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1、MY LOVELY HOMETOWN A land with my deeply love,Guang xi,Class 1 Wei Yu,Guangxi is an autonomous place made particularly for Zhuang population. It is located in the western part of South China. The capital of this region is Nanning. This region consists of several beautiful mountains, hills and plains

2、. This place consists of many ethnic inhabitants. People in this place are very social and have a diversity of practices. It is one of the perfect holiday destinations.,autonomous 自治的,ethnic inhabitants 民族居民,destinations 目的地,Similarities:,Weather,Hot summer,No snow in winter,2. daily life,enjoyable,

3、colorful,Differences,scenery,Food,Fruits,Huangyao old town is located in the north east of Guangxi province, about 40 km from Hezhou city, and about 130 km from Yangshuo. There are few old towns like this in China now. It is over 1000 years old, with a history going back to the Song dynasty, develop

4、ed during the Ming Dynasty Go back to 追溯到,In fact in GuangXi, there are many feature villages just like huang yao.,In Guangxi.Some village havent enough flat farmland to grow crops.So,villager have to turn a hillside into a series of ascending terraces for farming. ,Crops 庄稼,Terraces 梯田,Long Sheng i

5、s famous for terraces,hill farmers usually grow rice on terraces.,Leveling hilly land into terraces, which slows the rate of water, allows more water to soak into the soil.,Soil 土壤 Soak 浸透,Now, terrace has become a unique landscape attracts tourists all over the world.,The scenery of Guilin has been

6、 called the finest under heaven.,Heaven 天堂,For its beauty, we just need to appreciate rather than speak.,Interestingly, the lijiang river s landscape as backs in RMB that cost 20 yuan .,Snail noodles,螺蛳粉,A bowl of noodles in a snail soup with chili and vegetables chili辣椒 Snail 螺蛳,Be different from S

7、nail noodles ,Gunlin noodles is famous for light and delicious. Light 清淡,桂林米粉,糯米鸡,Sticky rice in lotus leaf with chicken.,lotus leaf 荷叶,Sweet pig production process is complicated very much, in Guangxi, it is the highest level of food to meet and greet guests.,巴马香猪,Mango is one of the most famous fr

8、uit in Guangxi. Different from traditional mango. It has a green skin and juicy flesh. Juicy 多汁的 flesh 果肉,Every August,GuangXi will held a mango festival.In that time,pepole not only can taste fresh mangoes,but also can appraise and elect a mango that the biggest in all the mangoes.,In addition to mango, still have a lot of tropical fruits in GuangXi are very common things. Tropical 热带 In addition to 除之外,Welcome to visit Guangxi,The end Thanks,知识回顾Knowledge Review,


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