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1、 w 4 3 - - 4 - - - - Bear - inggiftswetrav-ersea - far.Fieldand foun-tain,moorandmoun-tain,Fol - low - ingyon-derstar. We Three Kings Level Two Moderately John H. Hopkins Arr: Gilbert DeBenedetti More FREE music at: www.pitt.edu/deben O Slower Starof A Tempo won-der We Threee Kings, page 2 starofnig

2、ht, Starofroy-albeau-tybright,West - wardlead-ing stillpro- 2. Born a King on Bethlehem plain, Gold I bring to crown Him again, King forever ceasing never, Over us all to reign. O, Star of wonder etc. ced-ing,Guideus 4. Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume Breathes a life of gathering gloom, Sorrowing,

3、 sighing, bleeding, dying, Sealed in the stone cold tomb. O, Star of wonder etc. tothy 3. Frankincense to offer have I; Incense owns a deity nigh. Prayer and praising, all men raising, Worship him, God most high. O, Star of wonder etc. per-fect Dal Segno light. Mexican Hat Dance Level 2 Vigorously A

4、rr: Gilbert DeBenedetti DC al Fine Fine More FREE music! www.pitt.edu/deben Letearthre - 6 ceiveherKing!Letev-eryheartpre - 11 pareHimroom,andheavn and na-turesing,andheavn and na-ture 16 sing,andheavn,andheavnandna-turesing! Joy to the World Level Two Majestically G. F. Handel Arr: Gilbert DeBenede

5、tti More FREE music at www.pitt.edu/deben & ? # # 4 3 4 3 j 1 All Che va ye 1 3 5 liers knights de of la the ta round ble 3 5 ron ta de, ble, go taste tons and j voir see si if le the vin wine est is 2 5 1 2 - - - & ? # # 4 2 4 2 bon. good. 4 Go Taste tons and 3 voir, see, oui, yes, oui, yes, 1 5 ou

6、i, yes, go taste tons and 4 2 voir, see, non, no, non, no, - & ? # # 4 3 4 3 4 2 4 2 non, no, go taste tons and 1 4 voir see si if le the vin wine est is . . 2 4 bon. good. Go Taste tons and 3 voir, see, oui, yes, oui, yes, - & ? # # 4 3 4 3 oui, yes, go taste tons and 4 2 voir, see, non, no, non, n

7、o, non, no, go taste tons and 3 1 4 voir see si if le the vin wine est is . . 1 bon. good. - Chevaliers de la Table Ronde Ye Knights of the Round Table Niveau Deux/Level Two Joyeux Arr: Gilbert DeBenedetti Encore des partitions GRATUITES www.gmajormusictheory.org & ? b b c c Zwy Wy cie cho zca dzi s

8、mie zgro rci, bu 5 1 3 4 pie dnia kla trze i cie sza go ta zrana. na 2 4 - - - - - - - - - - - & ? b b 3 Narodniewierny 3 trwozysie,przestrasza 5 1 4 1 - & ? b b 5 nacudJonasza. 13 121 Alleluja! 5 - Zwyciezca smierci The Resurrection Polish traditional religious song arr. Karolina Szurek K.Sz. More

9、sheet music at: www.gmajormusictheory.org Whose Oh! broad say, stripes can and you bright By through the the see, stars, dawns pe - ear - ri - ly lous light, fight. What Oer so the 6 proud- ram - ly parts we we hailed watched at were the so twi - gal - lights lant - last ly gleam- stream - ing? ing?

10、 The Star-Spangled Banner Level 2 Francis Scott Key Arr: Gilbert DeBenedetti With pride John Stafford Smith More FREE music at: www.pitt.edu/deben 10 Andtherock - etsredglare,the bombsburst-inginair,Gave 15 prooftothenightthatourflagwasstillthere,-Oh 19 say,doesthatStar - Span - gledBan - neryet Slower waveOerthe 23 landofthefreeandthe rit. homeofthebrave!



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