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1、河南师大附中校本课程 高一英语Book 4 Unit 4 词汇导学案 韦玲兰 2015-06-08Book 4 Unit 4 Body LanguagePeriod 2 词汇导学案学习目标1. 掌握本课时出现的不带的新单词和短语在本单元中的用法。2. 理解并能够自主运用重要语言点,如represent, approach, defend. against, be likely to, in general, at ease, lose face, turn ones back to 等词汇的用法。3. 积累语言学习的技巧,形成适合自己的语言学习策略。预学任务单statement, greet,

2、 represent, association, dormitory, canteen, flight, curious, Colombia, approach, cheek, defend, major, misunderstand, dash, spoken, Spain, Italy, likely, crossroads, facial, function, truly, false, anger, fist, yawn, subjective, hug, rank defend.against, be likely to, in general, at ease, lose face

3、, turn one;s back to 导学方案一、 自主探究词汇1represent vtj. 代表;象征 教材原句Yesterday, another student and I, representing our universitys student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this years international students . 翻译: 昨天,我和另一个同学代表我们大学的学生会去首都国际机场迎接今年的国际学生。例句探源 The competition attracte

4、d over 500 players representing 8 different countries.这次比赛吸引了代表8个不同国家的500多名运动员。 In the western countries, “V” often represents victory.在西方国家, “V” 常常象征着胜利。归纳拓展represent vt.: stand for or be a symbol or an equivalent of sth/sb; symbolize 代表;象征 be an example of sth 是某物的一个例子representative n.C 代表,代理人 a l

5、ocal/ national representative 地方/全国代表 adj. 典型的;有代表性的 be representative of the people 代表人民即景活用1. Her greatest ambition was to represent her country at the Olympics. 她的最大愿望是代表自己的国家参加奥运会。2. Jay Chou is regarded as a representative of the youth of his generation.周杰伦被看作是他那一代年轻人的典型代表。3.He was only an athl

6、ete, but he C_ his own country. A. represent B. expressed C. represented D. Expected词汇2curious adj. 好奇的教材原句After half an hour of waiting for their fight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.翻译:等待了半个小时之后,我看到几个年轻人进入了等候区好奇的四处张望。 例句探源 He is such a curious

7、 boy, always asking questions.他这个孩子求知欲很高,总是爱提问。 I am curious about what happened.我很想知道发生了什么事。 It is curious that she left without saying goodbye.真奇怪,她不辞而别。 The letter wasnt addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity.那封信不是写给我的,然而我却出于好奇把它拆开了。归纳拓展be curious about .对.感到好奇be curious to do sth极想做某事I

8、t is curious that . .很反常from/ out of curiosity 出于好奇meet/ satisfy ones curiosity 满足某人的好奇with curiosity = curiously 好奇地 curiously adv. 好奇地 curiosity n. 好奇(心);求知心 即景活用语法填空People have always been curious _about_ how living things on the earth exactly began.词汇3approach vt. & vi. 接近;靠近 n. 接近;方法;途径教材原句Tony

9、 approached Julia, touching her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.翻译:托尼走近朱莉亚,摸了摸她的肩,并亲了她的脸。例句探源 As I was about to leave, a man who had been listening approached me and asked me to wait outside for a while.当我准备离开时,一位一直听我们谈话的人走近我,让我在外面一会儿。 The job market has changed and our approach to finding work

10、 must change as well.就业市场变了,我们找工作的途径也要改变。 All the approaches to the Palace were guarded by troops.通往宫殿的所有道路都有军队守卫。 She was then approaching the end of her career.那时她的职业生涯就要走到头了。归纳拓展approach 作动词 ( 时间、距离上)接近;靠近 to ask sb for something or ask them to do something, especially when you are asking them fo

11、r the first time or when you are not sure if they will do it. 接洽,要求 approach sb for sth为了.与某人接洽、交涉 approach sb about sth 就.事情与某人接洽 to deal with a situation (以某种方式或态度)对付、处理 approach a problem/matter处理问题/事情 作名词 C a method of doing sth or dealing with a problem方法,步骤 take/ adopt a different/ positive ap

12、proach to sth/doing sth采取不同的/积极 的方式 the approach of sth 某事的来临(临近) the approach of autumn 秋天的来临 C通路,入口 +to 辨析:approach,way,means,method (1) 表达“做.的方法”时各自的搭配分别是: the approach to (doing) sth the way to do/ of doing sth the means of (doing) sth the method of (doing) sth (2)与不同的介词搭配 with this method in th

13、is way by this means 即景活用英汉互译(1) Silently we approached the enemys camp. 我们静悄悄地逼近敌人的阵营。(2) The time is approaching when will have to leave. 我们要离开的时刻越来越近了。(3) They are trying to find a new approach to cancer treatment. 他们试图找到治疗癌症的方法。 单项选择(1) At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the stud

14、y of mathematics.A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways(2) According to a UN report, 30% of the world population have no _D to clean drinking water and health care. A.means B. approach C. channel D. access词汇4function vt. & vi. 起作用;运转 n. 作用;功能;职能教材原句The most universal facial expression is of course, the smile its function is to show happiness and put people at ease.翻译:微笑当


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