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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas ? Section A 目标疑难点解析1. hamburger n. 汉堡包 ham (火腿) + burger(汉堡)-hamburger 复数:hamburgers3.salad Un. 沙拉 fruit salad水果沙拉 chicken salad 鸡肉沙拉 vegetable salad 蔬菜沙拉 salad oil 色拉油4. strawberry n. 草莓 复数:strawberries 5. milk Un. 牛奶 bread Un. 面包 a cup / glass of milk一杯牛奶 some milk一些牛奶 a

2、 piece of bread 一片面包 some bread一些面包eg. -“Would you like some _?” No,thanks. Im not hungry (饥饿) at all. A.watch B.books C.clothes D.breadThere isnt any _ in the fridge. We need to go shopping. A.oranges B. milk C. eggs D. apple6. 你喜欢.吗?Do you like + Cn.复 / Un.? Do you like bananas ? Do you like salad

3、 ? like 的一般疑问句:Do + 主语+ like.? Yes,主语+do. No, 主语+ dont. 主语为三单: Does + 主语+ like.? Yes,主语+does. No, 主语+ doesnt. like 的陈述句:主语+ like. 主语+dont like. 主语为三单: 主语+ likes. 主语+doesnt like. like sth. like 后接可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词,表示喜欢某物。 They like apples. He likes salad. like doing 喜欢做某事(表示喜欢、爱好、习惯性的活动)eg. I like watc

4、hing TV. He likes playing basketball. like to do sth. 喜欢去做某事(表示喜欢、爱好某种具体的、一次性的活动)eg. He likes swimming and he likes to go swimming this weekend. like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事 eg. I like my daughter to play the piano. like n. dislike n. Talk about your likes and dislikes.谈谈你的好恶。 like prep. “像.一样” She l

5、ooks like her father. like.very much = love very much “非常喜欢” ,反义表达dont / doesnt like.at all = hate 有点喜欢:like a little 最喜欢: likebest / mostMy mom likes salad very much. The children dont like carrots at all. I like history now. She likes summer best /most.Eg :1.Do you like _(strawberry )?2. I like _(

6、go) shopping. What about you ?3.Li Li likes _( eat ) fruit.4. He likes _shopping on weekends. A.go Bgoes C.going 5. I like _ ( he )and _ ( he )likes _. ( I )6. I like_ ping-pong, but this afternoon I like _(play ) basketball.7. Do you like_? A.apple B.bread C.pear D.egg8. He likes _. A. apples B.a w

7、ater C salad D vegetable9. My brother Tom_ apples or pears. A.dont like B.likes C.doesnt like D. like10. My sister_very much. A.like pears B.likes pears C.like pear D.likes pear11.The teacher asks him about his _ ( like ) and his dislikes.12.Tom looks _his father. ( prep. )13.Jims father likes him _

8、 ( study ) hard.14.吉姆非常喜欢英语。_1. Does your friend like salad ?-_. A. Yes, she like B. No, she doesnt C. No, she does 2. Aunt Li likes _bananas. A. eat B. eating C. eats D. eatting3. Does Mary play sports in the morning ? Yes. She _sports very much. A. likes B. like C. doesnt like D. dont like4. -_the

9、y _English food ? Yes, they do. A.Do;like B.Are like C.Are ;liking5. Do you like eating _. A.salad B.chickens C.strawberry D.pear6. Cindy likes some _and _for lunch. A.chicken;strawberries B. chickens;strawberries C. chicken;strawberry D. chickens;strawberry7. We have some _in the fridge. A.banana B

10、.fish C.tomato D.vegetable8. Do you like_? No,I like rose,the color of your dress. A.orange B.oranges C.an orange9. Look! Some meat -_in the bag. Some vegetables _in the basket. A. are; is B,. is ;are C.are ; are D. is ; is 10. Do you like ice cream ? No,I dont like_. A.it B.they C.them D.its7. 可数名词

11、和不可数名词: 英语中的名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词,区别如下: 分类可数名词不可数名词定义表示可以计数的事物的名词表示不可以计数的事物的名词特点有单、复数形式a book ; some books没有复数形式,但有量的变化用法可加a / an 或数词修饰an apple ; three apples ; some apples 不能使用a / an 或数词直接修饰,表示量时,用“数词+量词+of +不可数名词“. a cup of tea;two cups of tea如:可数名词:I have an apple. He likes apples. 不可数名词: I like bread.

12、 There is a piece of bread. There are two pieces of bread. 已学的不可数名词有:ice cream salad milk bread food fruit rice tea 巧记:金gold木wood水water火fire土mud,米rice面flour茶tea肉meat布cloth,油oil盐salt糖sugar酒wine/beer醋vinegar,全都不可数。 修饰可数名词的词: many ; few ; a few ; some ; any ; a lot of / lots of ;修饰不可数名词的词:much ; little

13、 ; a little ; some ; any ; a lot of / lots of 即可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词的词:some ; any ; a lot of / lots of 有些名词既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词的词,但意义不同: chicken Cn.鸡 Un.鸡肉 fish Cn.鱼 Un.鱼肉 orange Cn.橘子 Un.桔汁room Cn 房间 Un空间 time Cn 次数 Un时间 不可数名词作主语谓语用单数。The salad is nice.1. Im thirsty, please give me_to drink. A.a tea B. a cup of tea C.a cup of teas 2. He eats _salad and _oranges. A.lots of; lots of B.many;many C.much; muah3. Mom bought_oranges for me,but



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