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1、The third sessions of the 12th National Peoples Congress (NPC) & the 12th National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC),Two Sessions 2015,第十二届全国人民代表大会第三次会议和政协第十二届全国委员会第三次会议,Xu Yanan 2015.3.15,“Belt and Road“ initiatives Hot topics of 2015 two sessions,Hot topics

2、,Belt and Road 一带一路 (OBAOR),China pools strength on Belt and Road strategy pool:v to collect money, information, etc. from different people so that it can be used by all of them. 集中资源 e.g. China has been pooling efforts to provide badly-needed funds to infrastructure construction,Belt and Road,“一带一路

3、”指的是丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路 the “Belt and Road“ initiatives, or the building of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiative:Ca new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular purpose.倡议,新方案 Silk Road Fund 丝路基金,Belt and Road,丝绸之路经济带,是中国与西亚各国之

4、间形成的一个在经济合作区域,大致在古丝绸之路范围之上。 21世纪海上丝绸之路,将串起连通东盟、南亚、西亚、北非、欧洲等各大经济板块的市场链,发展面向南海、太平洋和印度洋的战略合作经济带,以亚欧非经济贸易一体化为发展的长期目标。 The Silk Road Economic Belt is slated to be established along the ancient Silk Road trade route, which stretches northwest from Chinas coastal area through Central Asia, the Middle East

5、and on to Europe, while the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road will run through the countrys south to Southeast Asia. slate:vto plan that sth will happen at a particular time in the future 预计,Belt and Road,China sketches out priorities of “Belt and Road“ initiatives 中国拟定“一带一路”重要战略,Belt and Road,1、Under

6、 the initiatives, more highways, railways and air routes will be built and Chinese regions will further integrate resources, policies and markets to connect with the outside world. 2、Another priority of the initiatives is to facilitate the interconnection of infrastructure and provide badly-needed f

7、unds to infrastructure construction, a hindrance to growth of many developing countries along the Belt and Road. 3、Using major economic and trade industrial parks as platforms to build several international economic cooperation corridors, and rely on key port cities to jointly build secure and effic

8、ient transport corridors.,Belt and Road,4、The vice premier also stressed the importance of facilitating investment and trade, creating a favorable business environment and making more efforts to build cooperation parks along the routes. 5、Countries along the routes should increase communication and

9、consultations and give full play to multilateral, bilateral, regional and sub-regional cooperation mechanisms and platforms to seek common development and prosperity. 6、Cultural exchange,Belt and Road,The Belt and Road initiatives is the first one of “six trends from 2014 likely to burst into intern

10、ational headlines“ list.- Foreign Policy The Diplomat Magazine(美国外交官亚太时事杂志):The New Silk Road: Chinas Marshall Plan? Chinas plan for massive investments along the New Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road is a bid for diplomatic clout.,Belt and Road,Chinas fundamental strategy for “national renewal“ cont

11、inues to be building up its own “continental“ economy. But this, in turn, requires building mutually beneficial relations with its surrounding neighbors. It is clear from these reasons that the “One Belt, One Road“ is not a short-term initiative but of major strategic significance for both China and

12、 its neighbors. John Ross, the former director of Economic and Business Policy of London (Reuters) China has dangled financial and trade incentives, mostly to Central Asia but also to countries in South Asia, backing efforts to resurrect the old Silk Road trading route that once carried treasures be

13、tween China and the Mediterranean. dangle: 悬荡/(作为诱惑物)炫示 WSJ:Together, analysts have said, the plans are designed to put China at the center of Asian trade and transport and secure more opportunities for major Chinese construction and engineering firms.,Belt and Road,China is not seeking unilateral g

14、ains from the Belt and Road Initiatives, a veteran diplomat said here in Singapore. Tajik ambassador: Silk Road Economic Belt to boost prosperity in central Asia Jakarta Post:High hopes for the “Belt and Road” initiative,“NOT MARSHALL PLAN“ 并非马歇尔计划 The initiatives are not exclusive and not a tool fo

15、r geopolitics like the Marshall Plan Much older and much younger than Marshall Plan The initiatives are older because they embody the spirit of the ancient Silk Road, which had a history of more than 2,000 years. The Silk Road was used by people of many countries for friendly exchange and commerce,

16、and the country must renew the spirit and bring it up to date, Wang said. The initiatives are younger because they are born in the age of globalization.,Belt and Road,Belt and Road,SYMPHONY FOR ALL 共奏交响乐章 “If I may use a musical metaphor, the initiatives are not Chinas solo, but a symphony performed by all relevant countries,“ Foreign Minister Wang Yi said. The Belt and Road initiatives are a testament to joint efforts by countries involved to overcome funding shortage


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