New Lesson,Translation of Trademarks & Business Names,Objectives,辨认中外著名的商标、品牌及商号的英汉译文 了解商标、品牌及商号的概念 学习商标、品牌及商号的翻译方法 练习商标、品牌及商号的英汉互译 实地搜集市区商标、品牌及商号,并分析或纠错(课堂演讲) 设计中英文商标(品牌)和商号(公司名称)各一个,并阐述理由,Warming-up: Names of Business Organizations,1、National authoriti

16、es 部: Ministry 教育部 Ministry of Education 财政部 Ministry of Finance 建设部 Ministry of Construction 交通部 Ministry of Communications Ministry of Culture文化部 Ministry of Public Health 卫生部,局:Bureau, Administration 国家统计局 National Bureau of Statistics 国家旅游局 National Tourism Administration 处:Department , Office 秘书处 Secretariat ,sekrtert 办事处 office,委:Commission, Committeekmt 法律委员会Law Commi



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