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1、whatwilltheweathebelike教学设计 作者: 日期:2 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Unit 9 What will the weather be like? 一、概述这是小学五年级开心学英语第六册第九单元,本课时主要复习单词:sunny, hot, windy, cold, cool, cloudy, warm, rainy and snowy.及句型Whats the weather like today? Its . 并学习新句型What will the weather be like tomorrow in ? It will be .通过口头训练,让学生巩固学习有关

2、的单词,会听、说、读、写、拼单词,能在实际生活中使用有关句子。二、教学目标分析知识目标:1、 Enable the children to master the words:sunny, hot, windy, cold, cool, cloudy, warm, rainy and snowy2、 sentences : Whats the weather like today? Its . / What will the weather be like tomorrow in ? It will be能力目标:3、To improve the childrens ability of com

3、munication.情感目标: 4、To cultivate the childrens interest in English.三、学习者特征分析1、我选择的是五年级的学生,他们是11-12岁的儿童,思维活跃,课堂上喜欢表现自己,对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣2、学生能结合形容词性的变化进行对生词的记忆 3、学生能根据课文对话结合生活实际进行简单的交流 4、学生有一定的阅读速度,大多数学生能够在规定时间内完成拓展阅读要求。5、学生对学过的天气单词有了一定的掌握,但对新句型What will the weather belike?不掌握。四、教学策略选择与设计1、以问题解决为主的教学策略:a学生通过

4、朗读课文对话自己提出问题:(1)what will the weather be like tomorrow?(2)what will the weather be like the day after tomorrow?(3)when will the rain stop ?(4)what will they have tomorrow?2、愉快教学法:教师在教学中,应使整个教学都弥漫着一种和谐、融洽、振奋、饱满的情绪气氛。同时,在教学时,使学生进入语境,创造情景,帮助学生通过英语直接理解教学内容意思,养成用英语思维的习惯。其次,在教学过程中,安排一些兴趣活动。如:唱歌、游戏、饶口令等。运用

5、这些灵活的教学方法,让学生在“乐中学”又在“学中乐”。在我们的日常生活中,成功与快乐总是相伴而行的。那么,教师在教育中就应该运用好表现成功快乐三步曲方法,尤其对后进生,要多给予肯定评价。3、演示法:演示可以使学生获得丰富的感性材料,加深对事物的印象,特别是教学一些字母、单词时,利用实物、图片、表情动作等创设大量的视觉情景,对儿童反复进行大量的可理解性语言输入,进行反复多遍的听说活动。丰富学生的感性认识,增强演示效果,而尽可能快的使学生的认识上升到理性阶段,形成理性阶段,形成概念,掌握事物的本质。例如:sun ,wind ,rain, snow,在新授课what will the weather

6、 be like?可以直接利用图片进行对话,并且鼓励每一个孩子积极参加到学习中去,要以满腔的热情去对待每一个孩子,对他们学习中的每一个进步及时给予肯定、表扬、奖励等,让所有的学生在对自身学习的满足中提高学习的积极性。五、教学资源与工具设计Some pictures, some word cards , four“ little reporter cards ”, some envelopes,一幅天气报告图, tape , tape recorder ,etc. 六、教学过程Warm up 1、 Introduction and greetings:Warmly greet the child

7、ren with“Hello” and “Hi”.Shake hands with the children close to the teacher and wave to those further away. Tell the children the teachers name in English.T: Hi!/ Hello! How are you?Whats you favorite animal? Whats the weather like today?S1: Hi!/ Hello! I am fine. Its dog. Its sunny. 2、 Activity:Pla

8、y a game.(Right or wrong)(Use to be review the words and cultivate childrens interest.)The teacher points to the pictures and says the words, if the teacher says the words right, the students should stand up and say the words loudly, but if the teacher says the words wrong, the students should sit d

9、own and keep silent.T: Rainy (Poniting to the picture “rainy”)S: Rainy.( Stand up)T: Sunny (Poniting to the picture “cloudy”) S: (Sit down and keep silent.)(Give some stickers to the students who had done a good job in the game and give the group one point in the same time.)Presentation1、Review the

10、sentence pattern “Whats the weather like today? Its .”(1)Make a morning report.(Raise students interest and review the sentence pattern.)T: Whats the weather like today?S1:Its sunny and hot. Everyone is here. Everyone is fine.T: Yes, its sunny and hot today.Repeat the sentences and then write down t

11、he sentences on the Bb.a、 Whats the weather like today? (Present the important points.)b、 Its sunny and hot .(2)Read the sentences after the teacher.(3)Look outside and answer my question.(The Ss can answer my question.)T: Now look outside, whats the weather like today? (真正让学生在现实生活中灵活使用这些句型。)Ss: Its

12、 sunny and hot. (4)Practice in pairs. (学生积极练习,学习气氛浓。)2、 Listen to a weather report and answer the questions.T:Its sunny and hot today. But do you know the weather of tomorrow. Lets listen to the weather report. (Play the tape.)T: Can you remember? What will the weather be like tomorrow in Guangzhou?

13、S1: Its cloudy.T: Good! It will be cloudy.(Repeat the sentence and write down on the blackboard.) a、What will the weather be like tomorrow in ? b、It will be .3、 Play a guessing game to show out all of the weather of the cities.T: You cant remember all of the weather of the cities. It doesnt matter.

14、Lets play game. After that, you will know all of the weather.(Use the bags and word cards.)(1) Make an example.T: What will the weather be like tomorrow in Hangzhou?S1: It will be sunny.T: No.S2: It will be rainy.(2) Let the students to play. (The teacher gives the points)S1: What will the weather be like tomorrow in Hangzhou?S2: It will be sunny.S1: No.S3: It will be rainy. DrillChant1、 Introduce the chant to the students.2、 Say the chant once to let students familiarize themselves with rhythm and the words.3、 Teach the children the chant line by line.4、 Repeat the chant 2 or 3 times. 5


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