作为国际通用语的英语(english as an international lingua franca)

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作为国际通用语的英语(english as an international lingua franca)_第1页
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作为国际通用语的英语(english as an international lingua franca)_第2页
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作为国际通用语的英语(english as an international lingua franca)_第3页
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作为国际通用语的英语(english as an international lingua franca)_第4页
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作为国际通用语的英语(english as an international lingua franca)_第5页
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《作为国际通用语的英语(english as an international lingua franca)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《作为国际通用语的英语(english as an international lingua franca)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、作为国际通用语的英语(English as an international lingua franca)English as an international lingua francaEnglish is becoming the first universal language in the world. Its the mother tongue of about four hundred million people in twelve countries. This is far less than the more than 800000000 Chinese speaking

2、Mandarin chinese. However, another four hundred million people use English as a second language. And there are hundreds of millions of people who know a little English, because English has an official or semi official language in about sixty countries. Although the number of speakers of various Chin

3、ese dialects may be as large as that of English speakers, English is undoubtedly more widely used in geographical distribution.Today, around one billion people speak English around the world. By 2000, this number is likely to exceed one billion and five hundred million.English is the most widely use

4、d language, but English is not a substitute for some other languages, but a complement to these languages.Two hundred and fifty million Chinese - more than the total number of Americans - learning english;In eighty-nine countries, English or peoples second language is commonly used; or it is widely

5、studied;In France, all of the national secondary schools require students to study English or German for four years, most of them - at least eighty-five percent of the students - choose english.In Japan, middle school students must study English for six years before they graduate.The media and trans

6、portEnglish is very popular in the transportation and media circles. The lingua franca of travel and communication in international radio waves is english. At all international airports, pilots and air traffic controllers speak english. Maritime traffic uses flags and light signals, but if the ships

7、 need language to communicate, they will find a common language, English is very likely.The worlds five largest broadcasting companies - the United States Cbs Broadcasting Inc, NBC, American Broadcasting Company, Broadcasting British Corporation and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation by up to dat

8、e in English about three hundred million listeners to broadcast English or the language of satellite tv.In the information ageThe language in the information age is english.Most of the conversations between computers are in english. The world of the computer has more than 100000000 units, more than

9、eighty percent of the information is stored in English.Eighty-five percent of international telephone conversations are carried out in English; similarly, 3/4 of the worlds mail, telex and telegraph are also used in english. The computer program instructions and the software itself are often written

10、 in english.German was once the language of science, and today more than eighty percent of scientific papers are published in English first. More than half of the worlds scientific journals use English, and English is the common language in the field of medicine, electronics and aviationDelta Intern

11、ational BusinessEnglish is the language used in international business activities. If Japanese traders reached a deal somewhere in Europe, the negotiations would probably happen in english.The product is marked in English as usual: Made in China instead of made in China. English is the preferred lan

12、guage for multinational companies. Japanese Daihatsu Motor Co and NISSAN motor company use English to write an international memorandum. As early as 1985, eighty percent of Mitsui Corp employees in Japan were able to speak, read and write in english. Toyota Auto Body Co set up full-time English lear

13、ning courses for employees.A foreignEnglish is replacing all the languages that dominate Europe for the last few hundred years. English has replaced the French foreign language status; English has not only become a UNESCO, NATO, and the official languages of the United Nations, but also has become t

14、he official language of international aid agencies to save the children organization.A languageEnglish is spoken as a lingua franca in a country where many languages are mixed. India nearly two hundred different languages; only thirty percent of the people to use the official language hindi.Although

15、 English is a foreign language for six member countries, the European Free Trade Association uses English only at work.The official languageEnglish is the official language or semi official language of twenty African countries, including Sierra Leone, Garner, Nigeria, Liberia and South africa. Many

16、universities there use English to teach students.English is also the official language used in the Olympic Games and Miss World pageant.A youth cultureEnglish is the lingua franca of International Youth culture. Young people around the world sing the lyrics of the songs of U2, Michael Jackson and Madonna, but they dont fully understand what theyre singing. Words like bre



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