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1、阅读理解专项训练,Qinling School Li Chunhua,1 . By reading we enrich our minds and increase our knowledge. Besides,reading is also a necessary way to pass the exams.(中国学生 刘慧敏) 2 .The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible”. 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。 Bonapart Napoleon(法国皇帝拿破仑) 3 . You hav

2、e to believe in yourself. Thats the secret of success. 你必须相信自己,这是成功的关键。 Charles Chaplin(美国演员卓别林),你发现了中考英语阅读理解 通常考什么题型吗?,细节理解题,推理判断题,猜测词义题,归纳概括题,猜词推测题是英语阅读理解中的一个重要题型,我们可以根据句子中的内在联系的判断它们的意思因果关系,对比关系,同义词和反义词的关系,构词法,定义或释义的关系,句法功能,描述,生活常识, 列举的事例等等,猜测词义题,Chinese space experts,technicians and other work st

3、aff,joined by experts from Japan,Germany and other countries as well as millions of domestic audience from across the country,were watching the launding process(发射过程) A. 工作人员 B. 机器 C. 工作时间 D.团队精神 Chores took up much of the childrens time after school.They have to get water and firewood for the famil

4、y every day.Also theres cleaning,washing and helping mum with the meal. A.网上冲浪B.家务活动C.体育活动D.家庭作业,A,B,3”I am moved by the story of this boy.we need the courage to face death ,and we should also feel the thankfulness for those who help us.” A 感恩 宽容 诚信 奉献 4. Another factor (因素) that may contribute to t

5、he good health of these people is their isolation. Most of them are kept off the modern world. What does the word “isolation” mean in Chinese? A自我封闭 B.与世隔绝 C.独立 D.淡泊,A,A,5.“When I met herI felt very ,very happy”he said“And I saw that the money was used for a good causeIt brought me happinessI want t

6、o do everything I can to go on helping those children.” The underlined(划线的)words “for a good cause ”means“_” in Chinese A施舍 B行善 C优惠 D. 赏赐 6. So the boy got the video game that he wanted for freehe was told it was a prize from the store. He smiled happily, although he felt it was so incredible. The u

7、nderlined word “incredible” most probably means “_” in Chinese. A. 难以置信的 B. 令人兴奋的 C. 感到绝望的 D. 荒谬可笑的,B,A,7.If she thinks something is right .She goes out of her way to do it. The underlined phrase in the first paragh means _ A.to get off B.to get in the way C. to go away D.to try her best 8. I have h

8、eard that although Senior 3 is a hard year,Senior 1and 2 are less stressful. The underlined word ”stressful” in the first paragraph talks probably means “making one feel_” A.busy and nervous B.free and easy C.safe and happy D.unsuccessful and sad,D,A,怎么样做好细节理解题?,首先浏览一遍题目,看清题目要求理解什么细节,然后有选择性地在文中找出相应的

9、段落句子或短语,认真分析理解,选出正确答案。,What do you think of your teachers?Now,American students can say what they think on a new website! On ,students canrate(评定) their teachers.So far,there have been 2 million ratings for 365,000 teachers at 21,000 schools in the US and Canada. Question: Where can the students rat

10、e(评定) their teachers according to the passage? A.On a new website B.At the classmeeting C.In the classroom. D.Out of the school,Model:,A,Years ago,many zoos kept all kinds of animals in small cages.Small cages made it easy for people to see the animals,but a small cage is not a good place for an ani

11、mal to live in.Today zoos keep animals in different kinds of cages.The cages are very big and open.They usually have plants and a little lake. 1.Zoos kept animals in small cages so that people can A.protect them B.see them better C.feed them D.save them 2.Today,zoos keep animals A.in bigger cages B.

12、in the wild C.in smaller cages D.in the field,Model:,B,A,Then, about six months after she arrived, I felt something in my heart was taking place, and I was unable to stop it. My behavior began to change. I began to smile at people when passing them in a street. I returned waves (招手) from neighbors.

13、I started calling my kids and, to my surprise, they started calling me. I even tried to speak to my grandchildren over the phone once. I even was glad to listen to laughter from a 10-month-old granddaughter. The point is that I was changing. 70. When did the mans behavior begin to change? A. About t

14、wo years ago. B. When Gertie was nearly two years old. C. When Gertie was 15 weeks old. D. About six months after Gertie arrived.,Lets have a try !,推理判断题属于较难题型,它着重考查考生能否透过词语表面意思领会文章的潜在含义。推理题一般在文章中没有现成的答案,需要考生自己从字里行间领会作者的意图,读出文章潜台词(implied meaning)。这就要求考生对文章中提供的信息进行周密的分析、思考、判断及推理。解答推断题不仅是语言能力问题,还受制于学

15、生的逻辑思维和推理能力。,推理判断题的解题方法,A.利用已知信息,进行逻辑推理 推理判断题的答案一般在文中不可能直接找到,但这并不意味着读者可以随意判断。解答此类题时必须充分利用文中所提供的信息进行合乎逻辑的推断。,在做这类题时必须要注意两点: 第一,要分清题目是问作者的观点还是读者的观点,二者不可混淆。 第二,不要脱离原文凭自己意愿乱推测或只凭常识推测。所做出的答案一定要在文中直接或间接找到依据或理由。,C.注意表层意思,悟出深层含义 在进行阅读判断时还要注意在语篇层面上进行深层的连贯性思考,要学会去伪存真、由表及里去推测作者的真正意图。这种推测在某种意义上与我们中国人琢磨一句话的弦外之音有

16、相同之处。譬如平时老师在评价某个学生时会说:这位学生学习上还有潜力。其实这并非是一句赞扬的话。老师要说的真正意思是目前这位学生还不够努力,学习上还没有达到最佳状态。考试中这类题目不多但是难度较大,极易失分。,体验中考,One of the easiest ways to keep fit is to do jogging:“Jogging is the name for a very gentle (舒缓的)running - it is just a little faster than walking.” Start slow jog 20 meters, then walk 20 meters. Little by little, if you a


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