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1、 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.,Organizational Structure and Design,Chapter 10,Organizational Structure and Design (组织结构与设计),Chapter 10,丁雷是一家民营企业的老板,原来的七、八个人均由他直接指挥,大事小事均由他说了算。现在人数增加到七、八百个人,他发现自己经常忙得不可开交,顾了这头,忘了那头;而且企业员工工作有点松散,对他的一些做法也不满。他整天被日常事务忙得团团转,随着企业的发展扩大越来越感到力不从心。“企业大了,事情多,市场变化

2、这么快,稍有闪失企业就可能完。真是两眼一睁,忙到熄灯,不易呀”。,丁老板的问题该如何解决?,案例,只管三个人? 美国著名的艾森豪威尔将军是第二次世界大战中盟军的指挥官,在诺曼底登陆以前,一次他在英国打高尔夫球,新闻记者采访他“前线战势紧急您怎么还有心情在这里打球啊?” 艾森豪说:“我不忙,我只管三个人,大西洋有蒙哥马利,太平洋有麦克阿瑟,喏,在那边拣球的是马歇尔。” 其实艾森豪威尔手下有百万大军,诺曼底登陆也是事关重大,是二次大战的转折点。难道他真的只管三个人吗?,案例,105,Defining Organizational Structure,Organizational Structure

3、(组织结构) The formal arrangement of jobs within an organization(组织中正式确定的使工作任务得以分解、组合和协调的框架体系). Organizational Design(组织设计) 发展和改变一个组织结构的过程 A process involving decisions about six key elements(涉及六个关键要素): Work specialization(工作专门化) Departmentalization(部门化) Chain of command(指挥链) Span of control(管理幅度) Centr

4、alization and decentralization(集权与分权) Formalization(正规化),106,Exhibit 101 Purposes of Organizing,Divides work to be done into specific jobs and departments. Assigns tasks and responsibilities associated with individual jobs. Coordinates diverse organizational tasks. Clusters jobs into units. Establis

5、hes relationships among individuals, groups, and departments. Establishes formal lines of authority. Allocates and deploys organizational resources.,107,Organizational Structure,Work Specialization(工作专门化) The degree to which tasks in the organization are divided into separate jobs with each step com

6、pleted by a different person. Overspecialization can result in human diseconomies from boredom, fatigue, stress, poor quality, increased absenteeism, and higher turnover.,Departmentalization(部门化),含义:将若干职位组合在一起的依据和方式 类型(Departmentalization by Type): 职能部门化 - 依据职能组合工作 产品部门化 - 依据产品线来组合工作 地区部门化 - 按照地理区域进

7、行工作的组合 过程部门化- 依据产品或顾客流来组合工作 顾客部门化 - 依据共同的顾客来组织工作,109,Departmentalization by Type,Functional Grouping jobs by functions performed Product Grouping jobs by product line Geographical Grouping jobs on the basis of territory or geography,Process Grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow Cust

8、omer Grouping jobs by type of customer and needs,1010,Exhibit 102 Functional Departmentalization(职能部门化),Advantages Efficiencies from putting together similar specialties and people with common skills, knowledge, and orientations Coordination within functional area In-depth specialization Disadvantag

9、es Poor communication across functional areas Limited view of organizational goals,1011,Exhibit 102 (contd) Geographical Departmentalization(区域部门化),Advantages More effective and efficient handling of specific regional issues that arise Serve needs of unique geographic markets better Disadvantages Du

10、plication of functions Can feel isolated from other organizational areas,1012,Exhibit 102 (contd) Product Departmentalization(产品部门化),+ Allows specialization in particular products and services + Managers can become experts in their industry + Closer to customers Duplication of functions Limited view

11、 of organizational goals,1013,Exhibit 102 (contd) Process Departmentalization(流程部门化),+ More efficient flow of work activities Can only be used with certain types of products,1014,Exhibit 102 (contd) Customer Departmentalization(顾客部门化),+ Customers needs and problems can be met by specialists - Duplic

12、ation of functions - Limited view of organizational goals,1015,Organization Structure (contd),Chain of Command(指挥链) The continuous line of authority that extends from upper levels of an organization to the lowest levels of the organization and clarifies who reports to who.(从组织高层延伸到基层的一条持续的职权线,它界定了谁向

13、谁报告工作),1016,Organization Structure (contd),Authority(职权) The rights inherent in a managerial position to tell people what to do and to expect them to do it. Responsibility(职责) The obligation or expectation to perform. Unity of Command(统一指挥) The concept that a person should have one boss and should r

14、eport only to that person.,案例,巴恩斯医院 10月的某一天,产科护士长黛安娜给巴恩斯医院的院长戴维斯博士打来电话,要求立即做出一项新的人事安排。从黛安娜的急切声音中,院长感觉到一定发生了什么事,因此要她立即到办公室来。5分钟后,黛安娜递给了院长一封辞职信。 “戴维斯博士,我再也干不下去了,“她开始申述:“我在产科当护士长已经四个月了,我简直干不下去了。我怎么能干得了这工作呢?我有两个上司,每个人都有不同的要求,都要求优先处理。要知道,我只是一个凡人。我已经尽最大的努力适应这种工作,但看来这是不可能的。让我来举个例子吧。请相信我,这是一件平平常常的事。像这样的事情,每


16、发生好几次的。一家医院就只能这样运作吗?“,分析: 1、 这家医院的组织结构是怎样的? 2、 有人越权行事了吗?,产科护士长黛安娜(主人公) 巴恩斯医院院长戴维斯博士 医院的主任护士杰克逊 黛安娜的直接主管,基层护士监督员乔伊斯 外科主任雷诺兹医生,1020,Organization Structure (contd),Span of Control(管理幅度) The number of employees who can be effectively and efficiently supervised by a manager. Width of span is affected by: Skills and abilities of the manager Employee characteristics Characteristics of the work being done Similarity of tasks Complexity of tasks


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