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1、南京财经大学 硕士学位论文 制造业升级中的FDI因素分析-基于江苏省的实证研究 姓名:黄君 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:西方经济学 指导教师:钱书法 2011-03-09 I 摘 要 改革开放以来,为振兴全省经济,江苏引入了大量的外商直接投资(FDI) , 其中,大部分流向了制造业,这使 FDI 不可避免地对江苏制造业发展与升级产 生了或正或负的影响。三十年过去了,FDI 是否促进了江苏经济发展与制造业升 级?在新的经济形势下如何积极合理地利用 FDI,推动制造业进一步升级,提高 资源配置效率,促进产业结构优化? 为了分析这些问题,本文以产业升级和外商直接投资的相关理论为基础,揭 示 FDI 作

2、用于产业升级的效应机制,分析 FDI 对制造业升级可能产生的正负面 影响,包括产业结构优化和效率提高两个方面。为探求 FDI 在江苏省制造业升 级中的作用,本文在分析江苏省制造业发展和利用外资的现状的基础上,进行了 两个层次的检验: (1)产业层次。利用分布滞后模型、单位根检验、协整检验以 及格兰杰因果检验,对制造业增长、重工业化发展、高新技术产业发展与 FDI 流入进行相关性分析,从结构优化角度检验 FDI 的作用; (2)企业层次。采用 数据包络分析法测算制造业内外资企业的生产效率、 全要素生产率的变动指标及 其分解情况;经直观比较后,检验 FDI 的行业内溢出与行业间溢出效应是否存 在、

3、对内资企业全要素生产率提高究竟产生何种影响。模型上将全要素生产率及 其分解指标与行业间和行业内溢出效应模型相结合,融入投入产出模型相关理 论,利用面板数据模型进行计量分析。 研究结果表明: (1)FDI 流入对江苏工业总产值的增长具有正向促进作用, 这种作用随投资年限增加逐渐衰减。 (2)FDI 促进了江苏重化工业和高新技术产 业的发展,推动了江苏制造业向重化工业、技术密集型产业发展。 (3)在 FDI 流入较多的行业,外资企业的生产效率与规模效率明显高于同行业的内资企业。 (4)FDI 的溢出效应表现在行业内溢出、前向关联溢出和后向关联溢出三个方 面,这三方面的溢出对内资企业全要素生产率增长

4、的作用不尽一致:行业内溢出 对内资企业全要素生产率的增长作用为负, 前向关联溢出则显著促进了内资企业 全要素生产率的增长,后向关联溢出的效果不显著。在对溢出效应表现消极的原 因进行分析后,本文针对利用 FDI 时存在的问题,提出提高研发水平、摆脱外 资过度依赖等促进“江苏制造”向“江苏创造”转型升级的应对之策。 关键词:外商直接投资 ;制造业升级 ;全要素生产率; 行业内溢出效应;前向关联溢出效应;后向关联溢出效应 II ABSTRACT Since initiating the reforms and open policy, Jiangsu attracted a large number

5、 of Foreign Direct Investment, which majority flew to manufacturing sector, to revitalizing the economy. FDI inevitably influenced the development and upgrading of manufacturing industry, negatively or positively. Thirty years have gone, does FDI promote the economy and upgrading of manufacturing? I

6、n the new economic situation, how to reasonably and effectively make use of FDI, to enhance the efficiency of resources allocation and productivity, to promote the optimization of industry structure, finally to upgrade the manufacturing industry? To analyze these, the dissertation is based on releva

7、nt theories of foreign direct investment and industrial upgrade. Then, it constructs a effect mechanism framework about how FDI influences the industry upgrade, analyzes the probably positive and negative effects on upgrading manufacturing industry, from the aspects of the industrial structure optim

8、ization and efficiency improvement. So we also take the empirical test in two levels to explore the effects FDI did in the upgrading of Jiangsu s manufacturing, based on the analysis of the development of it and the status of FDI. The first, using distribution lag model, unit root test co- integrati

9、on test and granger causality test, it checks the relationships between FDI and industry growth, heavy industrialization development, hi- tech industry development, analyzes from the structure optimization angle. The second, it estimates the productivity of domestic and foreign enterprises and their

10、 TFP indexes. Comparing them, then the article focus on whether there is FDI spillover effect in manufacturing industry and what effects on improving the TFP of domestic enterprises. The model combines the TFP and its indexes with the spillover effects of inter- industry and intra- industry, and int

11、egrates the theory of input- output model, does the econometric analysis on panel data model. The research shows as the follows. (1) FDI plays a positive role in promoting Jiangsu s industrial output growth, though the effect decreases every year. (2) FDI does good to develop the heavy industry and

12、hi- tech industry, pulls the optimization of industry structure. (3) The foreign enterprises in the industry which attracts more FDI perform better in productivity and scale efficiency than domestic enterprises. (4) The spillovers from FDI perform in three aspects such as the intra- industry spillov

13、ers, backward linkage spillovers and forward linkage spillovers. They do differently in the growth of the domestic enterprises TFP: The intra- industry spillovers are negative; III Forward linkage spillovers enhance the levels of total factor productivity, while backward linkage spillovers are not n

14、otable in improving it. After analyzing the reasons of the negative spillovers and the problems existing in using the FDI, the dissertation finally gives some suggestions to further upgrade the manufacturing industry from “ Made in Jiangsu” to “ Created in Jiangsu” , such as improving the level of r

15、esearch and avoiding the over- dependence on FDI. KEYWORDS: Foreign Direct Investment; Upgrade of Manufacturing Industry; Total Factor Productivity; Intra- industry Spillovers; Forward Linkage Spillovers; Backward Linkage Spillovers 学位论文独创性声明 本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。 论文中除 了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外, 不包含其他人

16、或其它机构已经发表或撰写过的 研究成果。 其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已在论文中作了明确的声明 并表示了谢意。 作者签名: 日期: 学位论文使用授权声明 本人完全了解南京财经大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权 保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部 分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存论文。保密的论文在解密后遵 守此规定。 作者签名: 导师签名: 日期: 南京财经大学硕士学位论文 1 第一章 绪论 1.1 研究背景与意义 新中国成立 60 年, 尤其是改革开放 30 年来, 江苏经济飞速发展, 其中工业, 或作为工业主要组成部分的制造业对江苏经济社会发展的支撑与拉动作用十分 突出。伴随着经济的加速发展,制造业内部结构逐渐升级:建国后的前 30 年, 江苏基本形成了以轻工、纺织、机械、电子为支柱的产业格局,到 1978 年,机 械、化学、纺织、食品四个行业产值占工业总产值的比重达到 73%;到上世纪 80 年代后期,机械、纺织、化工、食品、建材、冶金六大


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