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1、大学英语复习思考题Part I. Reading Comprehension题目答案及解析Canals existed in Egypt thousands of years ago. The great canal at Babylon was built about 2000 B. C. The Grand Canal of China, which is over 900 miles long, was begun about 2500 years ago, and took centuries to finish. During the seventeenth century, Fra

2、nce built many canals that are still in use today. However, they are not so heavily traveled as they were a hundred years ago, before railways were built. One such canal is a short-cut between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean. Canals in Germany permit boats to go from the Black Sea to the No

3、rth Sea. The Kiel Canal provides a passage way between the North Sea and the Baltic. In America, the Great Lakes are all connected by canals, enabling ships to go from the Atlantic Ocean and the St. Lawrence River to Lake Superior. It is impossible to answer the question, “Who built the first canal?

4、” Perhaps some people long ago, living in a dry country, discovered that they could dig ditches to irrigate their fields with river water. And, naturally, in the days when boats were the most important means of transport, canals were the easiest means of reaching a place that was not on a river. A c

5、anal joining two rivers proved both easy and time-saving for boat travel. Today, most countries is the world have canals, even in the twentieth century, goods can move more cheaply by boat than by any other means of transport. Some canals, such as the Suez or the panama, save ships weeks of time by

6、making their voyage a thousand miles shorter. Other canals permit boats to reach cities that are not located on the coast. Still other canals drain lands where there is too much water, help to irrigate fields where there is not enough water, and furnish water power for factories and mills. 1.Which o

7、f the following pairs of places has not yet been connected by canal? A. The North Sea and the Black Sea. B. The Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. C. The North Sea and the Baltic. D. The Black Sea and the Baltic. 2. According to this passage, canals in Europe were built primarily for _. A. tr

8、ansportB. irrigationC. drainageD. electricity3. It is implied in the passage that the first canal was probably built _. A. in China B. about 2000 B. C. C. for irrigationD. for boat travel4. Which of the following statements is not true according to this passage? A. Boats travel faster in the canal t

9、han in the river. B. Canals make the voyage of ships shorter. C. Canals are still used for the delivery of goods. D. Canals provide a means of cheap transportation even today. 5. The main purpose of the author in writing this passage is most probably to _ A. discuss the development of canals in the

10、worldB. introduce the history of important canals in the worldC. illustrate the usefulness of canals D. suggest the necessity to make better use of canalsDACACIn 1933 little had changed in the everyday lives of the vast majority of rural Tennessee Valley people since the turn of the century. Electri

11、city was known on only three farms in a hundred light came from a kerosene (煤油) lamp, refrigeration from a cool spring or cellar, and heat from a fireplace or wood-burning stove.The simple act of getting water required back-breaking labor. The family with a good spring near the back door was fortuna

12、te indeed. Hand-dug wells provided water for many families. Buckets or tubes had to be lowered to the bottom of the well, 30, 40, or 50 feet down, and the water pulled to the surface by rope. Monday was washday, and a busy day it was. Gallons of water had to be carried from the closest source, often

13、 a nearby stream. Fire was mad e under a cast-iron pot to boil the clothes, which were then scrubbed and rinsed by hand before being hung out to dry. The warm, soapy water left over was used to wash the spring house, outdoor toilet, animal quarters, or anything else needing a good cleaning. The rins

14、e water was used on the flowers. Nothing so hard obtained was wasted.Every member of the family, young and old, had work to do. Women were responsible for most of the chores around the house. During peak planting and harvesting seasons, they also joined their husbands and sons in the fields. The wel

15、l-off and the poor shared in common many of the same chores.1. According to the passage, only three percent of families had _.A. running waterB. refrigeratorsC. electric lampsD. bathrooms2. For many families getting water was _.A. helped by government aidB. a hard jobC. easy because water was always

16、 close byD. helped by the building of a new water system3. The rinse water form the washing of clothes was used on _.A. gardeningB. the toiletC. floorsD. automobile4. Women were responsible for _.A. the work in the fields during busy seasonsB. most of housework during harvesting seasonsC. both house work and farming during busy seaso



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