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1、湘潭大学 硕士学位论文 刑事审级制度研究 姓名:陈嘉伟 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:诉讼法学 指导教师:胡之芳 20080504 I 摘 要 审级制度是诉讼制度的重要组成部分,是法院制度的支柱性制度。作者以审级制度 的功能和价值为视角, 通过对国外审级制度的宏观考察和对我国审级制度运行现状的审 视, 就我国现行审级制度的改革提出了初步设想。 本文分为四部分, 约六万字 (含脚注) 。 第一部分为审级制度基本原理。作者首先对刑事审级制度的概念进行了界定,指出 刑事审级制度指一国法律所规定的刑事审判机关在纵向组织体系上的层次划分以及刑 事案件在经历几级法院审理后始发生裁判效力的诉讼制度。其次,对审级

2、制度的功能进 行了剖析。认为审级制度具有纠正裁判错误、统一法律适用、吸收当事人不满和程序制 约功能。最后,对审级制度蕴含的价值进行了分析。认为刑事审级制度内含公正和效率 二大价值。文章对这二大价值在刑事审级制度中是如何彰显作了阐释,并就如何协调这 二大价值间的冲突作了分析。 第二部分为域外刑事审级制度的考察。文章从审级制度的静态(法院的纵向设置) 和动态(主要是刑事上诉程序)两个方面考察了英、美、法、德四国的刑事审级制度, 总结并分析了英美和大陆法系审级制度的差异与共同之处。 作者认为西方各国以审判独 立为理念的法院设置制度、两审终审与三审终审相结合的多层次审级制度、由高审级法 院只针对法律适

3、用问题进行审查的制度很好的实现了审级制度诸功能和价值间的平衡, 适合现代司法的要求,值得我国借鉴。 第三部分为中国刑事审级制度的审视。 作者首先对中国审级制度的历史沿革进行了 考察。指出我国在清末改制至建国之初曾对审级制度的改革做过积极的探索,这一期间 确立过不同形式的多元化审级结构。其次,对我国为什么在建国后采用两审终审制的原 因作了分析。认为建国之后我国之所以最终确立两审终审制,有其特定的历史背景和成 因。再次,对我国现行的刑事审级制度进行了审视。作者从我国刑事再审的频繁启动为 切入点, 以审级制度的基本原理为考察基点对我国两审制审的刑事审级结构逐一进行问 诊,认为我国现行的两审终审制已经

4、走入困局,改革已刻不容缓。 第四部分为刑事审级制度的改革。文章主要从三个方面进行论述。首先,指出我国 刑事审级制度改革面临价值平衡和审判独立两大难题。其次,对我国学界审级制度改革 的争点进行了归纳和简单分析。作者在评析几种学说的基础上确立了自己的观点,认为 我国刑事审级制度建构的基本思路分为两个方面, 在法院纵向组织设置层面应以现行的 基本结构为支撑,在案件的动态运行上宜采两审制为主体、三审制为辅的多元化审级模 式。最后,对具体如何改革我国的刑事审级制度提出了初步设想。这是本文的落脚点, 也是其重心所在。 作者认为改革的步骤应该循序渐进: (1)对法院司法功能和审判管辖权进行重新定 位。三审制

5、下初审和上诉审法院间可以尝试进行事实审和法律审这样的职能分层,把高 II 级法院和最高法院的一审管辖权剥离出来并将基层法院和中级法院的一审管辖权予以 重新配置。 这样的重新定位将有助于高审级法院顺利完成上诉审程序的功能从而实现法 律的统一适用。 (2)完成多元制审级结构下上诉审程序的改造。上诉审程序在审级制度 中是很重要的一个部分, 因此对上诉审程序的改造成为刑事审级制度改革中非常重要的 一环。为此,作者主要从上诉案件的数量控制、上诉审的审理范围、上诉审的审判方式、 死刑案件的上诉审程序四个方面对刑事上诉审程序的改造进行了分析。 (3)做好刑事审 级制度的相关配套措施。刑事审级制度的改革是一个

6、系统的工程,其改革关联到法院制 度的方方面面,因此必须做好相关的制度配套。作者言及的配套措施是:建立司法经费 的全国统筹制度为审判独立支招,取消内部请示制度、改革法院审判委员会、完善错案 追究制度以还原上诉审程序的正常功能并为法官的个人独立扫除障碍, 改革刑事再审制 度使当事人(采广义)的救济回归到正常的审级制度之内,建立中国式的判例指导制度 为法官的办案提供知识积累并使法律的统一适用成为可能。 关键词:审级制度;法律审;三审制 III Abstract The trial level system is an important component of the litigation sys

7、tem that supports the court system. In view of the function and value of the trial level system, the author puts forward some preliminary suggestions on the reform of present trial level system of China after a macro-perspective on trial level system in foreign countries and an analysis into the sta

8、tus of the trial-level system in China. This paper consists of four parts, about 60,000 words. Part one is the basic theory of the trial level system. Firstly, the author defines the conception of the trial level system, pointing out that the criminal trial system is a litigation system which conclu

9、des the hierarchy division of criminal judicial organs in the vertical organizations in the law of the state and a judgment of a criminal case becoming effective after trial of several tiered court. Secondly, the author analyzes the functions of the trial-level system, insisting that the trial level

10、 system has the functions of correcting errors in judgments, unifying the application of law, absorbing the dissatisfaction of parties and procedural restriction. Finally, the author claims that the trial-level system contains the great values of fairness and efficiency. The article explains the dis

11、playing of these two values in the criminal trial system and analyses how to co-ordinate the conflicts between these two values. Part two is the research into extraterritorial criminal trial level system. This paper summarizes and analyses the differences and commonalities between the Anglo-American

12、 law system and civil law system by investigating the criminal trial-level system of four countries of Britain, the United States, France and Germany by analyzing the static (the vertical settings of courts)and dynamic (criminal appeals procedures mainly)characteristics of the trial-level system. Th

13、e author claims that the installation of the court system under the concept of judicial independence in Western countries, the multi-level trial system that combines two-tiered and three-tiered system and the system that superior court only reviews into the issues of legal application have all achie

14、ve balances between the values and the functions of the trial level system, all of which are accordance with the requirements of modern justice and worth our learning. Part three is the examination into Chinas criminal trial-level system. Firstly, the history of the trial-level system of China is st

15、udied ,the author points out that China has actively explored ways to reform the trial level system from the late-Qing Dynasty to the early days and has established different forms of diversified trial structure during the period. Secondly, the reason why New China adopts two-tiered system has been

16、analyzed, including the specific historical background and causes. Then, taking the frequent starting of the criminal retrial IV system as a starting point, the author examines the two-tiered system in the criminal trial structure one by one on the basis of fundamental principles of the trial-level system ,thinking that Chinas current two-tiered system is in dilemma and the reform brooks no delay. Part four, which discusses from three aspects, is the reform of the criminal trial level syst


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