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1、河北大学 硕士学位论文 动物源性食品中类固醇激素残留的检测方法研究 姓名:康占省 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:分析化学 指导教师:孙汉文 2011-06 摘 要 I 摘 要 动物源性食品中激素残留的分析检测,对于保障食品安全,维护消费者的健康具有 重要意义。本文旨在运用凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)实现目标化合物和高分子干扰物的有效分 离,提高提取效率,并建立气相色谱-质谱法、液相色谱-串联质谱法分离和测定动物源 性食品中多种激素残留。全文分为如下四个部分: 第一章:简述类固醇激素的基本知识,综述近年来样品前处理技术及分离分析方法 研究现状。 第二章:建立了凝胶渗透色谱分离固相萃取净化超快速液相色谱串联

2、质谱 (GPC-SPE-RRLC-MS/MS)测定牛肉中 9 种类固醇激素残留的方法。试样经酶解,提取, 净化和浓缩后,经 Agilent Plus C18 柱分离以 MS/MS 多反应监测扫描模式检测。本方法 已成功应用于高脂肪和基质复杂样品中 9 种类固醇激素残留的检测。 第三章:建立了奶粉中糖皮质激素类药物残留的凝胶净化色谱-超快速液相色谱-串 联质谱(GPC-RRLC-MS/MS)的分析方法,成功实现了5种糖皮质激素的基线分离。方法定 量限为0.20.5 g/kg, 低于由欧盟制定的食品中糖皮质激素最高残留限量。 该方法快速、 准确、特异性好,可实现样本灵敏、准确的定性定量分析。 第四

3、章:建立了婴幼儿配方奶粉中 6 种雌激素的气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)分析新方 法。样品经酶解、提取衍生化后,经 HP-5MS 弱极性色谱柱分离,以质谱检测器在 SIM 模式下进行定性分析和定量检测。通过优化升温程序,实现了雌二醇的两种同分异构体 的有效分离。校准曲线呈现良好的线性,相关系数(r)大于 0.999。该方法已成功应用于 婴幼儿配方奶粉中 6 种雌激素残留的定性和定量检测。 关键词 固相萃取 凝胶渗透色谱 超快速液相色谱一串联质谱 气相色谱一质谱 类固醇激素 糖皮质激素 雌激素 Abstract II Abstract The analysis and detection of h

4、ormones residues in animal-derived food is very important for assure food safety and safeguard the consumers health. This paper aims at using GPC to achieve the effective separation of target compounds from fat molecule, and increase extraction ,then establishing new methods for the determination of

5、 hormones residues in animal-derived food by gas chromatographymass spectrometry or liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry. It includes four chapters as follows: Chapter1: The common knowledge of steroid hormones was summarized briefly. Besides, the sample pretreatment technique and the resea

6、rch status of compartment analysis methods in recent years were reviewed. Chapter2: A gel permeation chromatography solid phase extractionrapid resolution liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry (GPCSPERRLCMS/MS ) method was developed for the determination of 9 steroid hormones in beef tissue.

7、 The beef samples were enzymatically digested, then extracted and cleaned-up. After C18 RRLC gradient elution separation, the eluents were qualitatively and quantitatively determined under multi-reaction monitoring (MRM) scan type with tandem mass analyzer. The experimental results showed this metho

8、d is sensitive, and accurate. The proposed method was used for the determination of 9 steroid hormones residues in high-fat and complex sample. Chapter3: A new method was developed for the determination of glucocortiooid residues in milk powder by gel permeation chromatographyliquid chromatographyta

9、ndem mass spectrometry (GPCRRLCMS/MS).Baseline separation for the five glucocortiooids was achieved. The limit of quantification (LOQ) of the RRLC/MS/MS method used for testing five glucocortiooids in milk powder was in the range from 0.2 to 0.5 g/kg, which were lower than MRL established by Europea

10、n Union for glucocortiooids in foods. The real sample test showed that this method is sensitive and accurate. It can be used for qualitatively and quantitatively determination of studied glucocortiooid residues in milk powder samples. Chapter4: A new method had been developed for effective separatio

11、n and simultaneous Abstract III determination of six estrogen residues in infant formula by gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GCMS). The infant formula samples were enzymatically digested, then extracted and derivated. After HP-5MS chromatographic column separation, the eluents were detected qual

12、itatively and quantitatively under SIM scan type with mass analyzer.The baseline separation of two isomers (17-estradiol hemihydrate and 17-estradiol hemihydrate) of estradiol was achieved by optimizing the heating process. The calibration curves showed good linearity with correlation coefficient (r

13、) of 0.999. This method had been successfully used for the qualitatively and quantitatively determination of the six estrogen residues in infant formula. Keywords: solid phase extraction gel permeation chromatography rapid resolution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry gas chromatography-

14、 mass spectrometry steroid hormones glucocortiooids estrogens 第 1 章 概 述 1 第1章 概 述 1.1 类固醇激素概述 类固醇激素具有强且持久的蛋白同化作用,可以促进动物超常态生长,大幅提高动 物养殖经济效益,在养殖业中被大量使用。滥用该类激素会造成其在动物组织中不同程 度的残留,导致机体代谢紊乱、发育异常或潜在致癌、致畸风险。 糖皮质激素为类固醇激素中的一类。在医学上可用于治疗过敏、哮喘等疾病。合成 糖皮质激素如倍他米松、地塞米松等,具有很强的抗炎作用1。在兽医中被广泛用于治 疗呼吸道、胃肠疾病等。这些药物在人体机能内能产生

15、毒副作用。欧盟通过欧洲共同体 委员会指令 96/22/EC禁止其违法用为促生长剂2。 雌激素是由卵巢分泌的一类类固醇激素。 雌激素通过食物链进入人体后会扰乱体内 激素平衡,影响生殖系统、神经系统,诱发乳腺癌、卵巢癌等疾病3,4。1996 年欧盟明 令禁止使用具有促生长作用的激素2,5。 中华人民共和国农业部公告第 235 号也规定 了已烯雌酚及其盐为禁用药物。 畜牧业中滥用激素问题已经成为国内外关注的焦点问题。因此,世界各国对类固醇 类激素采取禁用或限量使用5,6。 但是, 食品中微量类固醇激素残留问题依然存在, 我国 在监测和抽查中多次在动物源性食品中检出违禁激素类药物残留, 出口食品屡发贸

16、易壁 垒事件。因此,开发具有高灵敏度、高选择性的激素残留检测技术, 对保证食品安全具 有重要意义。 1.2 类固醇激素类药物残留样品前处理 1.2.1 样品的提取和净化 对动物源性样品的前处理大多采用液-液提取和固相萃取方式7-9。牛奶或牛肉中糖 皮质激素残留用到固相萃取10-13和固相微萃取14。 已有报道加速溶剂萃取用于牛肝中皮 质类固醇残留15, 基质固相分散用于牛乳中地塞米松和泼尼松龙残留分析16。 但是其对 类固醇等脂溶性较强目标物提取效率低、脂肪基质的净化困难,影响重现性和准确度, 存在回收率低与检测能力偏低等问题。 类固醇激素在动物体内以原型药物残留为主, 还有一部分以结合形式存在, 如葡 萄糖醛酸甙、硫酸酯等。酶解可促进水解成游离组分,降低提取过程中雌激素的损失。 河北大学理学硕士毕业论文 报道的很多方法在提取前对样品进行酶解10,11,17,18,但缺点在于样品制备耗时,不能广 泛用于日常检验。 1.2.2 凝胶渗透色谱(GPC) 凝胶渗透色谱(GP



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